I Will Never Marry

Does exactly what it says on the tin. Some of the nonsense contained herein may be very loosely related to The Sisters of Mercy, but I wouldn't bet your PayPal account on it. In keeping with the internet's general theme nothing written here should be taken as Gospel: over three quarters of it is utter gibberish, and most of the forum's denizens haven't spoken to another human being face-to-face for decades. Don't worry your pretty little heads about it. Above all else, remember this: You don't have to stay forever. I will understand.
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Johnny M
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CorpPunk wrote:
Johnny M wrote:but you did make the over 40’s category.
I thought you meant years ... I don't look that rough.
[size=9:7c190484cc]Johnny Boy - JB - Loki - Johnny M

Heartland 14 Jul 03 - 05 Aug 06.[/size:7c190484cc]
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The Oncoming Storm
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markfiend wrote:*backs carefully away from lazcorp so as not to get caught in the fallout*
:lol: Sorry Laz, you're on your own. I just get attacked with fashion accessories, she might drop a whole charity shop on your head.
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lazarus corporation wrote:
timsinister wrote:
markfiend wrote: Agreed.

Good 'ere innit? ;D
Bloody amazing. :lol:

d00m, you're turning into one of those senile old women who attack people with bags. Just so's you know...
that's unfair. d00mw0lf is not old.
Oh, but I am....
Tonight, ended up dancing to Placebo ("for a laugh") and afterwards commented "It's just like being 14 again isn't it?!" to which my mate replied "God, yeah... takes me back to being a teenager!"
We looked at each other for a moment and could only manage a look of "oh shiiiiiiiiiiit" after that.
So I'm old. And yes, I plan to attack youngin's with my bag.
First youngin' on the list is that young Von Sinister lad - nothing but trouble that one, dresses funny, drinks too much, wern't like that in my day, t'were all fields round 'ere in my day, you youngins today, don't know yer born.....

And with that, I'm going to go and wear four coats and eat malt loaf!
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The Oncoming Storm
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d00m, you don't even live in Yorkshire Antiqua, but you're more a whippet fancier than me! :wink:
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timsinister wrote:d00m, you don't even live in Yorkshire Antiqua, but you're more a whippet fancier than me! :wink:
Watch it!
I've found mates in 'Ull who will be arriving at chez sinister shortly for tea and extreme violence. :twisted:
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CorpPunk wrote:My brother's getting married in October, and I just had my first fitting for my Best Man's dress (chosen by the bride). Frankly, I looked like Strawberry Shortcake's arch nemesis. This experience has traumatized me into never participating in another wedding, including my own. I looked in the mirror with that dress on and I wanted to die.


Imagine this in green, and don't let that expression of joy fool you. She is dying inside.

I'll be dressed like the one on the left next saturday! 8)
Wyrd bið ful aræd...

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