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Posted: 20 May 2005, 10:49
by Nazareth
never dyed my hair! it is kind of a light brown/blonde boring colour!

Posted: 20 May 2005, 21:01
by Mrs. Snowey
Refuse to stop colouring me hair.I've been going grey since I turned 20, and like Joanna Lumley says, I've forgotton what colour it's supposed to be. Probably a less than interesting mousey-brown.

I did have a brief flirtation with long black hair in the mid-90's (just in time for my ever so sensible graduation photo). But it's been mostly various shades of red. S'currently that LiveXXL stuff which is ace, and is usually on special offer,

Think the shade is called "black-red". <cough> :roll:

Posted: 20 May 2005, 21:49
by Debaser
I shall be mixing up a brew of peroxide this weekend - prepare for scabby head and elastic, tacky hair stories on Monday.

Must remember NOT to ring anyone whilst I'm waiting for it to cook...

Posted: 20 May 2005, 21:54
by Black Alice
Dyed mine black last weekend - then went shopping in Sainsburys.......they are all far too polite to mention that you have black streaks running from underneath your fringe or that your ears seem to have taken on a purple tinge :lol: Oh the things one does to look perfect :lol:

Posted: 20 May 2005, 22:04
by boudicca
Black Alice wrote:Dyed mine black last weekend - then went shopping in Sainsburys.......they are all far too polite to mention that you have black streaks running from underneath your fringe or that your ears seem to have taken on a purple tinge :lol: Oh the things one does to look perfect :lol:
Oh yes, the eternal problem of...

IT DYES YER SKIN AS WELL!!!! :lol: :roll: :von:

I fiddled around with the appropriate carcinogenic chemicals last night, as promised. The creeping brownness is now BANISHED for another few weeks. ;D

Posted: 13 Jun 2005, 22:43
by dead stars
Black never suited me. Red is the new black.

Posted: 13 Jun 2005, 23:03
by Johnny M
What's hair? :roll:

"I'm in love with a German Film Star ..." :kiss:

Posted: 13 Jun 2005, 23:06
by Thea
How much of the hair has to be black before it counts?
50% green and 50% black ATM....

Posted: 13 Jun 2005, 23:33
by Almiche V
Heh heh......

Posted: 18 Jun 2005, 22:38
by pikkrong
Black hair? Not any more. Have had black hair (two periods), bleached (wanted to be grey, finally I it succeeded), long natural hair (two periods), long black hair, taxi driver haircut, being bald (don't rememeber how many times), no I'm just an average man. Not a young man any more.

Posted: 19 Jun 2005, 16:32
by Gary
Currently blonde..

Posted: 19 Jun 2005, 17:36
by scotty
dead stars wrote:Black never suited me. Red is the new black.
I was hoping 'going grey'was the new black! :oops:

Posted: 19 Jun 2005, 20:11
by scotty
Debaser wrote:I shall be mixing up a brew of peroxide this weekend - prepare for scabby head and elastic, tacky hair stories on Monday.

Must remember NOT to ring anyone whilst I'm waiting for it to cook..
Said i thaught about bleaching my hair today,mrs scotty just looked dissaprovingly :eek::evil: and mummbled something about old goths and middle aged crisis or the like ,oh well going grey it is then!

Posted: 19 Jun 2005, 20:18
by Black Alice
scotty wrote:
Debaser wrote:I shall be mixing up a brew of peroxide this weekend - prepare for scabby head and elastic, tacky hair stories on Monday.

Must remember NOT to ring anyone whilst I'm waiting for it to cook..
Said i thaught about bleaching my hair today,mrs scotty just looked dissaprovingly :eek::evil: and mummbled something about old goths and middle aged crisis or the like ,oh well going grey it is then!
Just tell her that Brad Pitt has bleached his hair - I'm sure he's not a goth (although he may be going through a mid life crisis).

On second thoughts - he's probably not a good example to give - he's just left his wife :lol:

Posted: 19 Jun 2005, 20:42
by scotty
Black Alice wrote:
scotty wrote:
Debaser wrote:I shall be mixing up a brew of peroxide this weekend - prepare for scabby head and elastic, tacky hair stories on Monday.

Must remember NOT to ring anyone whilst I'm waiting for it to cook..
Said i thaught about bleaching my hair today,mrs scotty just looked dissaprovingly :eek::evil: and mummbled something about old goths and middle aged crisis or the like ,oh well going grey it is then!
Just tell her that Brad Pitt has bleached his hair - I'm sure he's not a goth (although he may be going through a mid life crisis).

On second thoughts - he's probably not a good example to give - he's just left his wife :lol:
best not,she's just asked for an HONEST opinion on two outfits for a wedding this weekend,trying to be tactfull i replied'i've seen you in more flatering outfits',its's been VERY quiet for about 15 minutes now,is there an easy answer to a question like this,help,women please help!

Posted: 19 Jun 2005, 21:52
by Black Alice
scotty wrote:
Black Alice wrote:
scotty wrote: Said i thaught about bleaching my hair today,mrs scotty just looked dissaprovingly :eek::evil: and mummbled something about old goths and middle aged crisis or the like ,oh well going grey it is then!
Just tell her that Brad Pitt has bleached his hair - I'm sure he's not a goth (although he may be going through a mid life crisis).

On second thoughts - he's probably not a good example to give - he's just left his wife :lol:
best not,she's just asked for an HONEST opinion on two outfits for a wedding this weekend,trying to be tactfull i replied'i've seen you in more flatering outfits',its's been VERY quiet for about 15 minutes now,is there an easy answer to a question like this,help,women please help!
You said what :lol: :lol: :lol:

I just told Paul and he reckons you should fake having a heart attack and whilst she is phoning for the ambulance run away.

There is no easy answer to such a question - its a test :twisted: and you should never be honest of it is in anyway a negative answer :lol:


Posted: 19 Jun 2005, 23:01
by scotty
Yep,after 15 years you'd think i'd learn,when they want an honest answer they dont,when dont they do!.Heart attack,ambulance f***in' great idea!
Next time a question like this is asked i'll ask H.L first! :notworthy:
Going to bleach my hair out of spite now! :twisted:

Posted: 20 Jun 2005, 10:02
by timsinister
scotty wrote: Next time a question like this is asked i'll ask H.L first! :notworthy:
You don't wanna do that...

In other news, despite a brave defence by a combined force of hair gel and grease, my dark brown hair is now sporting streaks of blonde. I'm going for the dye today...

Posted: 20 Jun 2005, 12:20
by boudicca
timsinister wrote: In other news, despite a brave defence by a combined force of hair gel and grease, my dark brown hair is now sporting streaks of blonde. I'm going for the dye today...

I'm not meeting a man with poncey David Beckham highlights... :innocent: :P :wink:

Posted: 20 Jun 2005, 14:47
by timsinister
Bigods, no! Boudicca, dear, you do me a great injustice by even assuming I'd ever sink so low as to advertise my single-figure IQ with platinum-bleached locks.

It will be black. No other will suffice. You of all people should be aware!

Posted: 20 Jun 2005, 15:12
by boudicca
timsinister wrote:It will be black. No other will suffice. You of all people should be aware!
PHEW! :notworthy: :notworthy: :von: :notworthy: :notworthy:

('specially if yer not going to wear your hat! :cry: )

Posted: 20 Jun 2005, 19:39
by Francis
OK. What are the odds on her not turning up again. :innocent:

Posted: 20 Jun 2005, 20:24
by timsinister
Are you implying something...?

Posted: 20 Jun 2005, 20:54
by Black Alice
timsinister wrote:
scotty wrote: Next time a question like this is asked i'll ask H.L first! :notworthy:
You don't wanna do that...
You thought it was a good idea on the Friday night. My suggestion was merely to take the bottle of wine with you to the club - I cannot be held responsible for the consequences :lol:

(Hope you haven't had any nasty repercussions :urff: ;D )

Posted: 20 Jun 2005, 22:14
by scotty
Black Alice wrote:
timsinister wrote:
scotty wrote: Next time a question like this is asked i'll ask H.L first! :notworthy:
You don't wanna do that...
You thought it was a good idea on the Friday night. My suggestion was merely to take the bottle of wine with you to the club - I cannot be held responsible for the consequences :lol:

(Hope you haven't had any nasty repercussions :urff: ;D )
everything A ok,radio scilence was broken shortly afterwords,both outfits going back to shops :oops: and i can bleach my hair if i F**kin' want! :twisted: