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Posted: 31 Jul 2005, 23:47
by Cimmerian
Gah! Why did I let myself get drawn into this?

I only popped on tonight to see if there was any more info about the secret Sisters gig, and now look! I find myself "feeding the troll" and perpetuating this bloody attention seeker's martydom. :roll:

Time enough, I think.

Posted: 31 Jul 2005, 23:50
by Rosalie
It's very easy for you to consider me a troll, because it means you don't have to think about you indireclty feeding and supporting transphobia.

I'd like if you could at least show enough respect to respond to my posts, instead of my supposed trolling.

I repeat that I am not a troll. I am sensitive about certain things that some people on this board have ripped right open and taken a massive s**t in. Just because I have strong opposing opinions does not make me a "troll".

I'm not a troll, but as long as people here think that bigotry and prejudice is just fine, and not a single person stands up, I will continue to make a fuss about it, and I should be entitled to do so.

Posted: 31 Jul 2005, 23:51
by eastmidswhizzkid
<reels her in and sticks her in the keep-net>

hey,rosie: i have no problems with trannies,"phony"-fannies,or any kind of cross-gender issues -recall i was simply answering your assertions that "natural" vaginas were the same as non-"natural" vaginas.(which they're not )
i've been hit on by straight women,gay men,bi-men,bi-women,transsexuals....the fact is they're all only human and i'm a handsome guy. :innocent: :lol:
i've never felt anything but flattery at any advances made on my person -even from the ugly ones.i'm actually (in my pre-steady-relationship days) far more of a "do anything to anything " person long as there's a sexual attraction.however i decided a long time ago that men don't do it for me and yes,i've met an awful lot of transsexual men/women who don't do it for me either.nor do ugly women,and i suppose that means i don't like women either?

basically your response to my last post simply proves that like most baggage-laden people you can't handle interacting with peoplle without assuming they carry the same baggage.i have NO hang-ups sexual or otherwise - i'm just a p1ss-taking muthafukka who dislikes attention seeking.

Posted: 31 Jul 2005, 23:51
by canon docre
Cimmerian wrote:Gah! Why did I let myself get drawn into this?
I was asking myself the same question. :lol: Therapists get usually paid for their advices bloody well. :wink:

Posted: 31 Jul 2005, 23:53
by Silver_Owl
It strikes me that you originally posted to provoke reaction. Which you aheived. Having acheived that you are then unhappy because people dare to voice their own opinion and preference. If as you say 'it was just a joke' then why let people offend you?

It takes all sorts and this place is certainly made up of many different personalities.

So, in conclusion, why not refrain from posting such utter s**t and play nice? It's all so obvious really.

Anyway, lifes too short for rowing, so play nice with the lovely Heartland kids - they';re a good bunch of people.

Posted: 31 Jul 2005, 23:53
by James Blast
b o r i n g !

please take it to another board


Posted: 31 Jul 2005, 23:55
by Rosalie
hey,rosie: i have no problems with trannies,"phony"-fannies,or any kind of cross-gender issues -recall i was simply answering your assertions that "natural" vaginas were the same as non-"natural" vaginas.(which they're not )
i've been hit on by straight women,gay men,bi-men,bi-women,transsexuals....the fact is they're all only human and i'm a handsome guy. It wasn't me... Laughing
i've never felt anything but flattery at any advances made on my person -even from the ugly ones.i'm actually (in my pre-steady-relationship days) far more of a "do anything to anything " person long as there's a sexual attraction.however i decided a long time ago that men don't do it for me and yes,i've met an awful lot of transsexual men/women who don't do it for me either.nor do ugly women,and i suppose that means i don't like women either?
Transsexual women are not usually "ugly". I'm wonderring if you've met transsexuals, or just crossdressers.
basically your response to my last post simply proves that like most baggage-laden people you can't handle interacting with peoplle without assuming they carry the same baggage.i have NO hang-ups sexual or otherwise - i'm just a p1ss-taking muthafukka who dislikes attention seeking.
And also one who considers transsexual "men with their dicks turned inside out". I'd hardly consider that a mark of respect. You fail to realise that even if you're not up in arms with a pitchfork against them, your attitude towards transsexuality and refusal to accept them for who they are. is *exactly* what caused that poor girl to be murdered.
You're a "muthafukka" of some kind, alright. An insensitive one, at that. You wrote that knowing/beleiving/thinking I was a transsexual, how do you think a transsexual would feel reading those comments? Or even someone like me who's heard more about their strifes from them than anyone?

You claim tolerance, but I'd like to see you put it into practice, and apologise for your utterly demeaning comments.

Posted: 31 Jul 2005, 23:56
by scotty
eastmidswhizzkid wrote: i've never felt anything but flattery at any advances made on my person -even from the ugly ones.
Sorry about that EMWK,it was the drink that made me do it! :lol:

Posted: 31 Jul 2005, 23:57
by Rosalie
James Blast wrote:b o r i n g !

please take it to another board

It wouldn't be boring if you had someone close to you that was murdered for being a transsexual, would it?

Don't be so insensitive.

Posted: 01 Aug 2005, 00:05
by Debaser
Rosalie wrote:

Or even someone like me who's heard more about their strifes from them than anyone?
Really? You can prove this can you? , when you say 'anyone' which anyones would that be? what gives you the right to claim this? I need to see your badge/documentation that says 'Number Uno Font of all Transexual worries and knowledge'

I read your posts buit the words just drift into the same simple word


This is my last ever response to any of your posts.

Posted: 01 Aug 2005, 00:08
by James Blast
Rosalie wrote:It wouldn't be boring if you had someone close to you that was murdered for being a transsexual, would it?

Don't be so insensitive.
and don't you be lame, this is not the place for stuff like that

We are nice, we are welcoming, we are good and kind people.

I think where you're coming from don't really fit in here, IMO
it could be worse, I could be wrong

can we all play nicely again, please? :D

Posted: 01 Aug 2005, 00:09
by Rosalie
For your last ever response to any of my posts, you sure did stretch the tables a lot.

The bottom line is that people here care more about erradicting kids that don't use the internet the way they want them than dealing with homophobes. No drowing it in "oh boy attention whore" will change that fact.

Posted: 01 Aug 2005, 00:13
by scotty
"Thers none so blind that WILL not see..."
I'm of to bed.

Posted: 01 Aug 2005, 00:14
by _emma_
Rosalie wrote:Need I mention how incredibly shallow you are, putting the importance of the body so much above the mind,
Hey. Look. With all respect, I think you yourself are putting the importance of the body above the mind. It's you who moans about being plump/obese/male/female and so on.
If only you could be bothered to take a closer look around this forum (further than your own navel I mean :) ), you'd see that there are some people who are respected and liked, and some of them are skinny and some are , erm, slightly overweight :), some of them are men, some are women, and some haven't even revealed their gender but they are still respected. Think about it, and draw your conclusions.
Not that I think respect is the greatest thing to achieve in life, but you seem to thinks so, hence my suggestion. :wink:
Rosalie wrote:despite the fact that it's inherently obvious most of the real differences between the genders originate from the mind? I suppose you're going to ignore all the research being done showing that a brain being genuinely wired in a female manner is probably what causes transsexuality in the first place?

Well, I have to disagree with you here. No matter how much has been written about the sex of human brains, I still believe it doesn't really matter that much. All the great people I can think of seem to be 50% male and 50% female deep inside. Have you ever read "Orlando" ? :)

Posted: 01 Aug 2005, 00:19
by eastmidswhizzkid
in some sort of order -the "ugly women" comment was about non-transsexuals as, if you read my post objectively, is fairly obvious.i was merely rubbishing your assumption that i wouldn't be able to cope with the attentions of a "stunning" post-op once i had found out they were previously male.

secondly,part of the male-to-female operation most definitely involves having your dick turned inside out.

thirdly,yes -i'm insensitive.but that's neither here nor there.i had no idea as to your gender status (perhaps it is a sign of my 'bigotry' that i assume someone posting under a female name is female) nor was i,in fact ,responding to anything other than your response to scardwell's post.

i don't claim tolerance at all - i find your loaded assumptions,deliberate attention-seeking and lack of humour completely dull-witted and predictable.

Posted: 01 Aug 2005, 00:19
by Rosalie
James Blast wrote:
Rosalie wrote:It wouldn't be boring if you had someone close to you that was murdered for being a transsexual, would it?

Don't be so insensitive.
and don't you be lame, this is not the place for stuff like that

We are nice, we are welcoming, we are good and kind people.
Not if you think "Being lame" is a worse crime than murdering a transsexual, you're not.
Hey. Look. With all respect, I think you yourself are putting the importance of the body above the mind. It's you who moans about being plump/obese/male/female and so on.
I was never moaning about that. I was "moaning" about how people treated others based on that fact. Clearly, you don't much care about prejduice.

Posted: 01 Aug 2005, 00:23
by Rosalie
eastmidswhizzkid wrote:in some sort of order -the "ugly women" comment was about non-transsexuals as, if you read my post objectively, is fairly obvious.i was merely rubbishing your assumption that i wouldn't be able to cope with the attentions of a "stunning" post-op once i had found out they were previously male.

secondly,part of the male-to-female operation most definitely involves having your dick turned inside out.
That doesn't change that your comments were offensive and insensitive. As people here only really care about themselves, nobody could be arsed with hateful comments like that.

Plus, you refered to them as male.
thirdly,yes -i'm insensitive.but that's neither here nor there.i had no idea as to your gender status (perhaps it is a sign of my 'bigotry' that i assume someone posting under a female name is female) nor was i,in fact ,responding to anything other than your response to scardwell's post.

i don't claim tolerance at all - i find your loaded assumptions,deliberate attention-seeking and lack of humour completely dull-witted and predictable.
Yes, because we all know "lack of humour" is worse than being a bigot.

So you don't claim tolerance, therefore, yes, you are intolerant, therefore a transphobe, and you do cause people to live difficult lives that often end in suicide or hate related murder.

Be *proud* of your right to bear that "opinion", why don't you?

Posted: 01 Aug 2005, 00:25
by James Blast
oh dear, is this what we have come to?

I'm off to listen to Wishbone Ash

Posted: 01 Aug 2005, 00:25
by eastmidswhizzkid
who here has murdered a transsexual?your loaded assumptions once again belie your stated intentions.

Posted: 01 Aug 2005, 00:26
by Rosalie
It amazes, and disgusts me, that not one person here *does* give a s**t about transsexuals, and consider it much worse that someone dare disagree with their "sense of humour".

Hold a mirror up to yourselves instead of telling me to do the same, perhaps?

Posted: 01 Aug 2005, 00:27
by boudicca
James Blast wrote:We are nice, we are welcoming, we are good and kind people.
Exactamundo. :notworthy:

This is meant to be a relatively light-hearted place, where sad old not-goffs can share a pathetic joke or two, often at each other's expense.

And if we're talking about "big issues", we can still agree to differ without it getting nasty. You have no right to tell us what should and should not be allowed on a "civilised forum". I certainly wouldn't try it. We have free speech, and we'll use it to voice our opinions if you provoke them.

If you wish to deal with them in a civil manner and/or accept that you're in a minority on something and agree to disagree, then there's no problem (for me anyway). But if you make posts that are bound to illicit a strongly opinionated response, and then start playing the victim when people don't agree with you, then you will have a problem.
Not only on this board but in life.

It's up to you. No-one here is looking for a fight.

Posted: 01 Aug 2005, 00:30
by Rosalie
eastmidswhizzkid wrote:who here has murdered a transsexual?your loaded assumptions once again belie your stated intentions.
If you read carefully, you would see that that girl was murdered because people found out she was a transsexual, and if it had been acceptable to "be" a transsexual and be recognised as your true gender, which you actively opposed, she would not have been murdered.

Posted: 01 Aug 2005, 00:31
by eastmidswhizzkid
and considering you know so little about me, including my sexual history,do you honestly expect to ever be able to relate to anyone when you go into it with this approach.despicable prejudice?sort out your own back-yard before judging mine.

Posted: 01 Aug 2005, 00:33
by Rosalie
What is wrong with my "own back yard"? What I saw in that post was someone desperately trying to come up with some reason he shouldn't apologise.

You are so quick to try and reverse things before even dealing with what you yourself undoubtedly said.

Posted: 01 Aug 2005, 00:35
by boudicca
Maybe you could utilise your "special avatar" at this point Mr. Whizz... :innocent: :twisted: