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Posted: 04 May 2005, 12:16
by Quiff Boy
its not there when you look at

but when you go back to the page using one of the links inside, it takes you to

and its there

as it is when you look at



wtf? :?:


Posted: 04 May 2005, 12:23
by markfiend
I noticed that too QB.

And totally unrelated to any jokers' comments, is there an "ignore" button on Heartland like there is on some other BBSes?

Posted: 04 May 2005, 12:24
by hallucienate
Quiff Boy wrote:its not there when you look at
I see it there :? :P

Posted: 04 May 2005, 12:39
by Quiff Boy

our proxy server here is a bit flaky to be honest. has a habit of caching stuff you'd really want to view every time... :roll:

Posted: 04 May 2005, 12:41
by Quiff Boy
@ mf: this?

its doesnt come with phpBB by default, but is available as ahack.

i dont like it though. its a wuss' option for looking at stuff they cant cope with ;)

Posted: 04 May 2005, 12:53
by Loki
Yeh but if you install that, everyone can ignore me, all my posts will be removed and I can go and get a life. :P

Posted: 04 May 2005, 13:19
by lazarus corporation
Looks like he's come to the same conclusion as many Heartlanders, then (based on what's been posted earlier in this thread and elsewhere)

Posted: 04 May 2005, 13:21
by Francis
He's obviously taken the test.

Posted: 04 May 2005, 13:22
by lazarus corporation
Francis wrote:He's obviously taken the test.
I wish he'd try to think for himself for once, instead of trying to emulate his fans.

:lol: :innocent:

Posted: 04 May 2005, 14:03
by boudicca
*AHEM* :innocent: :roll: :lol:

Posted: 04 May 2005, 16:02
by hallucienate
I've been inspired by QB's attempts at cyber squatting and have made a small claim of my own.

Ladies and Gentlemen please point your browsers here:

In future this should save you considerable wear and tear on the "L", "A" and "K" keys on your keyboard.

Posted: 04 May 2005, 17:05
by Dark
Loki wrote:Yeh but if you install that, everyone can ignore me, all my posts will be removed and I can go and get a life. :P
:eek: :eek: :eek:

Quiffy, quick, get the hack!

Posted: 04 May 2005, 17:10
by Quiff Boy
Quiff Boy wrote:i dont like it though. its a wuss' option for looking at stuff they cant cope with ;)
:innocent: ;D

Posted: 04 May 2005, 17:11
by Dark
Quiff Boy wrote:
Quiff Boy wrote:i dont like it though. its a wuss' option for looking at stuff they cant cope with ;)
:innocent: ;D
Better to be a wuss than having to deal with Loki and appeasing him, and all...

Posted: 04 May 2005, 20:38
by andymackem
Francis wrote:
Morrissey circa 1984 wrote: I believe today that life
is simply taking and not giving
England is mine and it owes me a living
Have we moved on?
Of course interpreting this depends on whether you assume their is an implied 'about' missing from the quote or not.

If you have it as 'about' taking and not giving you a very different song from the literal assumption that 'taking' is verb active and it is life itself which is giving us nothing.

And it is definitely 'decree'. Can I wet my bed now?

Posted: 05 May 2005, 22:34
by James Blast
I just hope all of us that could vote, did :|

Posted: 05 May 2005, 22:37
by Obviousman
James Blast wrote:I just hope all of us that could vote, did :|
Heard today the polling stations were opened 'till 10pm, so I guess there aren't any results in yet?
How about exit polls?

Posted: 05 May 2005, 22:39
by James Blast
exit polls not looking good for Labour and us :(

Posted: 05 May 2005, 22:40
by Obviousman
James Blast wrote:exit polls not looking good for Labour and us :(
So who are they looking good for then?

Posted: 05 May 2005, 22:42
by Andie
been and voted...not that i think it will make much of a difference in the blue heartlands of Essex

Posted: 05 May 2005, 22:46
by James Blast
Burn wrote:been and voted...not that i think it will make much of a difference in the blue heartlands of Essex
that's the British Disease, "what I think doesn't matter" it fcukin' does!
As I often quote - we get the Government we deserve :oops:

Posted: 05 May 2005, 23:09
by andymackem
James Blast wrote:
Burn wrote:been and voted...not that i think it will make much of a difference in the blue heartlands of Essex
that's the British Disease, "what I think doesn't matter" it fcukin' does!
As I often quote - we get the Government we deserve :oops:
But because of our electoral system we don't get much of a say. I live in a rock-solid Tory seat (not Burn's, but not far away!). The bookies quoted the Tory candidate as 1/200 favourite which says it all.

I did vote but against those odds the chances of my personal opinions are largely irrelevant. In a nationwide PR-based poll that would not be the case. My vote would have a direct bearing on the overall outcome.

Exit polls suggest Labour stay in power with a reduced majority of 50-60. Sunderland South was the first (only so far) to declare. Lab hold, 5% swing against them.

Posted: 05 May 2005, 23:26
by James Blast
@ andymackem
My point is not who you vote for but why you don't vote.
It makes me mad when most of the populace can't be arsed to go out one day in 4+/- years and do it!

People fought (and died) for our right to do this, that's what dismays me.

<sings The Internationale, closely followed by Jerusalem>

Posted: 06 May 2005, 00:01
by smiscandlon
Surely people also fought (and died) for us to exercise our democratic right to opt not to vote if we so choose?

Posted: 06 May 2005, 00:03
by Quiff Boy

don't you oppress me! :!:
