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Posted: 01 Apr 2013, 12:55
by blackandgold65
Quite enjoyed it all in all, started off like a tame version of The Ring :wink: ....liked the concept of wifi providers taking your soul!!!! Steven Moffat is a good writer, he's capable of being quite dark etc. Liked the banter and chemistry between Clara and Dr Who....question is who gave Clara the Dr's number? Another River Song conundrum....

Posted: 07 Apr 2013, 16:15
by Pista
Well, last night's episode had all the elements of a xmas special didn't it?

Except for snow.

Was that pasta stuck on the the little girl's face?

Posted: 07 Apr 2013, 17:00
by lazarus corporation
Too much "I am the Doctor, I've suffered so much, nobody understands me..." - sounds like every angst-ridden teenager, bordering on Rick's Teen Anguish Poem:
oh god,
am I so much more sensitive than everybody else ?
do I feel things so much more acutely than them,
and understand so much more.
I bet I'm the first person who's ever felt as rotten as this...

Posted: 07 Apr 2013, 17:41
by DeWinter
lazarus corporation wrote:Too much "I am the Doctor, I've suffered so much, nobody understands me..." - sounds like every angst-ridden teenager, bordering on Rick's Teen Anguish Poem:
oh god,
am I so much more sensitive than everybody else ?
do I feel things so much more acutely than them,
and understand so much more.
I bet I'm the first person who's ever felt as rotten as this...
Have you ever had the misfortune to read Stevie Smith's "Croft"? It is worse than Rik's free-form poetry, yet gets in various books of classic English poetry.
"In the loft, Sits Croft; He is soft."
We had a field day at school coming out with our own versions after deriding it as crap. "On the loo. Sits Drew. Covered in poo.".

Posted: 07 Apr 2013, 17:43
by blackandgold65
yes....and was well... alright, liked these though, as for the future...bring on the Ice Warriors...


Posted: 14 Apr 2013, 13:53
by Pista
Well it was the Ice Warrior at last.
I did enjoy seeing an old monster returning though.
Not a bad episode right up until the last 30 seconds.
But at least we got the snow that was missing from last week's episode ;D

Posted: 14 Apr 2013, 16:42
by czuczu
It was better than last week but the writing and this new assistant are f**king awful :urff:

Posted: 14 Apr 2013, 19:07
by Pista
& not a soufflé in sight

Posted: 14 Apr 2013, 20:31
by stufarq
First one I've watched in a couple of years. Not as full of the smugness that finally drove me away but I won't be coming back to the fold on the strength of this. Another monster that looks more like an action figure and why are they so obsessed with taking old monsters and changing them before they've taken the time to introduce them to the new audience? Surely what we want from Ice Warriors is armoured reptiles lumbering about, not another of the Mill's shapeless CGI designs.

Posted: 15 Apr 2013, 09:04
by markfiend
I saw on twitter the other day: "Show everyone you're a Doctor Who fan by bitching about how much you hate Doctor Who."

Posted: 15 Apr 2013, 09:28
by czuczu
There's nothing wrong with middle-aged men picking holes in a kids programme :P

Posted: 15 Apr 2013, 11:07
by Pista

Posted: 15 Apr 2013, 22:36
by timsinister

I did think the Ice Warrior design was fairly accurate. But then what am I comparing it to - the Silurian redesign?


Posted: 16 Apr 2013, 18:53
by stufarq
timsinister wrote::lol:

I did think the Ice Warrior design was fairly accurate.
At least it's lost the pot belly the old ones had. And it doesn't have a giant bobble head. But I think making the scales so massive just makes it look like a doll rather than a real creature.

Posted: 16 Apr 2013, 18:55
by Pista
But wasn't that the armour?

Posted: 14 Jul 2014, 12:01
by Pista
Anyone seen the new trailer yet?

Posted: 14 Jul 2014, 20:36
by RockNRoll Mercenary
I loved the new trailer; dark, serious and what looks like good acting. All things the last serious missed with the hipster nature of it.

Posted: 16 Jul 2014, 01:41
by eastmidswhizzkid
i have high hopes for peter capaldi. he's a terrific actor and from the trailer he totally looks and sounds the part.
so far in the "new" series the doctor has only been played by younger actors -with the one-off exception of john hurt- and as i grew up on john pertwee and tom baker (eternally THE doctor) ii look forward to seeing an "older" doctor again.

Posted: 25 Aug 2014, 09:59
by Pista
So what did everyone think of the first Capaldi episode then?
I got terribly confused at first, but it looks like he'll be a pretty good Doctor.
A lot darker than what's gone before.
They have really turned Strax into a bit of a clown though.

Posted: 25 Aug 2014, 12:49
by markfiend
Kerry and I both enjoyed it.

Posted: 25 Aug 2014, 16:03
by RockNRoll Mercenary
I thought Capaldi was good and had interesting moments as The Doctor which should be explored further but the writing was terrible. I expect better from you Moffat!

Also Madam Vastra/Jenny/Strax are starting to p*ss me off.

Posted: 25 Aug 2014, 16:32
by Pista
Is it me or did Strax look like he's been to a tanning salon?

Posted: 25 Aug 2014, 20:14
by eastmidswhizzkid
i enjoyed it. the doctor is being played the way i thought he would be, though the scots accent was a surprise. liked the usual post-regeneration confusion being taken a bit further. vastra/jenny/strax are ok in small doses -nothing wrong with a bit of comic relief and still the only cross-species time-travelling lesbians on the telly. bit disappointed with the new tardis interior but daleks next episode? bring 'em on!

Posted: 26 Aug 2014, 15:07
by hellboy69
It was fun, me & Mrs Hellboy thought Capaldi gave it some much needed gravitas. Good to see the flirting thing addressed...although Moff diverted to plenty of lesbian flirting instead (getting tired of the horse-flogging of "we're married" though - we know, move on)

And i must admit i went a bit quiet during Jenny's modelling scene. Ahem.

I'm with the majority here re: strax. Or is it Jar-Jar Strax now?

Posted: 26 Aug 2014, 18:07
by Pista
hellboy69 wrote:Or is it Jar-Jar Strax now?