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Posted: 02 Apr 2005, 22:27
by Hybrid
The muse has left him. im not in any shape or form denying his talent that was. He really was capable of magnificent creation but how many new songs have been played considering the amount of time that has passed? more to the point why blame east west problems when for a long time now that hasnt been the issue. All artists reach a peak, his was glorious to watch, but as someone else once said....."Ever felt you been cheated?"

Posted: 06 Apr 2005, 14:42
by mik
Von on'tinternet site like wrote:We are working on an album, inter alia, but the matter of single releases is currently on hold.
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: like hell you are, and the longer you leave that thinly veiled fib on your website the harder it is to take it down again.

Aside from that the only serious mistake I can personally recall him making was squaring up to Brian from Vicious Pink in the Warehouse, which seeing as Brian is from Seacroft (istr) was only ever going to end one way. Which it did. Very quickly. And then my mate Adam helped him over to the LGI to get cotton wool stuffed up his nose. I would have gone with them but they wouldn't let me take my drink with me :innocent: