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Posted: 07 Apr 2005, 11:28
by andymackem
Spoilt papers are counted here as well, though that's very seldom reported unless you care to go to the count and hear the returning officer read it out.

As for my voting plans, it matters little in Southend West. The only outside chance of unseating the local Tory MP would be to vote UKIP and even if I want to vote against the Tories that can't be seen as progress.

It does seem a bit daft to complain about parties moving into the same political ground: any democratic electoral system relies on gaining as many votes as possible.

Therefore you have to appeal to the broadest range of voters, so you emerge into a world of concensus politics. No-one can risk frightening the horses so it's not in the main parties' interests to present a choice.

Whether there is a workable alternative to democracy remains to be seen: can't think of one I'd be happy with.

Could we merge the nationalist parties and include an undecided option?

Posted: 07 Apr 2005, 12:15
by Almiche V

Posted: 07 Apr 2005, 12:41
by elamanamou

Posted: 07 Apr 2005, 12:43
by RobF
markfiend wrote:Having read RobF's and Pib's posts above, I think I should change my mind. :|

Apologies for any offence caused.

I've always been of the (cynical, I'll admit) view that while there may not be anyone I particularly want to vote for, there's sure as hell to be someone I want to vote against...

Then again, if voting could change anything, they'd ban it, right?
No offence taken, I've got too much anger at random stuff to use any on nice sisters peeps ;D

what makes me sad is that I'd really love to vote, but I can see myself standing there for about ten minutes, going, erm, erm.... and hovering with my pen... I just don't think that would be a responsible use of the franchise

Posted: 07 Apr 2005, 12:48
by andymackem
elamanamou wrote:UKIP .. FOR BRITAIN.
Never in a million years. Don't get me started :wink:

Posted: 07 Apr 2005, 12:48
by paint it black
hallucienate wrote:then there is the option of spoiling your ballot, which is also a valid politcal statement.
i prefer soiling your ballot ;D

@MF, finally nail on head - problem is there would be millions turn out just to vote 'none of the above' and that's the problem :?

Posted: 07 Apr 2005, 12:53
by emilystrange
the political panic would be hilarious.. quick, someone write a drama, and we'll all be in it.

Posted: 07 Apr 2005, 12:53
by andymackem
paint it black wrote:
hallucienate wrote:then there is the option of spoiling your ballot, which is also a valid politcal statement.
i prefer soiling your ballot ;D

@MF, finally nail on head - problem is there would be millions turn out just to vote 'none of the above' and that's the problem :?
Not if that prompted a re-running of the election with new candidates and policies?

This is a poor illustration, but our SU elections (going way back) had a re-open nominations option if none of the candidates were deemed suitable. It never happened but it did give a genuine veto option for voters.

Posted: 07 Apr 2005, 16:52
by elamanamou
andymackem wrote:
elamanamou wrote:UKIP .. FOR BRITAIN.
Never in a million years. Don't get me started :wink:
Have you ever considered going into politics Andy? :wink: :innocent:

Posted: 07 Apr 2005, 20:20
by andymackem
elamanamou wrote:
andymackem wrote:
elamanamou wrote:UKIP .. FOR BRITAIN.
Never in a million years. Don't get me started :wink:
Have you ever considered going into politics Andy? :wink: :innocent:
Frequently. You must have noticed my natural tact and diplomacy by now :lol:

Posted: 09 Apr 2005, 01:02
by Francis
I'm with Mik and Noel on this one.

Posted: 09 Apr 2005, 02:38
by eastmidswhizzkid
in the absence of there being anyone who i would be prepared to take the responsibility for electing i looked at "if you had to" as meaning "if there were the slightest possibility of the tories getting in again" in which case it would have to be labour.however,to register an anti -labour vote as well (eg greens etc)could potentially lead to the tories back-dooring it.
personally i think we should string the lot of 'em up from lamposts and sort ourselves out.unfortunately the majority of people are to stupid to find their arsehole with both hands let alone cope with anarcho-syndicalist voluntary co-operation.

Posted: 09 Apr 2005, 11:41
by Almiche V

Posted: 09 Apr 2005, 17:44
by sisxbeforedawn
hmmmm, I'm of the opinion ALL politicians are liars, scumbags and are just in it to make as much money as possible, no matter what party they're in.

Posted: 21 Apr 2005, 11:04
by Spiggy's hat
Tories new campaign advert causes outrage. :innocent:


Posted: 21 Apr 2005, 15:40
by Dan
sisxbeforedawn wrote:hmmmm, I'm of the opinion ALL politicians are liars, scumbags and are just in it to make as much money as possible, no matter what party they're in.
My thoughts exactly. Anyone who WANTS to have that much power doesn't deserve to have it. Politicians should be chosen in a similar way to how people are picked for jury service (with much higher standards obviously). Slimy dishonest b@$+@rds the lot of them.

Posted: 21 Apr 2005, 16:39
by Zuma
Spiggy's hat wrote:Tories new campaign advert causes outrage. :innocent:



Posted: 21 Apr 2005, 18:05
by andymackem
A poster which even got a smile in Russia. With a few accompanying notes.

Posted: 21 Apr 2005, 18:29
by mik
As far as the non-voting goes, I'm firmly of the opinion that since you only get one chance every four or five years to choose, then not participating does pretty well mean that you can't then moan about one of the parties that you didn't vote for not doing what you want, rather the one of the other parties you didn't vote for....

Personally I think voting should be compulsory, given that millions of our relatives died for us to have the right to do so. I think that 15 minutes out of your life once every few years is the absolute bare minimum that you can do for the priviledge of living in a democracy.

Can't be arsed to vote? Sort yourself out when you get robbed, fall down the stairs, need your bins emptying, streets lighting, roads to drive on, army to defend you etc etc etc.

Of course there should be a proper option on the ballot paper "NONE OF THE ABOVE" which would represent a concious choice that no-one represents your views so that it's made obvious to the parties how much of the population is disenfranchised rather than apathetic.

Democracy? It's wasted on the bloody apathetic people it benefits the most.


By the way, I'm a JP and I take social responsibility extremely seriously and I'm prepared to put my time and money where my mouth is.

Posted: 22 Apr 2005, 14:34
by Red Orc
Democracy is a joke and a fraud. Years ago 'Lord' Hailsham claimed we didn't have a democracy, we had an elected dictatorship. He may have been a hideously reactionary arse, but he was right on that one. Choosing who misgoverns you once ever 4 or 5 years is not 'people-rule' it's consenting to slavery.

The fact that there are people across the world who are willing to die for 'democratic rights' just shows what a successful propaganda campaign 'oh so democratic' politicians like Bush and Blair have fought. Of course, it could be that all these desperate democrats just don't want America to bomb the s**t out them... until they're free of course.

Posted: 22 Apr 2005, 16:01
by boudicca
Not in a chatty mood today, but I just wanted to say...

"'MON THE LIB DEMS!!!" :notworthy:

:oops: :roll: And now I have.