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Re: Big Brother Quiffy ...

Posted: 03 Dec 2004, 15:01
by Guest
JB wrote:... decided to delete a post tonight. You were wrong. Wrong. I am amazed. Free speech goes out the window. Because, Barry decides.

I'm waiting. (I'll ignore the subject, let's go for the prinicple (sp?)

Coca Cola
Oh Good Lord. JB, just how much did you have to drink before you made this post? QB was quite right to ask you to take up your complaint in private.

I heard about your outburst from the person you went off on....and that you had bunked off the board in a huff.

Don't be so childish. Whatever will you do with all those blanks cd's you've got laying around cluttering up your desk? ;)


Posted: 03 Dec 2004, 15:49
by snowey
I the words of Vic Reeves........."You wouldn't let it lie" :roll:

Posted: 03 Dec 2004, 16:10
by Quiff Boy
i think this one has run its course. i've spoken to jb and there's no problem between us so i think its best of this one faeds away into the ether...