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Posted: 24 Apr 2005, 08:39
by canon docre
Black Biscuit wrote:But does necrophilia actually occur? Obviously it sounds like a hugely gruesome and ghoulish thing, but is it actually common or even practiced?

I was going to ask, "where do they get the bodies?!?", but perhaps a necrophiliac is also a murderer, then?
I think, it is a mere sexual myth, which solely the Panda Bear-look-alikes from scandinavia care to growl about.

Posted: 24 Apr 2005, 10:55
by Obviousman
How about that german guy, who ate up his lover?

Is that necrophilia, or is it another thing? As far as I remember both he and his lover (who he had met on the net) were turned on by the idea of killing/getting killed and being eaten up afterwards :urff:

Posted: 24 Apr 2005, 11:02
by paint it black
building on Andy's controversial perspective of the future state and nearer to now, we have the Pitcairn situation, a classic case of relative moral code V western absolutism. Sure, break the cycle of abuse, but at what cost to the island. No-one can quite decide :?

An extreme case, but still in the context of Andy's comments, valid

Posted: 24 Apr 2005, 11:05
by spartacus mills
canon docre wrote:
Black Biscuit wrote:But does necrophilia actually occur? Obviously it sounds like a hugely gruesome and ghoulish thing, but is it actually common or even practiced?

I was going to ask, "where do they get the bodies?!?", but perhaps a necrophiliac is also a murderer, then?
I think, it is a mere sexual myth, which solely the Panda Bear-look-alikes from scandinavia care to growl about.
It exists but is very rare. There was a case of a female necrophile in the U.S in the 1970's. There's an interview with her in the 'Apocalypse Culture' book.
It's online here: ... erview.htm

A quick google has turned up this more recent case: ... 504n_necro

A study by mental health workers found 122 cases: ... /necro.htm

Btw, the google search will take you to lots of strange and unsettling sites ('women in coffins' anyone?). Not for me.

Posted: 24 Apr 2005, 11:06
by canon docre
Obviousman wrote:How about that german guy, who ate up his lover?

Is that necrophilia, or is it another thing? As far as I remember both he and his lover (who he had met on the net) were turned on by the idea of killing/getting killed and being eaten up afterwards :urff:
No. That was a pure form of cannibalism from the side of the Armin Meiwes, quite unique in modern times. The "victim" was suffering from a severe self-hate, he was obsessed by the idea, that his homosexuality caused the suicide of his mother, hence, he wanted to get rid of the "evil-doer". Please dont get me startet to talk about this subject, as I was involved in the US-movie they where shooting this March here in Germany. Therefore I had to read the protocols from the trial and the police reports. (but, before you ask, no, I didnt get the chance to see the video, that Meiwes was shooting during the cut off of the penis and its desavouration. This is sealed deep in the vaults)

Posted: 24 Apr 2005, 11:15
by Obviousman
canon docre wrote:No. That was a pure form of cannibalism from the side of the Armin Meiwes, quite unique in modern times. The "victim" was suffering from a severe self-hate, he was obsessed by the idea, that his homosexuality caused the suicide of his mother, hence, he wanted to get rid of the "evil-doer". Please dont get me startet to talk about this subject, as I was involved in the US-movie they where shooting this March here in Germany. Therefore I had to read the protocols from the trial and the police reports. (but, before you ask, no, I didnt get the chance to see the video, that Meiwes was shooting during the cut off of the penis and its desavouration. This is sealed deep in the vaults)
Ah, allright... Well, it's pretty sick no matter how you call it :urff:

And I guess everyone is lucky the video is put away safely, otherwise you could be very certain some sick guys would be getting enormous amounts of money out of it (which they allready do get out of the film, but anyway...)

Posted: 24 Apr 2005, 11:29
by canon docre
Obviousman wrote:
And I guess everyone is lucky the video is put away safely, otherwise you could be very certain some sick guys would be getting enormous amounts of money out of it (which they allready do get out of the film, but anyway...)
I dont think it will be a boxoffice hit. The movie is not an exploitive one. You will not see anything, the gruesome details are left to the imagination of the viewer. It is about a female american student, who researches about the Meiwes case. She gets dragged into it by her fascination and nearly drowns in it. More kind of a psycho-thriller.

@Spartacus: Thanks for the interesting link to the "psychdirect-site"!

When I read "Apocalyptic culture" I doubted the truth of this story. It sounded too much "yearning for attention" to me.

Posted: 24 Apr 2005, 11:54
by Obviousman
I'm very glad to hear the film will be a decent one and not that exploitive, but I meant saying I read somewhere Meiwes got quite a bit of money through selling his story, or am I wrong?

Posted: 24 Apr 2005, 12:23
by canon docre
Obviousman wrote:I'm very glad to hear the film will be a decent one and not that exploitive, but I meant saying I read somewhere Meiwes got quite a bit of money through selling his story, or am I wrong?
He got some money from the german magazine "Stern" for his "story". But not so much as expected. The exact sum shall remain unsaid. He didnt get any money for the movie, as the names are obscured in it. ;D

Posted: 24 Apr 2005, 13:04
by rian
paedophilia, incest and that nechro stuff is out of the question for me.

Posted: 24 Apr 2005, 14:57
by blackberry
Motz wrote:. I frankly detest the idea that I could be lumped into the same category as those who committed deplorable acts which got them banged up for life, merely for an expression ?
Totally agree. its such a wooly area. Thinking of recent episode of the Bill where such a thing happened. A 25yr old having sex with a willing 15 year old is not the same as a 25yr old forcing an 18yr old, tho its given the same name (give or take)

Posted: 24 Apr 2005, 15:10
by blackberry
Wat about the whole 'school girls' thing? Jailbait barely legal porn? Christina Ricci as Wednesday Adams? Omri Katz in Eerie Indiana? All these hints at what could be considered paedophilia are not only acceptable but encouraged by media blah blah. I think our entire attitude is very confused.
If an 18yr old had shagged a 15yr old Britney Spears when she did 'Baby One more time', it would have been illegal, but simulataneously, lots of adults were making millions off the fact that a large percentage of the population wanted to do just that! bizarre.

Posted: 25 Apr 2005, 10:46
by markfiend
blackberry wrote:Christina Ricci as Wednesday Adams? Omri Katz in Eerie Indiana?
Natalie Portman in Leon?

How about one of the Red-tops having a "countdown until she's legal" for Charlotte Church a couple of years back? (I think it was either The Star or The Sport) When it comes to 15-year-olds, people start showing double standards.

Also, FHM's "100 sexiest women" issue is out at the moment, and OK, I guess a lot of the readership is younger than me (18-25 is I guess their target?) but I was disturbed at quite how young a lot of the women in the list are. The Olsen twins are in the list for example. How old are they now? Even if they are "legal", they still look like kids to me.

Posted: 25 Apr 2005, 11:23
by Gottdammerung
markfiend wrote:Natalie Portman in Leon?
Anyone ever seen the director's cut of this??

It gets a hell of a lot more disturbing regarding the Matilda/Leon relationship...

Posted: 25 Apr 2005, 13:11
by Francis
rian wrote:paedophilia, incest and that nechro stuff is out of the question for me.
Does that mean you're happy to stick a sheep's hind legs in your wellies?

Posted: 25 Apr 2005, 13:42
by rian
Francis wrote:
rian wrote:paedophilia, incest and that nechro stuff is out of the question for me.
Does that mean you're happy to stick a sheep's hind legs in your wellies?
Err, I missed that one :oops:

Posted: 25 Apr 2005, 14:50
by _emma_
Gottdammerung wrote:
markfiend wrote:Natalie Portman in Leon?
Anyone ever seen the director's cut of this??

It gets a hell of a lot more disturbing regarding the Matilda/Leon relationship...
I saw it and it seemed much more beautiful to me than the official version of the film.

Posted: 25 Apr 2005, 15:01
by Gottdammerung
_emma_ wrote:
Gottdammerung wrote:
markfiend wrote:Natalie Portman in Leon?
Anyone ever seen the director's cut of this??

It gets a hell of a lot more disturbing regarding the Matilda/Leon relationship...
I saw it and it seemed much more beautiful to me than the official version of the film.
mmm.. well its quite easy to see why it never got distributed in that form..


Posted: 25 Apr 2005, 17:02
by _emma_
It's all about love, isn't it. If it was just about sex, it wouldn't be that beautiful.
Ha! There I've just discovered the difference between what's understandable and acceptable and what's not. Basically, even the weirdest sexual practice can be accepted as long as it involves mutual love and respect, and as long as both (or all :twisted: ) people involved want it, and enjoy it. The only thing that's bad and wrong is rape, in any form.
Unless it's a make-believe kind of rape, which can be quite great sometimes. :twisted: :oops:

Posted: 25 Apr 2005, 17:04
by emilystrange
a beautiful insight into emma's bedroom there... hee

Posted: 26 Apr 2005, 01:06
by Francis
markfiend wrote:How about one of the Red-tops having a "countdown until she's legal" for Charlotte Church a couple of years back?
So that's how she got so 'famous'. It was Samantha Fox in my day.

Posted: 26 Apr 2005, 08:54
by Gottdammerung
Francis wrote:
markfiend wrote:How about one of the Red-tops having a "countdown until she's legal" for Charlotte Church a couple of years back?
So that's how she got so 'famous'. It was Samantha Fox in my day.
MM.... still can't believe that she actually managed to get into the top 10 of some 20 most beautiful woman poll...

Christ, you see better in the kebab shob on a Saturday night/Sunday mornin'..

Posted: 26 Apr 2005, 09:14
by CellThree
_emma_ wrote:
Gottdammerung wrote:
markfiend wrote:Natalie Portman in Leon?
Anyone ever seen the director's cut of this??

It gets a hell of a lot more disturbing regarding the Matilda/Leon relationship...
I saw it and it seemed much more beautiful to me than the official version of the film.
Gotta agree with you Emma, it made more sense to me than the official release. I always thought there was something missing from that version. Glad I have a copy of the directors cut.

Posted: 26 Apr 2005, 10:17
by Francis
CellThree wrote:it made more sense to me than the official release
So what am I missing?

Posted: 26 Apr 2005, 10:32
by CellThree
Francis wrote:
CellThree wrote:it made more sense to me than the official release
So what am I missing?
There's a whole scene where they do a practise hit on a guy as well as extra parts which show that their relationship is more as lovers than as father/daughter the way it was portrayed in the released version.