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Posted: 23 Apr 2004, 06:46
by Padstar
RicheyJames wrote:
Ed Rhombus wrote:Have they gone?
yes :|

and some of them won't be back 'til tuesday :(

and now i can't sleep....... :cry:
Come on Rich...... stiff upper lip m8!


Posted: 23 Apr 2004, 08:00
by hallucienate
loaded the bombers with napalm? fly over at 11PM?

Posted: 23 Apr 2004, 08:07
by Padstar
hallucienate wrote:loaded the bombers with napalm? fly over at 11PM?
Ill drive !!! :)


Posted: 23 Apr 2004, 08:11
by hallucienate
I'll handle the release switch!

Posted: 23 Apr 2004, 08:35
by Thrash Harry
RicheyJames wrote:and now i can't sleep
I prescribe Lord of the Rings Part 2.

Posted: 23 Apr 2004, 12:08
by Ed Rhombus
What in general or are you on a kickback?

Posted: 23 Apr 2004, 12:16
by Thrash Harry
Ed Rhombus wrote:kickback
... and relax ...

Posted: 23 Apr 2004, 16:50
by Purple Light
Sexygoth wrote:
Purple Light wrote:I might be going if my driving goff mate stops being so bleedin' depressed about everything.

Which weekend is it?
Get your ar*e there! It's a bloody good laugh! May even invite you to a mates beach party on the Monday night!!

BH and Dommie............You two staying for sexy sunday?
Very nice offer SG.
Unfortunately f**tball dictates this weekend for me so I can't make it!
I'll remember for next year.
Depressed driving goff mate has gone as well, he 'presumed' it'd be a f**tball weekend for me so he didn't even call! Tw@t.

Have fun everyone. :D

Posted: 24 Apr 2004, 19:33
by Padstar
Sooooo i wonder whats going on there tonight.

Collective noun for the event ????

an vogue of goths ???

he he...


Posted: 24 Apr 2004, 20:27
by Mrs. Snowey
I wonder if any of them will be brave enough to have a walk on that wooden pier whilst wearing pointy boots? :twisted:

I know the (local) guides on the tour Bus are quite scary:

"See them shops over there"

and that was it :eek:

Posted: 24 Apr 2004, 21:01
by hallucienate
Padstar wrote:Sooooo i wonder whats going on there tonight.

Collective noun for the event ????

an vogue of goths ???

he he...

a corner of goths.

Posted: 25 Apr 2004, 00:21
by RicheyJames
Padstar wrote:Sooooo i wonder whats going on there tonight?
i believe that tonight is the star turn: the m*****n. as any fule kno.
Collective noun for the event ????

an vogue of goths ???
a depression of goths surely?

Posted: 25 Apr 2004, 00:24
by paint it black
RicheyJames wrote: a depression of goths surely?
followed by a warm front next week :lol: :lol: :lol:

prefer clump of goths meself ;D

Posted: 25 Apr 2004, 00:25
by Thrash Harry
RicheyJames wrote:a depression of goths surely?
Or a giggle of Goths. Not that anyone else would get the joke, of course.

Posted: 26 Apr 2004, 20:16
by Padstar
Black Horizon wrote:WGW kicked ass, me and d00mw0lf had a great time, as did Sexygoth and Scardwel. All the bands were fantastic especially The Damned and The Mish. The Goths defeated Whitby Gazzette 1-0 in a great game of football. A great change to last year when Whitby Gazzette defeated The Goths 18 - 1. All in all, a great weekend. :D
My heads spinning!!!! Football with the Gazette!!!! blimey if only ide have known...

Perhaps next year...... NOT



Posted: 26 Apr 2004, 20:23
by paint it black
Black Horizon wrote:especially The Damned and The Mish.
well i look forward to watching the dvd's 8)

Posted: 27 Apr 2004, 12:04
by Thea
Black Horizon wrote:WGW kicked ass, me and d00mw0lf had a great time,
did i? :|

Posted: 27 Apr 2004, 12:37
by Ed Rhombus
Carrie and I popped up for one day.

After a 'who can drink the m*****n's rider' contest at Wolves, they put us on the guest list for Whitby.

I was somewhat under the weather all day, and too ill to talk. But hey ho!

Posted: 27 Apr 2004, 15:08
by Padstar
d00mw0lf wrote:
Black Horizon wrote:WGW kicked ass, me and d00mw0lf had a great time,
did i? :|

C'mon kids.... lets have a united front here !!!


Posted: 27 Apr 2004, 15:11
by Padstar
After all... what was there not to like other than the goffs, the football, the weather, the goffs and the goffs ;)


Posted: 27 Apr 2004, 15:13
by markfiend
Padstar wrote:the goffs... the goffs and the goffs
Methinks you do protest too much ;)

Posted: 27 Apr 2004, 16:08
by Thea
i would put up some photographic evidence of the weekend's activities - but for some reason i can't stay connected for more than 3 inutes at a time :( i've run all sorts of virus and spyware remover thingys - and then un-removed 'em and then removed 'em again - it's still not working :\

Posted: 27 Apr 2004, 17:10
by Padstar
d00mw0lf wrote:i would put up some photographic evidence of the weekend's activities - but for some reason i can't stay connected for more than 3 inutes at a time :( i've run all sorts of virus and spyware remover thingys - and then un-removed 'em and then removed 'em again - it's still not working :\
Nevermind ;)


Posted: 27 Apr 2004, 17:53
by Thea

Posted: 27 Apr 2004, 18:14
by Scardwel
d00my you little minx! :evil: