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Posted: 21 May 2004, 10:18
by Mrs RicheyJames
That's quite alright!! I'd like everyone to call SNAFS SNAFS!!!!!

Posted: 21 May 2004, 10:25
by mik
andymackem wrote:Locally the chippy round the corner does competent pies but has no understanding of gravy (southerners! :roll: ).
"Have you nothing moist?"

Posted: 21 May 2004, 11:13
by emilystrange
my local does excellent chips and gravy. the gravy contains beer, which is brewed on the premises, and wins awards. (the beer, not gravy.)

the pub also has football on regularly, huge portions of food, outside tables, and is only 4 mins walk away. its wonderful....

apropos of nothing...

Posted: 21 May 2004, 11:52
by Quiff Boy
it's been a while since we've had one of these, so heres a "¿"

i love 'em.


Re: apropos of nothing...

Posted: 21 May 2004, 11:54
by hallucienate
Quiff Boy wrote:it's been a while since we've had one of these, so heres a "¿"

i love 'em.

Agreed, they are sorely missed :|

Posted: 21 May 2004, 11:55
by Quiff Boy
Quiff Boy wrote:it's been a while since we've had one of these, so heres a "¿"

i love 'em.

and maybe a ¡ for good measure ;D

Re: apropos of nothing...

Posted: 21 May 2004, 11:56
by Quiff Boy
hallucienate wrote:
Quiff Boy wrote:it's been a while since we've had one of these, so heres a "¿"

i love 'em.

Agreed, they are sorely missed :|
yep, where is methy? and will it make a difference now that he's in the states and not in spain? :( :roll:

Re: apropos of nothing...

Posted: 21 May 2004, 11:58
by hallucienate
Quiff Boy wrote:
hallucienate wrote:
Quiff Boy wrote:it's been a while since we've had one of these, so heres a "¿"

i love 'em.

Agreed, they are sorely missed :|
yep, where is methy? and will it make a difference now that he's in the states and not in spain? :( :roll:
He's currently logged into MSN, but he's got an away icon. Last time I spoke to him was to remind him about the HL t-shirts.

Posted: 21 May 2004, 11:59
by hallucienate
as for the keyboards, that depends on wether he bought his laptop in Spain or the US. He was debating the pros and cons before he left.

Posted: 21 May 2004, 12:02
by Quiff Boy
he never did get in touch about a tee :(