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Posted: 01 Jun 2005, 11:02
by Mrs RicheyJames
That you two are not fourteen. Or have just got an insight into the male way of thinking? <shudder>.

Posted: 01 Jun 2005, 11:05
by smiscandlon
hallucienate wrote:Rollins: Conventional tough guy image don't sit too good with his advocating same sex marriages.

That's not to say it's not a worthy cause, it's just that it's not a normal cause for tough guys to support.
Tough as in butch?

Posted: 01 Jun 2005, 11:14
by Red Orc
Mrs RicheyJames wrote:That you two are not fourteen. Or have just got an insight into the male way of thinking? <shudder>.
No we weren't fourteen at the time, nor are we now.

I dunno if it's an insight into the male psyche as I don't know if there are clearly defined male and therefore by implication female psyches, and anyway I'm an honourary girl.

It's possibly an insight into the skint stoner psyche.

Posted: 01 Jun 2005, 11:18
by Red Orc
Mrs RicheyJames wrote:

They got bloody on em. Prolly from a fight.
I loved that bit in Hardware with GWAR on the telly. Wow they look like survivors of the Mad Max Apocalypse and sound like the bombing of Dresden, I thought.

Then I realised that the track was Ministry.

Posted: 01 Jun 2005, 22:38
by timsinister
Nick The Stripper wrote:5:Andrew Eldritch - Does he still carry the steel bar with him, or was that something he made up?
True as far as we can verify; i.e., interviews. Nowadays, of course, he has people to be tough for him, leaving him time to get on with reading, smoking, insulting people, and all of the other fun things of the rich and...

I thought Pete Steele from Type O Negative was pretty rough, after watching a DVD with 'em tearing it up during a concert...and afterwards. Mmm, now there's a party.

Does the Chairman wish to account for being secluded in bathroom cubilces with crazy rockstars, incidentally?