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Posted: 05 Aug 2005, 15:36
by MadameButterfly
:kiss: To ya scotty.....indeed that lady except in red. And the movie UNDERWORLD.

@B - will get a copy your way but have a feeling you might have seen it?

@MrsRJ - have all the respect in the world for you. One day our paths will cross maybe have already in dreams but we must have a cup of tea together. YOU look familiar to me and no I have only been to the U.K. for a day and far away from you.

@smiscandlon - you are just my kind sir.
@eastmidswhizzkid - you kind sir are my drunken salior that I hope is well and looking after his mrs.

One more day and still no tickets in the post!!! The excitement from 2 weeks ago at this moment at 0.


Posted: 05 Aug 2005, 17:40
by MadameButterfly
:oops: Now it does look I am talking to myself....but a confession has to be made. Have no idea who "Mad Val" is and at this stage do not give a hoot...although please feel free to inform..*here*.

:twisted: phoned my favourite radio station informing about my tickets and :oops: I am on the guest-list. :wink: 8) Told you in a posting before that the deejays love me....give them food for the soul....on they have played SOF a good few times that my neighbours :lol:

NOW my excitement level is 100% again and could even count the hours but have more important things to do. :wink:

Luv to ya all on HL and dominion and the others that just luv me for being me

MB :kiss:

Posted: 05 Aug 2005, 17:48
by Mrs RicheyJames
MadameButterfly wrote:
@MrsRJ - have all the respect in the world for you. One day our paths will cross maybe have already in dreams but we must have a cup of tea together. YOU look familiar to me and no I have only been to the U.K. for a day and far away from you.

A cup of tea?? I THINK NOT

Posted: 05 Aug 2005, 18:47
by MadameButterfly
O.K. no tea then....steps back knowing what it feels like to have had food-poisoning......but I am friend and not matter what any book or forum says....

Posted: 05 Aug 2005, 20:15
by Mrs. Snowey
Mrs RicheyJames wrote: A cup of tea?? I THINK NOT
I didn't think you'd know what "tea" was 8) :lol:

Posted: 05 Aug 2005, 21:27
by boudicca
Herbal tea for you MB, am I right? :wink: :twisted: :innocent:

Posted: 05 Aug 2005, 23:29
by MadameButterfly rooibos with 2x sugar and green tea (no sugar) and herbaltea and there is the mushroom tea (once in a blue moon) but I am really a coffee no sugar no milk.

MB :kiss:

Posted: 06 Aug 2005, 10:18
by Mrs RicheyJames
Mrs. Snowey wrote:
Mrs RicheyJames wrote: A cup of tea?? I THINK NOT
I didn't think you'd know what "tea" was 8) :lol:
The only thing I know about tea is it doesn't make a very nice mixer :urff:


Posted: 06 Aug 2005, 12:30
by Mrs. Snowey
Mrs RicheyJames wrote:
Mrs. Snowey wrote:
Mrs RicheyJames wrote: A cup of tea?? I THINK NOT
I didn't think you'd know what "tea" was 8) :lol:
The only thing I know about tea is it doesn't make a very nice mixer :urff:

It's not bad with whisky in when you feel a bout of 'flu coming on. With lots of sugar :)

Posted: 13 Aug 2005, 20:39
by MadameButterfly
8) Whiskey is the drink I have learnt to enjoy straight...any mixes of drinks leads to the "loo" stage and "been there, done that and have learnt my lesson".

MB :wink:

Posted: 13 Aug 2005, 20:47
by MadameButterfly
8) Am so excited!!! Bought my tickets to LOWLANDS today....19th(Fri), 20th(Sat) and 21st(Sun) in Biddinghuizen in Holland and am getting camping gear, drug gear, witch gear all together parallel to my oh, such a busy life...but it fits with my name making me the Queen Bee and of course all the little soldiers and warriors are getting ready for a ROCK 'N ROLL party for the artists among us but the costs :eek: 115.00 EURO per person but have been saving for this one as the last was 5 years ago.

If you want to see the set-up
and it happens to be a full moon week-end with lots of good vibes....if YOU can come along....our paths is an amazing exeperience in all dimensions :von: ;D

MB :kiss:

Posted: 13 Aug 2005, 20:50
by Dark
MadameButterfly wrote:8) Whiskey is the drink I have learnt to enjoy straight...any mixes of drinks leads to the "loo" stage and "been there, done that and have learnt my lesson".

MB :wink:
I found mixing whiskey with lemonade was nice.
Mixing it with some concoction of orange juice, red wine and vodka that my sister made up did give me a little stomach ache, and made me feel somewhat numb, but it tasted nice.

Posted: 13 Aug 2005, 20:52
by MadameButterfly
Listen to your sister...

Posted: 13 Aug 2005, 20:56
by Dark
Why, she wasn't anywhere near at the time. I don't think they minded either. If anything, once I decided to go to sleep, within minutes my stomach felt better, the room (though pitch black) felt like it was moving, though I wasn't sure how or in what direction.
Best feeling I've had in ages, and shortly followed by the best sleep.

Remember, beforehand I'd drunk several (some mixed) glasses of those punches and felt nothing until I added the whiskey. It does take a lot, thankfully, to make me feel like that, and I know to stop at that point.

Posted: 13 Aug 2005, 21:00
by MadameButterfly
Dark know what you are doing and you know you have my respect and when our paths cross I am behind the shadow in the dark and that you sweet person only to YOUR advantage.
