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Posted: 06 Oct 2004, 20:45
by Padstar
When i was younger i used to play Elite on the BBC model B.

The save game i had (and got as far as being classified as dengerous!) was PADSTAR

Pad - short for Paddy (my full name is Patrick though)

star - for all think spacelikekindathing.


Posted: 06 Oct 2004, 20:47
by F--kwit
Basically I'm a f u c kwit. I have a few real life friends on here and chose not to use my real name as when I first joined I thought it would be a laugh to pretend it wasn't me. It quite clearly is though. I use my real name (not necessarily the one I was born with...) on most forums, or occasionally my other alter ego of Blackout (because I do... ask Debaser... it's also a British Sea Power song but so are lots of other things and none of them quite as appropriate... thud!)

Posted: 06 Oct 2004, 21:05
by moonchild
I think you all knows why i choose this name, at least is easy to know.

Moonchild - one of my favourite songs from Fields of the Nephilim

and also cause i collect everything that has the moon.


Posted: 06 Oct 2004, 21:09
by puzzle piece
my best friend and i were having a pseudo philosophical conversation (a tad drunk) about people who were just so utterly cool they transcended our idea of people. she said something along the lines of that i was like her 'floating puzzle piece': didn't fit in the world, because i was part of a better puzzle. Nicest compliment ever, so it stuck

Posted: 06 Oct 2004, 21:57
by dee902
The origin of my username is lame, lol.

Dee is short for my real name, Deirdre. '902' is my birthday, September 2.

That's it. :roll:

Posted: 06 Oct 2004, 22:04
by Quiff Boy
dee902 wrote:The origin of my username is lame, lol.

Dee is short for my real name, Deirdre. '902' is my birthday, September 2.

That's it. :roll:
catchy. i like it. ;) :lol:

Posted: 06 Oct 2004, 22:05
by Quiff Boy
hallucienate wrote:
CellThree wrote:There is a Ce||One and a Ce||Two. Both are in Tokyo at the moment raising merry hell. They went to Hello Kitty Land a couple of days ago. I don't believe it has been closed down yet, but the Japanese Govt may have covered it up to avoid an "incident". Ce||One returns to the UK next week and Ce||Two is going on tour in Thailand for the foreseeable future.

It all started from an online religion that we set up (as a joke) a few years back. We have forgotten who Ce||Four and Five were, Ce||Six scared the life out of us (think 16yr old devilworshipping psychochild), Ce||'s Seven, Eight and Nine have disappeared into the ether and Ce||Ten and Ce||Eleven were swedish lesbian poets.

It stopped being funny so we cut all ties.
:notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: best story yet
love it ;D :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Posted: 06 Oct 2004, 22:10
by Dave R
tricky one this, how to explain my name...............hmmmmm.

My parents gave it me, so I can't explain it.

I could go for some deep acronym like:

D - Drunk
A - Annoying
V - Vestan Pants
E - Endlessly drones on about the same thing time, after time....

R - Arr, that about sums it up fella!

Or just STFU and bugger off bak up me own yard....okay...will do.....

Posted: 06 Oct 2004, 22:39
by Rivers
Ok, this is possibly boring. My house backs onto a river, I love rivers, rivers flood and I used to have re-occuring dreams of floods which link into Sisters lyrics so there we go.
Also I like to use different names on different boards. Security you know! :lol:

Posted: 06 Oct 2004, 23:32
by Debaser
F--kwit wrote: occasionally my other alter ego of Blackout (because I do... ask Debaser... .. thud!)
Oh aye.....Indian restaurents are a particular fav and give maximum effect!

Posted: 06 Oct 2004, 23:57
by JansenClone
Debaser wrote:Oh aye.....Indian restaurents are a particular fav and give maximum effect!
On the subject of 'Debaser' I have a truly wonderful DVD of a whole gig from France, professionally filmed, with a bit of 'Move' and 'T In The Park' thrown in for good measure. Just ask Mr Blast. You around for the November Heartland 'do' at all?


Posted: 07 Oct 2004, 00:44
by boudicca
Why, because I AM Boudicca (pronounced boe-di-SEE-a, dammit!), Queen of the Iceni. 8)
Really, it's because I'm a fierce and groovy lady, and I don't like those friggin' bastard Romans. Even though they built the aquaduct... :wink:

Posted: 07 Oct 2004, 01:57
by Lynchfanatic
Purple Light wrote:
Almiche V wrote:
Purple Light wrote:The Bog of Eternal Stench
I'd really like to know where you live PL :lol:
I think some people will know but its from such a sad film I don't dare mention it!!!!
I know the movie :wink: I have to say I like it.

