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Posted: 09 Aug 2004, 21:11
by Almiche V
It's an education, but you can't teach it.


Just don't let it grind you down. And that's for all of us.


Re: Why are men so freaking fickle?

Posted: 11 Aug 2004, 01:14
by Andy TG
lucretia wrote:They expect you to be all mysterious but that's never good enough for
them. Once they find something that piques their interest, then they
want to know all about you … and if you don't give, they think you
are being mysterious deliberately and take that as a "come on",
whether you are or aren't. And they keep drilling away (metaphor of
choice) asking more and more questions, plumbing the depths (nutha
metaphor of choice) until you relent and give in and let them have
some information about yourself that is secret. So you start to
share stuff, you start to think you've made a connection. Something
happens, stuff starts getting honest, or so you think. Sexual
innuendos are made, fantasies are shared. Hurts are healed, comfort
given. And you, you stupid **** woman, start to think it's real.
He acts like he can't get enough of you. You become the object of his
fantasy and he becomes yours – even though you didn't ask for it at
the outset. Then suddenly, just when you think it will last forever,
Bam! No freaking warning. Everything stops. Ice and frozen spaces, no
more communication. From not being able to live without hearing from
you every single day, to silence. And what did you do, you poor
defenceless woman? Absolutely sweet **** all, as far as I can make
Again for me the roles are reversed and this situation is happening right now - and me and Mrs Goth were living together - not anymore

I know exactly all about "Frozen Spaces" - I feel a little better now - knowing I am not alone in feeling this low! :eek:

Posted: 11 Aug 2004, 01:20
by Andy TG
_emma_ wrote:it feels much better when you are the one who dumps, not the one who is dumped
A more true statement about the end of "Love" has never been said.

Theres always a Controller and a Controllee - yet the roles can reverse from minute to minute

Posted: 11 Aug 2004, 09:55
by Chairman Bux
Men can be fickle, women can be flighty. Twas ever thus, and ever thus shall be.


Posted: 11 Aug 2004, 14:20
by CorpPunk
AndyTheGoth wrote: Theres always a Controller and a Controllee - yet the roles can reverse from minute to minute
A friend of mine just said almost exactly the same thing. I think I agree, although I wish I didn't.

Posted: 11 Aug 2004, 17:30
by James Blast
@ ATG major bummer my Celtic Soul Brother :cry:
a large PM is being penned

Posted: 12 Aug 2004, 04:48
by 6FeetOver
*HUGS all 'round for my hurting Heartland chums* :cry:
I'll be opening myself up to just this kind of hell very soon...

Posted: 12 Aug 2004, 06:13
by Mrs RicheyJames
Quiff Boy wrote: however, there is a saying that goes "the best way to get over a woman is when you're over a woman" ;) :innocent:

:roll: Men...........You're all the piggin' same :evil:

Posted: 12 Aug 2004, 08:32
by Almiche V
Sexygoth wrote:
Quiff Boy wrote: however, there is a saying that goes "the best way to get over a woman is when you're over a woman" ;) :innocent:

:roll: Men...........You're all the piggin' same :evil:
I'm not, and I'm dead proud of it. 8)

Posted: 12 Aug 2004, 19:21
by lucretia
Almiche V wrote:
Sexygoth wrote:
Quiff Boy wrote: however, there is a saying that goes "the best way to get over a woman is when you're over a woman" ;) :innocent:

:roll: Men...........You're all the piggin' same :evil:
I'm not, and I'm dead proud of it. 8)

I could make a real Goff analogy about the only good men are dead men but I won't

Posted: 12 Aug 2004, 19:52
by James Blast
I could mention The Stiff Kittens, but I won't

Posted: 12 Aug 2004, 20:13
by Andy TG
SINsister wrote:*HUGS all 'round for my hurting Heartland chums* :cry:
I'll be opening myself up to just this kind of hell very soon...
@ Sinny - my smypathy in advance for your expected "Hard Time" :-)
keep your chin up!

