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Posted: 12 Jun 2004, 22:39
by Andie
d00mw0lf wrote:oh dear...
it's always a shame when a respected poster like steve decides to leave a board, but i don't think it was meant to stir up this sort of mud-slinging.
i'm not looking to start a confrontation with anyone and i'm not gonna mention names, but it does seem like some people are just posting to get a rise out of others. And i hate it. it's annoying as hell to see one of your mates slagging off another of your mates.
let's all play nicely and leave personal attacks out of it.

:notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy:

if it was ever possible to do such a thing then the message boards would have died long long's sad that we resort to this...but it seems to be a fact of life...we can all hide behind a profile...and never feel afraid... sometimes only the lonely get hurt...and what do we care when they're not a part of our everyday real lives...

sorry for leading you on Stevo...

i'm just one of the fools .............

Posted: 12 Jun 2004, 22:41
by Thrash Harry
Disneyland anyone?

Posted: 12 Jun 2004, 22:51
by Carrie
Agreed Doomy - I think we're all mostly quite good at keeping our personal opinions of other forum members to ourselves ON THE WHOLE, though.

There's no love lost between me & Val/BP, f'rinstance...but that's mostly down to her behaviour elsewhere online - which is ancient history & for which she has in fairness apologised. I find the civilised solution is to ignore her posts (I don't like her, she doesn't like me: we're both grown women, what are we going to do, pull each others' hair out at the roots every time one of us posts on a public forum?) But really, if she must march in here & start ranting about SG's post - which wasn't actually addressed to her or concerning her - she can expect a degree of p*ss-taking...

Bet you a crispy new fiver she's back before next weekend, mind you... :twisted:

Posted: 12 Jun 2004, 23:03
by Baby
And I thought this was a nice place. Am I wrong... or what?

Posted: 12 Jun 2004, 23:04
by Baby
Well sorry, my step bro said it was a nice place...

Posted: 12 Jun 2004, 23:05
by Big Si
Baby wrote:And I thought this was a nice place. Am I wrong... or what?
Unfortunately, just like life, not everybody gets along with each other all the time :(

Posted: 12 Jun 2004, 23:21
by Carrie
Actually, I think this is as civilised a board as any...just that it's a big, busy forum, & there's really not THAT many people out there who give enough of a stuff about TSOM to be posting on a discussion forum at all...bound to occasionally be people on here who have a low opinion of each other. Hey ho.

Let's all do like Doomwolf said... :)

Posted: 12 Jun 2004, 23:40
by Thea
smiscandlon wrote: So, d00mw0lf, you must be the mature, sensible one round these parts then? :wink:
umm... yeah. thass right :roll:
Thrash Harry wrote:Disneyland anyone?
fantastic idea.
Burn wrote:if it was ever possible to do such a thing then the message boards would have died long long's sad that we resort to this...but it seems to be a fact of life...we can all hide behind a profile...and never feel afraid... sometimes only the lonely get hurt...and what do we care when they're not a part of our everyday real lives...
non neccesarily. the reason i like this place so much is the lack of confrontation (online anyway...). if i want drama i know plenty of forums to go to for it :roll:
Baby wrote:And I thought this was a nice place. Am I wrong... or what?
it is. really it is ;D

Posted: 12 Jun 2004, 23:44
by Padstar

ok, well, for those departed as far as the god squad are concerned you are welcome back as and when and sad to see you go.

For those who are still here i think its time for a few people to count to ten more often

To those who know im talking to them, any obviously provocotive posts using different user ids will be frowned upon most seriously.

Lastly, the thing that really makes me sad is how people on this list have slagged other members of in front of me personally. They either dont like their humour or think they are being picked on etc and when they meet they actually get on very well, some even become couples.

Go figure.


Posted: 12 Jun 2004, 23:53
by Andie
d00mw0lf wrote:not neccesarily. the reason i like this place so much is the lack of confrontation (online anyway...). if i want drama i know plenty of forums to go to for it :roll:
i totally agree with that view on heartland d00my...i may not have written it that way...i was trying to say sorry to Steve as well...but it's not like any of the animosity has been directed at i have no real complaints...but i do read the posts and i have to admit that some of the posters are trying to get a rise out of other posters...i can not understand why...nore do i wish to know either side of their stories...

like Paddy said...if only all of them could get over the bickering they may even end up liking eachother...

Posted: 13 Jun 2004, 00:12
by Carrie
I'd just lock the whole bloody topic if I were you Paddy...seems everyone's in agreement that personal differences should really be kept off this board, which in fairness has always generally been the case...

<zips own mouth securely anyway>

I just hope it wasn't me or Ed you were suggesting might be using different ids...he chucked me off the pc earlier to check the Rhombus messageboard, honest guv! Neither of us is in the habit of hiding behind pseudonyms... :roll:

Posted: 13 Jun 2004, 00:59
by Baby
Big Si wrote:
Baby wrote:And I thought this was a nice place. Am I wrong... or what?
Unfortunately, just like life, not everybody gets along with each other all the time :(
Yeah I know. The only thing me and my step bro agree on is ... TSOM.

But... oh well, he's a nice guy so is my step dad.

Posted: 13 Jun 2004, 10:24
by christophe
I don't think there is anything left to say, we all have our difrences and we problably even like the Sisters for different reasons. but thats wat makes this place come alive. so for Gods sake be who you are but think before you post.
if you don't agrea with someone els posts send them a Pm or try to give you're point of view instaid of insulting the other poster.

and now end this one.........


Posted: 13 Jun 2004, 12:27
by RicheyJames
i've never before felt the need to defend my actions and i'm not about to start now. i do, however, fell compelled to have my say...

although i post here regularly i do not do so as frequently as many. this is mostly because i hold my peace until i have something to say rather than waste quiffy's bandwidth on tedious inanities. the flipside of this is that when i do post it is usually in a considered and thought out manner. i post exactly what i want to say; nothing more, nothing less. i know a lot of you don't like me and, to be frank, i don't care. if i ever step out of line i expect to be slapped down by those in a position to do so. until that time comes either ignore me or join the game, the choice is yours.

there has been much said on this thread about people posting comments to deliberately provoke a reaction from other posters. hell, yeah! i always post with the aim of provoking a reaction. what's the point otherwise? i don't particularly want to read a series of posts which all say the same thing in a slightly different way. that way lies the death of the forum and so i won't apologise for stirring things up now and again.

a final thought for the day, i'm a member of the same forum as you. this may be all we have in common. don't expect me to share your world-view.

thanks for listening. you can all f**k off now...

Posted: 13 Jun 2004, 12:32
by ryan
My opinion:

just remember, its not real...its just data

if you cant handle it, the doors open

Posted: 13 Jun 2004, 12:45
by ryan
btw-- i have no idea why steve left...its a bit of a shame as i did enjoy reading his posts... but at least he gave it up with a statement rather then a certain band ;D

Posted: 13 Jun 2004, 13:17
by smiscandlon
@RicheyJames, the Bad Tempered Young Man.

:notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy:

All hail the master of polemics!

Posted: 13 Jun 2004, 17:23
by Thrash Harry
RicheyJames wrote:i do, however, fell compelled to have my say...

Posted: 13 Jun 2004, 21:43
by Lynchfanatic
Thrash Harry wrote:
RicheyJames wrote:i do, however, fell compelled to have my say...
He he, and he "picks" on me for my typos.. :wink:

Posted: 13 Jun 2004, 21:49
by Debaser
I've always wondered why people who dislike/hate a place so much have to TELL you they are going.....

Posted: 13 Jun 2004, 21:52
by Lynchfanatic
To be honest I was a little confused to what was a joke and not. But now it seems most was not a joke. Either way....

I think its sad that Steve is leaving, a nice guy. :wink:
And btw, Steve, your signature "Incoming!!" is that from the movie The Sure Thing by any chance? You are probaly bombed with pms thses days. But know that I have enjoyed talking with you, and I hope you will come back eventually.

Myself, I am not always here. But not because of the people. More that if I feel I dont have anything to add to the posts I rather dont. But at times I am bored, and sadly try to add to posts I dont have anything to do on..
But as long as I have a computer at my hands I will keep returning, and bore you sweet people.. :P

@BP you are not really leaving too, are you?

Posted: 13 Jun 2004, 23:23
by Baby
Oh my. I have lurked for ages.

Some of you are really out of line in my humble opinion. Some have been rather nasty..prompting Mr. Bux to come around.

Hmmm I asked before with an unsatisfactory reply. Is this a nice place? Or not?

Sorry, but I am not a fool and I am not going to waste my time where it's not welcome I always liked Miss Planets posts..seems to.


Oh well notbing ventured nothing lost. I thought she was nice but I may be biased... She and my step bro did a lot of cd mailings.

What's the deal here? Or should I just mail her as Thom is her friend?

Posted: 13 Jun 2004, 23:40
by Lynchfanatic
@Baby, you might have stepped in to the wrong post, to get a first impression of this place.

My oppinion is that this place is very nice, people who might understand you more than the people you are surrounded with in the normal days. It might have seen some mean words being said, but that is not often. It seems people get good friends from this place, and people to share different things with. I have found myself sharing things I might not normally share with my friends, in this place.

And as far as I have noticed, no one is quick on the judging trigger either. But then again, like I said, this might not be the correct post. I have actually not seen so many negative posts against members. But then again I have not been here for a while, something might have happened that I have missed.

If there is some one rude and just plain stupid folks that has shown up, they never last..

And there is usually always a post that will fit your mood, if your sad, happy or bored :wink:

Just for the record, no one here has ever ben mean to me. Even when I have been in cetrtain moods, and might have shared thing I should not. No one has looked down on me for that reason. Or atleast they have not said anything, just left it alone. Serious posts are usually being replied to seriously too.

This is one of the few places that makes me wanna come back and talk to the members. So stick arround Baby, it will blow over :wink:

Posted: 14 Jun 2004, 00:04
by Mrs RicheyJames
This thread really isn't worth my enegry............Think what you like folks!!

Posted: 14 Jun 2004, 11:49
by markfiend
If no-one minds me bunging in my £0.02: ;)

There is no-one on this board that I have taken an active dislike to. There are some people here who I have met in the "real" world and a lot more who I haven't, but I don't think there is anyone here that I couldn't sit down with, have a good chat, and be friendly with them.

Part of the enjoyment of a conversation in the "real" world involves banter and the trading of insults. If someone called me, oooh I don't know, "buttfuck" in a pub, I'd be able to tell whether it was jokingly or serious by tone of voice, facial expression, whatever.

Online, people don't have these extra clues and so may misinterpret things. Now personally, I don't give a flying fuck if someone swears at me online. Most of the time it's happened I can be 90% sure it's not meant seriously anyway. And even if it is, so what? It's only pixels on a screen.

I know that people have taken offence at things I've posted (both here and elsewhere) in the past; sometimes I look back and see, yes, I posted something that I shouldn't have, other times I look back and think, "take a fucking joke!"