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Posted: 27 May 2005, 03:13
by Ocean Moves
went to see Star wars EP III: 6/10.

Usual display of special effects
technology, some of it marvellous,
other times looking downright unnecessary:
(did we need a display of 4 light sabres at once
from some random creature? did we need to see
some matrix-like creatures that burrow into your
ship when your flying? I dont think so)

I still say star wars was built on the the
inter-relationship between odd ball characters in
a pseudo-high-tech tin pot space environment
...and it was the chemistry, the humour and the
humaneness of it that was special.

the last 3 films, by comparison, all feel forced,
wooden and humourless.

the incarnation of darth vadar was actually done
reasonably well in this film, to its credit,
but everything else was nothing special.

Posted: 27 May 2005, 07:53
by canon docre
BTW, speaking of emotionally retarded fanboys... well, they are not always coming as boys. :oops:


No wonder most of the guys didn't came back for a second time....

Posted: 27 May 2005, 08:09
by smiscandlon
canon docre wrote:BTW, speaking of emotionally retarded fanboys... well, they are not always coming as boys. :oops:


No wonder most of the guys didn't came back for a second time....
:lol: :notworthy:

Posted: 16 Jun 2005, 18:00
by Full_Worm_Gardener
I must say when I went to see Episode III I was more than impressed. I must that this is one of the best Star Wars films ever made. It was so good that tears were brought to my eyes. It was simply the sight of Darth Vader being created that brought the best emotions to me. Darth Vader rules and that film just brought back the child inside me again. I can't wait 'till this film is brought out on DVD.

Posted: 16 Jun 2005, 19:46
by timsinister
canon_docre wrote:No wonder most of the guys didn't came back for a second time....
I'd have come back, if only to rob you blind. Respect.

Good scenes, bad film. Did anyone else clap when they put the helmet on Vader?
Was that a young Moff Tarkin at the end, standing with the Emperor and Vader and looking at the skeletal Death Star? I really think it was...

Posted: 16 Jun 2005, 20:33
by Mrs. Snowey
At least the blooming things are done with now. And Star Trek looks like it's dead and buried. Poor thing.

But none of that matters, 'cos Doctor Who's back on t'telly :notworthy: :D :P

Posted: 16 Jun 2005, 21:04
by ruffers
timsinister wrote: Was that a young Moff Tarkin at the end, standing with the Emperor and Vader and looking at the skeletal Death Star? I really think it was...
I clocked that too :lol:

FWIW I saw it on Monday just gone and it was....not bad. I went more out of duty than anything after the farces that were one and to an extent two but this has, as someone said, just about pulled it round.

He does need an editor though that Mr Lucas.
Mrs. Snowey wrote: Doctor Who's back on t'telly
Not for long it's not.

Posted: 16 Jun 2005, 21:20
by canon docre
timsinister wrote:
canon_docre wrote:No wonder most of the guys didn't came back for a second time....
I'd have come back, if only to rob you blind. Respect.
Thank you very much Tim, really. :evil:
... and looking at the skeletal Death Star? ...
Can anyone tell me why it took them another 20 years to finish it? :innocent:

Posted: 16 Jun 2005, 22:47
by timsinister
My pleasure. And oh dear, but you're picking at plot holes. Interesting isn't it, considering the more advanced Death Star II was - if not finished - at least operational in, what, five or so years?

One must also ask why Captain Antilles of the ill-fated Tantive IV was also the same commander who took off with newborn Luke and Leia on a very similar looking Blockade Runner. Did the man never age, or get a new command?