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Posted: 21 Jul 2005, 11:58
by Quiff Boy
i dont mind them to be honest, and even have showbiz and absolution albums.

they're not on regular rotation though as i struggle to listen to them without hearing that bloody annoying sucking-in sound he does every few seconds.... but if i'm correctly disposed an dthe wind is blowing in the correct direction and the heavens are in the appropriate aspect, and its a tuesday in march, then yeah, i'll admit that they can belt out a good tune from time to time.

plug in baby, time is running out, map of your head. not bad songs at all. quite groovy in fact. they are however prone to overt pompousness (but since when was that a cardinal sin?), and also to overly long and elaborate geetar widdling... that more than anything tends to turn me off them :?

Posted: 21 Jul 2005, 12:03
by boudicca
Quiff Boy wrote:they are however prone to overt pompousness (but since when was that a cardinal sin?)
Not round here, Boss!



Posted: 21 Jul 2005, 12:07
by Quiff Boy
exactamon :D :lol: :notworthy:

Posted: 21 Jul 2005, 13:18
by culprit
Rosalie wrote:I don't think it's "Without doubt" if they're so well loved by people who aren't so anal about guys who sing high. In your opinion, you mean :)
absolutely, my dear Rosalie :D

In my own opinion, and it's not cos he sings high, I just don't get it.

I do, however, respect those who think he's dead good.

You must have good taste anyway, cos you're here!!


love and mushrooms
c u l p r i t