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Posted: 25 Apr 2005, 15:50
by mik
Piece of p*ss.

I too recently gave up a 20 year Marly habit; but Rian got it right; you've got to really want to stop.

I put my last ciggy out after a curry when England got knocked out of Euro 2004 and haven't touched one since, although I think I've still got half a packet lying around somewhere.

I actually built up to it by making myself physically sick of cigarettes - chain smoking all the way through Euro 2004 I was getting through the best part of a packet per match, two matches a day for a fortnight.

By the end I could barely smoke half of one without wanting to gag.

After that I had two weeks away from 'temptation' eg no pubs or clubs to break the nicotine addiction (2 to 4 days) although the habits are much more difficult, so I tended to have my pockets filled with chewing gum and mints so that when I wanted a cigarette I replace the "lighting up" ritual with another "unwrap the chuddy, fold the silver paper into an origami swan ritual"

The first two months are the worst, after that its mainly remembering that you no longer smoke.

Oh yeah, and for a few months I kept a running total of how much money I was saving (£250 in two months) and then treated myself to some new toys with the savings!

Posted: 25 Apr 2005, 16:56
by Dark
Francis wrote:You're planning on being the Cliff Richards of goth then?
Better than being Eldritch.

Posted: 25 Apr 2005, 16:59
by Francis
Dark wrote:
Francis wrote:You're planning on being the Cliff Richards of goth then?
Better than being Eldritch.
I might have to agree with you there, young man.

Posted: 25 Apr 2005, 17:07
by Dark
Francis wrote:
Dark wrote:
Francis wrote:You're planning on being the Cliff Richards of goth then?
Better than being Eldritch.
I might have to agree with you there, young man.
Good lord. :eek:

Is everybody taking screenshots of this monumental event?

Posted: 25 Apr 2005, 17:15
by emilystrange
i believe richey and i agreed once, and i nearly died

Posted: 25 Apr 2005, 18:19
by Dark
emilystrange wrote:i believe richey and i agreed once, and i nearly died
That reminds me, where is he? Not seen him for a while..

Mrs RJ! Untie that man! :lol:

Posted: 25 Apr 2005, 18:46
by Francis
Dark wrote:
Francis wrote:
Dark wrote: Better than being Eldritch.
I might have to agree with you there, young man.
Good lord. :eek:

Is everybody taking screenshots of this monumental event?
I must've spent too long in the sun.

Re: giving up smoking

Posted: 25 Apr 2005, 23:00
by Delilah
lazarus corporation wrote:OK, after 20 years on about 20-40 a day I'm going to do it, starting on Monday.

Any advice, tips, or tricks for succeeding in this momentous endeavour are gratefully appreciated.

If I fail in this, I shall post again and you can ridicule my pathetic lack of will-power and inability to do this simple thing.
Good luck Laz!!! I managed to give up chocolate, completely! Strong willpower - that´s all you need. ;D

Posted: 25 Apr 2005, 23:09
by lazarus corporation
well, I'm approaching 24 hours and it's been hell, but apparently the chemical/physical addiction is completely gone within 48 hours, and after that it's just the psychological addiction to beat.

Posted: 25 Apr 2005, 23:16
by Delilah
lazarus corporation wrote:well, I'm approaching 24 hours and it's been hell, but apparently the chemical/physical addiction is completely gone within 48 hours, and after that it's just the psychological addiction to beat.
You will do it! Keeping my fingers crossed!

Posted: 26 Apr 2005, 00:14
by Loki
And habit. And ritual. And distractions.

Posted: 26 Apr 2005, 00:16
by Loki
Particularly distraction.

Posted: 26 Apr 2005, 01:20
by Francis
Make sure you have a plan to do something completely different on Friday/ Saturday night. Them's the buggers.

Posted: 26 Apr 2005, 07:29
by Dark
@Francis - What do you think Heartland's for?

Posted: 26 Apr 2005, 17:47
by Francis
Dark wrote:@Francis - What do you think Heartland's for?
I thought it was for avoiding the more important things in life.

@Laz: Is there room for one more on your bandwagon? I've tried everything else. A little help from my friends and/ or the fear of public humiliation might make all the difference.

Posted: 26 Apr 2005, 17:57
by lazarus corporation
Francis wrote: @Laz: Is there room for one more on your bandwagon? I've tried everything else. A little help from my friends and/ or the fear of public humiliation might make all the difference.
Of course.

The thought of the public humiliation of might help, but as others have said, I think the key is to firmly decide to do it.

As Yoda said "Do, or do not. There is no 'try'."

Managed to borrow a copy of the Allen Carr book today from a workmate, but I don't think I'll need it - I'm feeling supremely confident at the moment that I'll succeed, after getting through yesterday evening's withdrawl symptons.

Posted: 26 Apr 2005, 20:04
by Debaser
Quiff? How's Jo getting on...dare I light up in the vicinity on Friday, or will she wrench the bloody things from my hands and snap them again? :?

Me? Gave up for 4 and a half years after a month on Zyban - you're supposed to use them for two months but the urge had gone within a week. To be truthful the urge to do owt had gone within a week.

I blame Quiff's squeeze for starting me up again :innocent:

Posted: 26 Apr 2005, 20:32
by Quiff Boy
Debaser wrote:Quiff? How's Jo getting on...dare I light up in the vicinity on Friday, or will she wrench the bloody things from my hands and snap them again? :?

Me? Gave up for 4 and a half years after a month on Zyban - you're supposed to use them for two months but the urge had gone within a week. To be truthful the urge to do owt had gone within a week.

I blame Quiff's squeeze for starting me up again :innocent:

yep, she's quit so watch yer smokes if you value them :D :lol:

Posted: 27 Apr 2005, 13:21
by Francis
lazarus corporation wrote:I'm feeling supremely confident at the moment that I'll succeed, after getting through yesterday evening's withdrawl symptons.
The weekends are the hard time for me. I decided a long time ago that I wasn't prepared to stand outside in the cold to have a cigarette during working hours and I've learned to live without them of an evening during the week. But come that Friday feeling...

So, I will be doing something completely different this weekend. Though I haven't quite figured out what yet. But cigarettes, alcohol and logging onto Heartland will not be in the equation.

Posted: 27 Apr 2005, 15:43
by silk
I don't think it would be fair on small animals, children and old ladies if I gave up smoking - I know what I'm like after an hour without one

Posted: 29 Apr 2005, 07:36
by lazarus corporation
I'm finding it quite easy. Haven't had a cigarette for over 4 days now, and the desire to have one is disappearing.

Posted: 29 Apr 2005, 08:22
by Francis
Well done that man. I'm still with you. Contemplating going to see Leeds Rhinos tonight with some ardent anti-smokers. That should be different.

Posted: 29 Apr 2005, 16:38
by Chairman Bux

Posted: 29 Apr 2005, 17:45
by Dark
We've just finished learning about smoking at school. Apparently it is unbelievably hard to do and requires tremendous willpower.

And here we have Exhibit A: The Lazarus Corporation, who after 4 days, is pretty much in the clear, and without killing small creatures for relief.

Well done that man.

Posted: 29 Apr 2005, 18:20
by lazarus corporation
Chairman Bux wrote:Crazy.
until such time as I have a back catalogue which provides royalties to support such a habit, the habit has to go.