My name.. yeah, do I have to explain? Well I am a huge fan of David Lynch. And when chosing my first email adress and names I tried Lynchfan but that was taken. And as far as I know, Im the only one with this nick on the net ;) I ended up with the email mortaldance though. A mix of the band names Dead Can Dance and This Mortal Coil, alittle side information for ya..

I could have used my real name though, but stuck with the same old.. (real name is Marianne btw, like most of you allready know)

Posted: 07 Oct 2004, 07:32
by ryan
The '_w_0000' was previously there simply for the fact that in the event of another ryan on the board, i wouldnt have to

A) type another username in, therfore wasting valueable post time

b) think of a better username.

Then, a year later, i realised that there was no ryans and QB changed my name. Shortly after, SG would confuse me with Rian.

Posted: 07 Oct 2004, 08:41
by randdebiel²
christophe wrote:
randdebiel² wrote:btw I'm off to a psychic tv gig tonight in antwerp :banana:
where? :?

damn :(
luchtbal.... 21.30 yesterday evening ;D
was a bit disappointing actually, musically it was alright, but a bit toom uch the same (seemed like a mix between blondie and the new york dolls....)
but genesis p orridge seemed to lack some dignity and some presance....

Posted: 07 Oct 2004, 09:53
by MrChris

Well, this is simple and uninteresting. My name is Chris (well, Christopher really, but only when I'm bad). Chris is an androgynous name, and I thought if I added Mister, any potential online gender confusion would be sorted out.

A friend of mine sometimes calls me Mister Chris, I don't know why but it's kind of sweet. Also, being MrChris adds an opaque Sisters reference - M(erciful) r(elease) Chris. I know, it's very opaque, isn't it?

Just like jokes and Sisters lyrics, it's sometimes less interesting when it's been explained...

Posted: 07 Oct 2004, 10:02
by sam donut
I like things with holes in them.

Either that or it's a corruption of my real name.


Arthur Marshall it's over to you...

Posted: 07 Oct 2004, 12:41
by The Green Lantern
The Green Lantern is a comic book superhero. He's cool because he got his powers from a crashlanded ufo.

Plus, in Sweden, as it is, you can't buy alcohol at a convenience store or supermarket, you have to go to the Systembolaget. There you have to wait in line and ask politely for a bottle of your liking. Their signs are all green and they shine through the fog of Old Town in Stockholm on a damp winters afternoon like a green lantern, a guiding light.

By the way, the green lantern on a boat is on the starboard side.

Posted: 07 Oct 2004, 13:59
by Gary
its my name, so ud have to ask my parents :P original arent i..

i called my cat storm, cos he has grey fur

some people call me josh.. but thats a story for another time.. ;)

Posted: 07 Oct 2004, 19:43
by lucretia
I guess it was the "Hot metal and methedrine" bit
Nah, on second thoughts it was definitely "Lucretia, my reflection, dance the ghost with me" ...
Oh wtf, it just stuck, okay?

Everyone I know actually refers to me as Mrs J (as in Jourgensen) but that name was already taken on the old Ministry p*ss Army DST Forum by Al's wife herself... so Lucretia was my second choice.
But then when the DST Forum went South, I was reborn as Lucretia Resurrected on the new p*ss Army board.
Lucretia The Tird hangs around the PissTake Forum a lot (because it's her Third outing on the 'Net as Lucretia and because she can be a bit of a T U R D)

Real complicated, hey :roll:

Posted: 07 Oct 2004, 22:50
by Almiche V
Purple Light wrote:
Almiche V wrote:
Purple Light wrote:The Bog of Eternal Stench
I'd really like to know where you live PL :lol:
I think some people will know but its from such a sad film I don't dare mention it!!!!
Ah, it's Labyrinth :lol: :lol: "That's Underground.." cracking song.

Posted: 07 Oct 2004, 23:02
by Purple Light
Almiche V wrote:
Purple Light wrote:
Almiche V wrote: I'd really like to know where you live PL :lol:
I think some people will know but its from such a sad film I don't dare mention it!!!!
Ah, it's Labyrinth :lol: :lol: "That's Underground.." cracking song.
Whatcha laughing at!!!! :)
Ok, I admit it, I love the film!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I loved Jennifer Connelly (Sarah) in it too till I found out a few weeks ago she was actually 14 when it was filmed.

Posted: 07 Oct 2004, 23:18
by Almiche V

Drowning in a bog is my biggest phobia, worse if it's a particularly smelly one. Not so bad if Jennifer Connelly was there though. :D

Posted: 08 Oct 2004, 13:47
by emilystrange
Gary wrote:i called my cat storm, cos he has grey fur
mine has grey fur too, but he's called brown

Posted: 08 Oct 2004, 14:22
by Karst
First name - and don't dare calling me anything else. ;)