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Posted: 04 Aug 2005, 18:53
by timsinister
Johnny M wrote:
timsinister wrote:Got the bouncers to pick up Ania, got Johnny up the steps to see her, picked him up when he fell over, pushed him out of the hall afterwards, got water for many people, prised Ania off a musician, and went to A&E.

Just call me the Babysitter. Glad to hear everyone's OK.
You're a star Timothy. Seriously. :notworthy:

I guess us youngsters can't control our pop intake amongst other things. Hope we didn't diss your night too much. :wink:

And now you mention it I do remember being 'escorted' (read supported) across the stage and up the back stairs to find Delilah. As for falling over I blame the gig boots. They just get heavier as the night wears on and by the end of it I just feel like I'm wearing the footware of a deep sea diver. :urff:

But as I said top man and so was Mr Eldritch Boulevard. Sorry I never caught your real name. Many thanks again. :notworthy:

So Tim, sure you can't make Tilburg? If the Johnny and Delilah show rocks again Holland is in serious trouble. :innocent:

Actually, me and Delilah are in serious trouble without your guidance. They have things like Police and jail cells and 'deported' stamps to put in your passport to keep us under control. :lol:

Oh god ... :?
Fear ye not, Mr. M, I'm sure the Heartlanders present will look after you. 'twas no impact on my evening, it all kicked off after the gig finished. AE did raise an enquiring eyebrow at my water jug 'o salvation, but otherwise all went well.

Everybody got out alive, so I count it as a successful evening.

Posted: 04 Aug 2005, 18:58
by Purple Light
nigel d wrote:
FFS Dave wrote:
markfiend wrote:What drugs? You didn't tell me you had drugs!


:lol: :notworthy: :lol: :notworthy: :lol: :notworthy: :lol: :notworthy:

So what happened Johnny? What's all this talk of collapsing? So that's you, Delilah (passing out 'down the front'), Jamie (A&E with very nasty gash above eye), so far. It can be a dangerous business going to see The Sisters. :twisted:

On the subject of Jamie's impressive wound, did anyone see who the prick was who decided to nut him during the gig? Apparently he scarpered sharpish after he'd done it - very wise. Jamie merely continued to rock (allegedly, like all good mates I was completely unaware of all these shenanigans til later. :roll:
the culprit(?) was a tall chap with long hair .(crap description alert)
i was stood just behind when it all kicked off.

the attacked chap , slightly worse for wear , tried to get his arms around the attackers girlfriend ,wether intentionally i dont know,maybe he was just tryingto get to the barrier. hence the somewhat viscious retaliation.
the attacker sidled away after 5 mins or so, never saw him again.

mind you only got to see up to ananconda , we had to go home to relieve the baby sitter.

good to meet faces.

also thanks to markfiend for playing the moderator offline :notworthy:
I remember this quite well (which is strange considering the amount of beer Dave kept buying me).

The tw*t in question had long blonde hair. Our man (I was talking to him all night & can't remember his name :oops: ) wasn't trying to grope his g/friend, he was just trying to hold onto the railing & blondy decided to headbutt him about 5 times. I though the guy was just headbanging to the music until 'our man' turned round to me & had blood dripping out of his eye. Coward make a swift exit.

I think coward would have been joining Dave on a seperate planet to the rest of us if he'd got his commupence. :evil:

Posted: 04 Aug 2005, 21:32
by Johnny M
timsinister wrote: Everybody got out alive, so I count it as a successful evening.
I've said it before and I'll say it again, you're a good man Tim. :notworthy:

Thank Christ it wasn't the Doors we went to see ... :eek:


Posted: 04 Aug 2005, 23:20
by timsinister
Other bad experiences you want to share with the group, Mr. M? :wink:

Don't worry about it; it was a blast meeting you guys, and no serious harm done. 'cept maybe my nerves, but they're expendable! :lol:

How'd you feel the following day? Any mysterious bruises or scars?

That you couldn't attribute to your fan club? :notworthy:

Posted: 04 Aug 2005, 23:43
by Johnny M
Learn your rock history Tim. :wink:

But nope to answer your last question.

Delilah walking down the road with 'swinging hands' actually doing her Tom Jones impersonation is not to be recommended. I'll sue L.C.C. for that lamp post being in the right place at the wrong time. Debaser will sue me for the unwarranted piggy-back and boy do my left-hand side ribs hurt. :?

Nothing inflicted from the fan club except bruised lips. But that's par for the course. :P

Posted: 04 Aug 2005, 23:57
by Delilah
Johnny M wrote:
Delilah walking down the road with 'swinging hands' actually doing her Tom Jones impersonation is not to be recommended.
excuse me? I wasn't THAT drunk! :twisted: ;D :innocent:

Posted: 05 Aug 2005, 00:03
by Johnny M
Delilah wrote:
Johnny M wrote:
Delilah walking down the road with 'swinging hands' actually doing her Tom Jones impersonation is not to be recommended.
excuse me? I wasn't THAT drunk! :twisted: ;D :innocent:
You weren't ... you were on Planet Dave. :urff:

Posted: 05 Aug 2005, 00:35
by Delilah
Johnny M wrote:
Delilah wrote:
Johnny M wrote:
Delilah walking down the road with 'swinging hands' actually doing her Tom Jones impersonation is not to be recommended.
excuse me? I wasn't THAT drunk! :twisted: ;D :innocent:
You weren't ... you were on Planet Dave. :urff:
ahhh... Planet DAve! Now I remember! Or don't remember? Dont know anymore :? BTW, where is FFS tonite? 8)

Posted: 05 Aug 2005, 00:39
by Johnny M
Delilah wrote: BTW, where is FFS tonite? 8)
Umm ...maybe on Planet Dave. Solo. :lol:

Posted: 05 Aug 2005, 08:58
by culprit
Here's a serious question...
Skipping thru the threads I've found a few questions unanswered (specifically from Francis and _emma_) about what everyone actually said to Von.

Did anyone mention the Forum? Etc....

Posted: 05 Aug 2005, 09:01
by Mrs RicheyJames
Erm...... I can't remember what I said to him after the gig. But before hand, I told him he should be grateful as me sis had come all the way from Carlisle to babysit so we could come to the gig. He looked at me dead pan for a few secs (thought he was going to say, "f*ck off, or something) then said, "Well I've come all the way from bradford". LOL

Posted: 05 Aug 2005, 09:21
by snowey
I asked him if there was any UK gigs coming up and he said " Yes, in about 1 and a half hours". :lol:

Oh and did he want a drink as I was getting the round in...(rum and coke for those interested).

He told Scardy he lived in Bradford I was so tempted to ask him if he lived next door to a bloke with a missing tooth and clogs but thought better of it.

Posted: 05 Aug 2005, 09:30
by Mrs RicheyJames
So it's cool to live in Bradford now? <looks smug>.

Posted: 05 Aug 2005, 09:39
by markfiend
Before the gig when he was by the door I asked him "How come you're at the front of the queue so early?"

He said, "Well, I don't get out much..."


Posted: 05 Aug 2005, 09:56
by culprit
markfiend wrote:Before the gig when he was by the door I asked him "How come you're at the front of the queue so early?"

He said, "Well, I don't get out much..."

:notworthy: :von: :notworthy:
I just love it.

Posted: 05 Aug 2005, 10:11
by Quiff Boy
i asked if he could try and make sure eva got in when she finally turned up, we also exchanged pleasentries and chatted very vaguely about mutual friends (namely mr marx and mr hosein), but nothing earth shattering.

i asked if all the setup was going well... he said they were having a bit of trouble with guitars at one point (alluding to them getting adam back in from his mc5 tour and getting chris c. in at the last minute?), to which i suggested they get a machine to do it. he said something to the effect of "dont think we havent tried that already" :o :lol:

he was in a very agreeable and affable mood. he seemed slightly bemused when mrs rj descended upon the scene though :lol:

Posted: 05 Aug 2005, 10:19
by Mrs RicheyJames
Quiff Boy wrote:he was in a very agreeable and affable mood. he seemed slightly bemused when mrs rj descended upon the scene though :lol:
:lol: :lol:

Posted: 05 Aug 2005, 10:21
by Quiff Boy
Mrs RicheyJames wrote:
Quiff Boy wrote:he was in a very agreeable and affable mood. he seemed slightly bemused when mrs rj descended upon the scene though :lol:
:lol: :lol:
and i remember his bradford comment to you, too :lol: :notworthy:

Posted: 05 Aug 2005, 10:22
by snowey
Quiff Boy wrote:iHe seemed slightly bemused when mrs rj descended upon the scene though :lol:
Did you notice how high SG's voice went up when she realised who was sitting on the wall :lol: it was like giving a 5 year old a red smartie :innocent:

Posted: 05 Aug 2005, 10:23
by RicheyJames
and it still took me another ten minutes before i realised why she wouldn't go to the bar...

Posted: 05 Aug 2005, 10:27
by Mrs RicheyJames
snowey wrote:
Quiff Boy wrote:iHe seemed slightly bemused when mrs rj descended upon the scene though :lol:
Did you notice how high SG's voice went up when she realised who was sitting on the wall :lol: it was like giving a 5 year old a red smartie :innocent:
Rubbish. Everyone knows the orange ones are the best.

Posted: 05 Aug 2005, 10:59
by Debaser
Mrs RicheyJames wrote:
Rubbish. Everyone knows orange is the best.
Another one to add to the list :twisted: :twisted: :wink:

Posted: 05 Aug 2005, 11:03
by Mrs RicheyJames
Debaser wrote:
Mrs RicheyJames wrote:
Rubbish. Everyone knows orange is the best.
Another one to add to the list :twisted: :twisted: :wink:
Is it a list of bloody brilliant people?

Posted: 05 Aug 2005, 11:13
by Debaser
Naturellement ;)

Posted: 05 Aug 2005, 16:34
by Scardwel
I asked him how his cats were. "I've got 3 of 'em, one of 'em lives in Detroit" was his reply. I think he was refering to an ex-girlfriend. :lol:
I also asked him about the new guitarist. He said he was thrilled to have Chris Catalyst on board and that he is a Robochrist fan.
The soundcheck seemed to take forever. They played bits of Will I Dream, Neverland, Ribbons, possibly Giving Ground and a bit of I Was Wrong when it came to soundcheck the bass guitar. I remember Chris playing a few Wildhearts riffs I recognised.
Von was pacing up and down throughout, mobile phone clipped to his belt (a Nokia I think), occasionally stopping to light up one of his Marlboro Lights or to give "advice" to the soundguy - "that sounded kinda muddy" was one comment I heard.
About halfway through, Simon Denbigh appeared with the guest-list (there were 87 names on it btw!) and mentioned something about a certain lady coming all the way from Switzerland and can she be on the guest-list. "Sure, as long as she's not wearing a black wedding dress." was his reply! :lol: :lol: :lol:
Top bloke. :von: :D :notworthy: