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Posted: 03 Jul 2005, 00:22
by Ed Rhombus
It's a great day when we get to hear the optimistic people speak.

Pessimistic or music obsessive - take a back seat, you've missed then point.

Floyd made the day for me

Posted: 03 Jul 2005, 00:30
by Nazareth
It was great seeing slash and the boys on tv! they just shouldnt let scott weiland do post gig interviews! although it was obvious he was kidding around! funny to see slash carrying his kid in the background backstage too.
Pink Floyd were great, comfortably numb....!

Posted: 03 Jul 2005, 00:53
by Delilah
Nazareth wrote:It was great seeing slash and the boys on tv! they just shouldnt let scott weiland do post gig interviews! although it was obvious he was kidding around! funny to see slash carrying his kid in the background backstage too.
Pink Floyd were great, comfortably numb....!
Pink Floyd - delightful - I hope they will start touring again... :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy:

Posted: 03 Jul 2005, 01:05
by Almiche V
Ed Rhombus wrote:It's a great day when we get to hear the optimistic people speak.

Pessimistic or music obsessive - take a back seat, you've missed then point.
Amen to that Ed. This is not a day for negative attitudes. Mind you, is there ever?

Posted: 03 Jul 2005, 01:12
by Barracuda
eastmidswhizzkid wrote:The Cure stole the show (with just one song,IMO)playing a blistering version of "one hundred years".
The Cure were excellent. I didn't give f**k about anyone else playing today, although the cause is OK.

Why didn't they ask Von to open today's events with Vision Thing though?

Posted: 03 Jul 2005, 02:20
by Andrew S
James Blast wrote:The Who - killer!
Told you so :D
James Blast wrote:now, The Pink Floyd - astounding!!!!!
You can say that again. The whole thing was more emotional than I expecteed. In particular Roger was genuinely moved by playing with them again after 24 years and he was practically in tears himself. I loved the choice of songs - I was hoping they would end with Comfortably Numb and they did :D :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy:

As for the rest, I missed the Cure :( , Madonna ruined an otherwise good performance by being her usual ego-masturbating self, and I really liked Macca & U2's rendition of Sgt. Pepper. Sting was nothing special, I missed Annie Lennnox, quite enjoyed the Kaiser Chiefs and Killers. Snow Patrol were quite good - for some reason they sound a lot more interesting live. First time I've seen Velvet Revolver and I quite liked them. I don't know about Euroboy but the singer reminded me a lot of Robert Carlyle in The Full Monty. :lol:

Posted: 03 Jul 2005, 03:59
by Thea
Brideoffrankenstein wrote:
d00mw0lf wrote:I had to listen to the radio one coverage from start to 7pm.
how come? :?
Beacause.... I.... was.... being..... kidnapped.
f**king s**t wankcrap assfuck.... it was a pile of f**king wank wasn't it? :evil:

Posted: 03 Jul 2005, 08:52
by Obviousman
Pink Floyd wasn't bad at all indeed, The Who, not bad either...

But why did no-one say Lou and Andy would come over too :(
Now I've only see them coming on stage in the recap after Pink Floyd...

Posted: 03 Jul 2005, 10:07
by Dark
I missed Geldof singing I Don't Like Mondays, but hey.
The Who weren't bad, but I wish they'd played an amphetamine-rushed version of My Generation.

Still, it was all worth it when my dad and I started singing along to Comfortably Numb.

But I admit, I was a little disappointed when the solo at the end of the song finished, I almost wanted them to carry on:

All of my words are second hand and useless in the face of this
Rationale, Rhyme and Reason, pale behind a single kiss..

I do listen to that medley too much. :lol:

Posted: 03 Jul 2005, 10:12
by Quiff Boy
having mariah carey on was very poor taste.

i know they have said "its not about the money, its about raising awareness" but when you swan around like a complete and utter f**king diva, spending money like its going out of fashion, and making the kind of ridiculous demands that she does (wonder where she stayed last night! and how many times they had to re-paint the entire floor of the hotel in the correct shade of pink for her...), then its entirely inappropriate to perform at an "charity" event where the subject is poverty. and abject poverty at that.

i think they f**ked up inviting her.

i except that she's probably bankrupt herself by now, after the last few failed records, but there was a time she could have paid of most of that 3rd world debt from her pocket money.

the cynical me wonders if here attendance was a desperate bid to regain some positive PR after the entire world seeing and hearing about what a bitch she was...

and the whole "hold a black kids' hand while we sing to them" was as excruciating as it was patronising.

that bit where they got that woman back who was "10 minutes away from death" back in 1985: "and now look! what a beautiful black woman she's become!" - while madonna sang at her :eek: :roll:


i can see what they were trying to do with that, but it failed and looked tacky and very much a token gesture.

mariah carey should have been lynched for even daring to show her face at that event.

and if they're going to let a dumb-ass f**k like beckham open his mouth in front of x million viewers they should have at least gone through his little speech and corrected all the grammatical errors. i mean, we know he's a fuckwit, but the world at large doesn't need to be reminded that our football team's captain can barely string a sentence together.

dear oh dear.

still, a few of the bands rocked. i was even quite surprised to find myself liking the kaiser chiefs! :o

missed the cure though. anyone know where there's an avi of the performance? ;)

Posted: 03 Jul 2005, 10:52
by eastmidswhizzkid
quiffy said
and the whole "hold a black kids' hand while we sing to them" was as excruciating as it was patronising.
wasn't it f**king just.there's no way that spoilt little mare would get her hands dirty and her arse sweaty by ,say,actually going to africa like st.bob and the like do. :x

Posted: 03 Jul 2005, 11:22
by hallucienate
Quiff Boy wrote:missed the cure though. anyone know where there's an avi of the performance? ;) :innocent:

Posted: 03 Jul 2005, 11:34
by Quiff Boy
hallucienate wrote:
Quiff Boy wrote:missed the cure though. anyone know where there's an avi of the performance? ;) :innocent:

i'll keep my eye out for it appearing :notworthy:

Posted: 03 Jul 2005, 11:44
by hallucienate
Quiff Boy wrote:
hallucienate wrote:
Quiff Boy wrote:missed the cure though. anyone know where there's an avi of the performance? ;) :innocent:

i'll keep my eye out for it appearing :notworthy:
I've got the placebo and floyd coming down. Placebo because it's Placebo, floyd out of interest.

Posted: 03 Jul 2005, 12:12
by Quiff Boy
hallucienate wrote:
Quiff Boy wrote:

i'll keep my eye out for it appearing :notworthy:
I've got the placebo and floyd coming down. Placebo because it's Placebo, floyd out of interest.
green day in berlin sounded pretty cool too 8)

Posted: 03 Jul 2005, 12:18
by doc P
because my 9 month old had the worst night i accidently saw THE WHO performing who are you, brilliant with all the faces of the G8 staff on the videoscreens in the background :lol:

Posted: 03 Jul 2005, 12:28
by Francis
For once in my life I wished I'd been in France. Can anyone point me in the direction of Muse's set?

Dave Gilmour looked a bit stern, and not as pleased to be 'back together' as Mr Waters. But I guess that's understandable given the history of the situation.

The memory that will stay with me longest is the complete lack of anyone mouthing the words to Redemption Song, contrasted by everyone singing along to Red Red Wine. Enjoy your Sunday roast.

Posted: 03 Jul 2005, 12:36
by canon docre
on aol (i know, I know :urff: ) I could switch from town to town and therefore managed to see every worthwhile gig in good stream quality. Currently its on rerun. 8)

Posted: 03 Jul 2005, 13:10
by Quiff Boy
Francis wrote:Dave Gilmour looked a bit stern, and not as pleased to be 'back together' as Mr Waters. But I guess that's understandable given the history of the situation.
i was thinking the same thing :lol:
Francis wrote:The memory that will stay with me longest is the complete lack of anyone mouthing the words to Redemption Song, contrasted by everyone singing along to Red Red Wine.
oh lord, no. terrible :urff:

managed to avoid ub40 :lol:
Francis wrote:Enjoy your Sunday roast.
perish the thought :lol:

Posted: 03 Jul 2005, 14:42
by eastmidswhizzkid
Francis wrote:For once in my life I wished I'd been in France. Can anyone point me in the direction of Muse's set?

Dave Gilmour looked a bit stern, and not as pleased to be 'back together' as Mr Waters. But I guess that's understandable given the history of the situation.

The memory that will stay with me longest is the complete lack of anyone mouthing the words to Redemption Song, contrasted by everyone singing along to Red Red Wine. Enjoy your Sunday roast.
if its any consolation i sang along to redemption song.i even put aside my caustic commentary and pop-induced ill-temper for a moment. :eek:

Posted: 03 Jul 2005, 14:45
by eastmidswhizzkid
canon docre wrote:on aol (i know, I know :urff: ) I could switch from town to town and therefore managed to see every worthwhile gig in good stream quality. Currently its on rerun. 8)
yep,me too.

f**k me,AOL actually an advantage rather than an albatross for a change!

Posted: 03 Jul 2005, 15:21
by Brideoffrankenstein
My friend Caroline just got back from Live 8 and thoroughly enjoyed herself. Sadly she missed Pink Floyd and The Who as she had to leave to get her train back in time :(

Posted: 03 Jul 2005, 16:12
by Johnny M
I'm not a big Floyd fan but I was blown away. As Money was finishing I thought to myself "wouldn't it be funny if they played Wish ..." which is my all time fav. 8)


And as Wish was finishing I thought "wouldn't it be funny if they played CN ..." 8)


There was a lot of collective weeping across Heartland last night and it was fab. Indeed, very emotional. :wink:

PS: A special mention to Snoop Dog who broke the Inter-Galactic record for saying the word 'motherf*cker' live on international prime-time TV. :lol:

Posted: 03 Jul 2005, 16:27
by aims
Snoop was a complete stuck up twit. He must have said his own name about 3 times as much as the other performers mentioned Live 8 in total. Didn't seem too appropriate really.

Posted: 03 Jul 2005, 16:40
by Johnny M
Motz wrote:Snoop was a complete stuck up tw*t. He must have said his own name about 3 times as much as the other performers mentioned Live 8 in total. Didn't seem too appropriate really.
Oh, I totally agree Mikey Boy but the child in me can still snigger at rude words on telly. :P

Anyway, why are you such a grumpy old man today? Struggling with your maths homework? :wink: