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Posted: 12 Aug 2005, 21:36
by aims
Liverpool has two cathedrals, so there :P

And if I had a telescope and a very clear day, I might just see them from my window :innocent:

Posted: 12 Aug 2005, 21:41
by Johnny M
Oh yes, some of the more 'mature' HLers will remember the theme tune to The Liver Birds " ...and if you want a cathedral, we've got one to spare ..." :wink:

Posted: 12 Aug 2005, 21:43
by aims
And some of the less mature HLers will remember the "Paddy's Wigwam" and just giggle ;)

Posted: 12 Aug 2005, 21:44
by Debaser
Dark wrote:Bah. I've yet to look at the Cathedral in daytime and like it.

However, getting close up to it at nighttime, especially around the parts that aren't as lit up, like around the Chapter House, whilst the sky's a deep blue and the sun has all but set, and THEN it's beautiful.

Posted: 12 Aug 2005, 21:46
by Johnny M
@ Ness - Looks a bit *cough* goff *cough* ... but don't they all? 8)

Posted: 12 Aug 2005, 21:47
by Debaser

And this is probably my second fav cathedral.

Posted: 12 Aug 2005, 21:49
by Johnny M
Nice Gothic cranes.

Posted: 12 Aug 2005, 21:50
by Dark
Debaser wrote:
Dark wrote:Bah. I've yet to look at the Cathedral in daytime and like it.

However, getting close up to it at nighttime, especially around the parts that aren't as lit up, like around the Chapter House, whilst the sky's a deep blue and the sun has all but set, and THEN it's beautiful.
That's the Cathedral I mean. :notworthy:

Posted: 12 Aug 2005, 21:51
by Dark
Debaser wrote:

And this is probably my second fav cathedral.
Beautiful. :eek:
And what a way to go, jumping off one of those towers..

Sorry, it's "those" thoughts again. :lol:

Posted: 12 Aug 2005, 21:53
by Debaser
Johnny M wrote:Nice Gothic cranes.
And to keep the goff mood...

Interior design huh?

Posted: 12 Aug 2005, 21:58
by Johnny M

You're a sick woman Ness. You need help. 8)

Posted: 12 Aug 2005, 22:06
by Debaser
I just took the picture :innocent:

Posted: 12 Aug 2005, 22:08
by Johnny M
Exactly. :innocent:

Posted: 12 Aug 2005, 23:05
by emilystrange
Johnny M wrote:Oh yes, some of the more 'mature' HLers will remember the theme tune to The Liver Birds " ...and if you want a cathedral, we've got one to spare ..." :wink:
who could forget... :notworthy:

Posted: 12 Aug 2005, 23:26
by Zuma
Still trying to forget it....

Posted: 13 Aug 2005, 01:17
by Debaser
What's got four eyes, talks peculiar...

Not that I can remember it....Old Ma Debaser used to sing it to e when I was a wee bairn :innocent:

Posted: 13 Aug 2005, 10:16
by Mrs. Snowey
Motz wrote:And some of the less mature HLers will remember the "Paddy's Wigwam" and just giggle ;)
Yes, well. It did provide decades of work for the local roofing companies :innocent: :lol:

We can actually see the "proper" cathedral from our back bedroom window. It's just getting into the back bedroom and navigating your way to the window that makes it difficult :lol:

But I can't actually see it from where t'computer is. So it don't count.

Posted: 13 Aug 2005, 10:54
by aims
I can now see lots of wet trees. Out of the front I can see lots of wet houses. Upton's such an interesting place :roll:

Posted: 13 Aug 2005, 12:36
by timsinister
Aft, a damp garden and a railway embankment (lots of fun at six eh em with a hangover and a twenty car diesal train shoots past). To my right, a damp street of terraced houses. Sympathies, Motz, everything looks worse in the rain...

Posted: 13 Aug 2005, 12:53
by Mrs. Snowey
Motz wrote:I can now see lots of wet trees. Out of the front I can see lots of wet houses. Upton's such an interesting place :roll:
Snap :wink: Still, at least it stops the neighbours having one of their paraffin barbecue specials :roll:

Looking out across Roche Ferrez, I do believe there is slightly less water in the air than there was an hour ago. Might even have a trip to the Capital Of Culcha 8)

Posted: 13 Aug 2005, 12:56
by aims
Seriously, what does Capital of Culture mean about from shutting down Quiggins for some arty boll*cks and putting up so many bloody banners that navigation through the city center is nigh on impossible because you can't see the shop names? :urff:

Posted: 13 Aug 2005, 12:59
by Silver_Owl
Motz wrote:Seriously, what does Capital of Culture mean about from shutting down Quiggins for some arty boll*cks and putting up so many bloody banners that navigation through the city center is nigh on impossible because you can't see the shop names? :urff:
My wife used to work in Quiggins. Knew you'd be fascinated. :)

Posted: 13 Aug 2005, 13:03
by Mrs. Snowey
Hom_Corleone wrote:
Motz wrote:Seriously, what does Capital of Culture mean about from shutting down Quiggins for some arty boll*cks and putting up so many bloody banners that navigation through the city center is nigh on impossible because you can't see the shop names? :urff:
My wife used to work in Quiggins. Knew you'd be fascinated. :)
Which shop?

@Motz - but when Quiggins takes over Lewises, I won't have so far to walk from the station :lol:

Posted: 13 Aug 2005, 13:12
by Silver_Owl
Some ethnic crafty shop. Can't remember which but she used to love it there, that much I know.

Posted: 13 Aug 2005, 13:16
by Mrs. Snowey
Hom_Corleone wrote:Some ethnic crafty shop. Can't remember which but she used to love it there, that much I know.
It did used to a good place to go. Ah well :roll: