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Posted: 28 Dec 2004, 13:43
by Dark
CellThree wrote:
Dark wrote:
CellThree wrote: Walk Away 7" w/ Flexi
If you ever get tired of the flexi...
Nice try Kiddo!

Although I thought I already had this, so if my other copy turns up I'll let you know :wink:

A flexi would take place of honour at Chez Dark (along with my Damned poster, my Rhapsody album poster, Gift and Body And Soul.) :innocent:

Posted: 28 Dec 2004, 17:24
by Planet Dave
DerekR wrote:Bringing this discussion right back on topic....

My mate got one of these for Christmas.


It's a Laserpod and I was wondering if it's the coolest thing ever?

Or is it a boy thing? :roll: I do love lighty-up things

I'd ask him but his arrived broken :lol: Poor sod
It might be a boy thing, but it looks cool regardless. I want one. The more lighty-up things the better, particularly if you combine their effect with a fog-machine. :D 8) :D

But I'll settle for my 2 litres of vodka and Return Of The King Spesh Edition DVD. There's more waiting at home too, if only the damned patient currently clogging up theatre will get better pronto.

Posted: 28 Dec 2004, 22:25
by pikkrong
Don't believe in Santa Whatever - Xmas are over again and I havn't seen any old unshaven chap with blood-red coat who wants to make me happy with Underneath The Rock issues 1 and 14 :innocent:

Posted: 28 Dec 2004, 22:34
by James Blast
s**t Happens! Indrek :(

Posted: 28 Dec 2004, 22:50
by pikkrong
pikkrong wrote:Don't believe in Santa Whatever - Xmas are over again and I havn't seen any old unshaven chap with blood-red coat who wants to make me happy with Underneath The Rock issues 1 and 14 :innocent:
But I DO believe in the existence of Big Si and Shadow - got some lovely CD-R-s from them :notworthy: :notworthy:

Posted: 28 Dec 2004, 22:57
by James Blast
Big Si does walk this earth

Posted: 28 Dec 2004, 23:25
by Big Si
James Blast wrote:Big Si does walk this earth
Except when he's hungover! :urff:

Posted: 29 Dec 2004, 00:48
by Gripper
James Blast wrote:Big Si does walk this earth
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Posted: 29 Dec 2004, 14:11
by andymackem
Strangely light on the music front this year - I have to buy that for myself, really.

But have a cool digital camera and now merely need to organise the holiday where I can show it off to best effect.

Couple of DVDs (Sergei Eisenstein, as requested), usual slab of reading material and my mother has made some curtains for my flat. She has some naive belief that I'll want to iron them first.

Got a severe hangover as well after going back to Durham and encountering Nine Altars Ale, a Christmas special from our local micro. Just the thing for a trip down the A1.

Posted: 29 Dec 2004, 14:47
by Francis
And with the money I received, I got the complete Cracker collection for 50 quid from HMV. :notworthy:

Posted: 29 Dec 2004, 15:07
by lazarus corporation
today I braved the crowds of human vermin to cash in some gift vouchers.

treated myself to the dvd of Sex, Lies And Videotape, which I've seen before but would happily watch again. it's billed as "a film that's intimate yet alienated, objective yet intense."

The other self-chosen pressie was Choke by Chuck Palahniuk (the guy who wrote Fight Club). To quote the blurb: "The book revels in sexual addiction, fantasies, and mental illness in a way that few will find a happy experience."

Yeah, I know, "strange tastes"...

Posted: 29 Dec 2004, 20:25
by Brideoffrankenstein
lazarus corporation wrote:today I braved the crowds of human vermin to cash in some gift vouchers.
So did I. I went to Argos in my lunchbreak which was stupid because I ended up not actually having a lunchbreak because the queue was so long. Anyway at least my cds have a proper home now.

Posted: 29 Dec 2004, 21:11
by James Blast
late entry - a jar of


Damn tasty!
some nice stuff here

Posted: 29 Dec 2004, 21:55
by emilystrange
i want some of those.... give them to me!

Posted: 29 Dec 2004, 22:56
by James Blast
emilystrange wrote:i want some of those.... give them to me!
ask your strangeling for a New Year goodie, or ten :D
I could run riot in Bay Tree :|

Posted: 29 Dec 2004, 22:59
by emilystrange
i have darklings, not strangelings of my own... hee

Posted: 29 Dec 2004, 23:05
by James Blast
I now want some of these


Posted: 29 Dec 2004, 23:09
by Mrs. Snowey
I've just discovered the delights of silverskin onions and Westons cider...ace 8)