As an aside - what the "F***" is going on - is it harvest time for personal relationhips or something?

Posted: 12 Aug 2004, 20:15
by Andy TG
James Blast wrote:@ ATG major bummer my Celtic Soul Brother :cry:
a large PM is being penned

Thanks for that 'Brother' - I look forward to your PM - cheers mate!

Posted: 12 Aug 2004, 21:40
by andymackem
@ ATG: Harvest time? Not in my world. It's always a bit like this. A combination of my commitment-phobia and relentlessly picky standards tends to push me here more often than I would wish.

I'm no longer angry with the American, and am now considering myself well rid. Sometimes being shallow is a major blessing. Being shallow and patronising at the same time is paradise for the small-minded, so I'll sit there for a bit. The sunshine is nice!

Posted: 12 Aug 2004, 21:51
by James Blast
andymackem wrote:the American
that's a major problem to begin withImage

Posted: 12 Aug 2004, 21:53
by andymackem
James Blast wrote:
andymackem wrote:the American
that's a major problem to begin withImage
I shouldn't agree, but I feel I have to this time. I can't believe the astonishing humourlessness of US dating, on that evidence. Even if my accent would be sexy over there, I'm staying home

/little scared yellow chappy/

Posted: 13 Aug 2004, 07:08
by 6FeetOver
James Blast wrote:
andymackem wrote:the American
that's a major problem to begin withImage
:eek: :evil: Watch it, you. :P

Posted: 13 Aug 2004, 13:02
by lucretia
I'm no longer angry with the American,

Andy, the parallells in our lives are uncanny ...
I am no longer with "The American" either, just aching a bit and somewhat hollow. But the weekend is just over the horizon, who knows what beckons hey? :roll:

Re: Why are men so freaking fickle?

Posted: 13 Aug 2004, 13:09
by straylight
AndyTheGoth wrote:Again for me the roles are reversed and this situation is happening right now - and me and Mrs Goth were living together - not anymore

I know exactly all about "Frozen Spaces" - I feel a little better now - knowing I am not alone in feeling this low! :eek:
Sorry to hear this Mr TG. Chin up lad.

Posted: 13 Aug 2004, 20:30
by andymackem
lucretia wrote:
Andy, the parallells in our lives are uncanny ...
Forgive me for asking, but does this mean, Lucretia, you are my reflection!?!?!?!?!?

I'll get my coat.

For those still keeping up, the opera singer was positively charming this afternoon. I'd like to see her again, but have no idea whether she feels the same.

Posted: 13 Aug 2004, 21:31
by Zuma
Plus ca change, c'est la meme chose....(or summit like that...)

drinks all round...

Posted: 15 Aug 2004, 17:12
by cyn
Becuz they're men.

Posted: 16 Aug 2004, 12:30
by Black Dahlia
James Blast wrote:single, daft, male
oh! and over the hill, life bores me

I still love you dearest, however I have two on the go currently :oops: and I'm not sure if I could cope with 3 of you.

You are not over the hilll either!

Cant do the dissing men bit either as most of my friends are male. Sorry to hear so many HL'er's are down in the dumps.

Posted: 16 Aug 2004, 12:44
by Izzy HaveMercy
The best way to survive a break-up is not getting dumped in the first place.

I see people around me divorcing or simply breaking up because they do not want to fight for their relationship and it is 'easier that way'.

They go and 'live together', and when things get a bit tough, they break up.

Makes me sick sometimes. People are so lethargic and do not care about love and friendship anymore. They pick a partner, and when he/she says/does something wrong, they dump him/her, because 'they do not match'.

Start talking to each other. It will make the world a better place in general.

IZ (and YES this goes way deeper and YES this is all about personal stuff ;D)

Posted: 16 Aug 2004, 14:11
by andymackem
Izzy: that kind of sums up why I have wonderful friendships and a crap sex-life. Well put :notworthy: