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Posted: 01 Sep 2005, 13:05
by Dark
I just reached my data transfer limit last night, so I was left without internet usage for the evening (at least until it was reset at midnight. I timed it well :roll:) and I spent all evening playing various games, watching TV and looking out at the lightning.

Sure there was rain, but I liked the lightning. All night it was flashing, at one point it must have been really close, because there was a huge flash of white light and uber-loud thunder.

I liked it.

Posted: 01 Sep 2005, 13:05
by markfiend
Points taken.

I think a large problem with the UK's transport problem is that everyone thinks "something should be done" but when that "something" would require long-term investment of (possibly) billions of pounds, no-one is willing to take the tax-hike this would inevitably need.

And of course this is always "everyone else's fault"...

Posted: 01 Sep 2005, 13:09
by MadameButterfly
Love thunder and lightning storms myself...dear is arriving tonight...or so the weather-man says.

Posted: 01 Sep 2005, 13:10
by paint it black
a clever boffin wrote: But it was when scientists started to investigate the effects of Global Dimming that they made the most disturbing discovery of all. Those more reflective clouds could alter the pattern of the world's rainfall. With tragic consequences..
the programme goes on to cite the 1984 Ethiopian famine , the forest fires devastated that Portugal. Glaciers melting in the Alps. And France where people died by the thousand. And says, could this be the penalty of reducing Global Dimming without tackling the root cause of global warming?

too many facts to ignore, scared the s**t out of me anyway :?

Posted: 01 Sep 2005, 13:10
by markfiend
MadameButterfly wrote:Love thunder and lightening storms myself...dear is arriving tonight...or so the weather-man says.
Yours is probably the one we had last night...

Posted: 01 Sep 2005, 13:15
by andymackem
Thunderstorms. Very cool. Try this one: ... ht=#147651

Posted: 01 Sep 2005, 13:18
by MadameButterfly
markfiend wrote:
MadameButterfly wrote:Love thunder and lightening storms myself...dear is arriving tonight...or so the weather-man says.
Yours is probably the one we had last night...
:eek: I did not stir any storms last night, although if you want me too :innocent:

Posted: 01 Sep 2005, 13:50
by Planet Dave
Whatever your opinions on the state of our planet, one things for sure...last nights weather over Leeds looked spectacular from my vantage point off to the east...


Looks like :von: left the rehearsal room door open again. :roll:

Posted: 01 Sep 2005, 13:52
by MadameButterfly
Nothing wrong with sunsets...or sunrises....colours....hmmmm

Posted: 01 Sep 2005, 16:26
by mik
markfiend wrote:it's a good job I know LS6 like the back of my hand...
Theres only one explanation for knowing the back of your hand that well though :innocent:

Big jazz fan are you? :twisted:

Wanna do trades?

Posted: 01 Sep 2005, 16:28
by MadameButterfly
*that* rain is now pouring down....water for the garden :roll:

Posted: 01 Sep 2005, 17:14
by Begemot
[quote="lazarus corporation
...and George Bush's ancestors will still be claiming that there's no such thing as global warming - and counting the dollars from their oil business.


The dead are rising from their graves an' all? We're doomed...

Posted: 01 Sep 2005, 17:42
by lazarus corporation
Begemot wrote:
lazarus corporation wrote: ...and George Bush's ancestors will still be claiming that there's no such thing as global warming - and counting the dollars from their oil business.
The dead are rising from their graves an' all? We're doomed...
I refer you to the answer I gave some moments ago :wink:

Posted: 01 Sep 2005, 19:19
by smiscandlon
RicheyJames wrote:i don't really have any evidence for this, but it does seem that the level of stupidity on this forum is on the increase.
You really can't have looked very hard for that evidence.

Posted: 01 Sep 2005, 19:53
by CorpPunk
RicheyJames wrote:
markfiend wrote:*handbag* Ooh get her :lol:

Are you denying that global warming is happening?
i was merely trying to highlight the ridiculousness of your statement. i expect better of you mark.

global warming? i'm still unconvinced to be honest.
Katrina Reignites Global Warming Debate

Posted: 01 Sep 2005, 21:08
by andymackem
Ironic to have been on this topic earlier in the day, then log in to get 'When the water comes rushing, rushing in' on screen next time I go to the home page.

Posted: 01 Sep 2005, 21:19
by MadameButterfly
No thunderstorms....yet but never did say I trusted the weather reports...
Although so many people in need in the States and Bush looking too brown on the tube (on holiday*ot!!)

The religious hell that happened after *panic* yesterday because someone threatens to kill themselves and yet others get killed......

Saving, troops, will come...I have hope and dreams.

Posted: 02 Sep 2005, 12:53
by timsinister
The thunderstorm we endured apparently knocked out eighty thousand homes. And zapped my best friend's answerphone.

Why is the weather getting worse then?

Posted: 02 Sep 2005, 13:07
by MadameButterfly
timsinister wrote:The thunderstorm we endured apparently knocked out eighty thousand homes. And zapped my best friend's answerphone.

Why is the weather getting worse then?
Because the gods' are angry and I do not blame them. We have abused nature, we start wars, mankind or most of mankind just take take take and if you only take and do not give back.....this happens. Generations before us and certain *narrow-minded* way of thinking started all this along time ago. It is a cycle and it will get much much worse.....and hopefully the generations to follow (in which ever form) will then fix it, from the education that gets passed on. That's what I think anyway :roll:


Posted: 02 Sep 2005, 13:10
by andymackem
Which Gods do you have in mind? And why are there remedies so indiscriminate?

You're right that there is a cycle involved, but I'm not buying the mysticism. No matter who is hanging outside my toilet.

Posted: 02 Sep 2005, 13:23
by markfiend
It's all "Bob"'s fault.

Posted: 02 Sep 2005, 15:16
by MadameButterfly
andymackem wrote:Which Gods do you have in mind? And why are there remedies so indiscriminate?

You're right that there is a cycle involved, but I'm not buying the mysticism. No matter who is hanging outside my toilet.
gods' in which ever religion one finds him/herself....and those who have NO religion?.....all meant by that was mankind (in my experience) rather blames *a god* than mankinds own stupidity. And I can not answer why? questions either....that would be trying to get into a gods' mind :eek:

A cycle is involved and has nothing to do with mysticism more like myxomatosis....or history repeating?.....just my own thoughts and has nothing to do with who is hanging outside your toilet :wink: ...maybe an involvement but who am I to say?

MB :kiss:

Posted: 02 Sep 2005, 15:33
by markfiend
Gods as a psychological cop-out? I like it :twisted:

Posted: 02 Sep 2005, 15:35
by emilystrange
it's long been my point of view. well, one of them.

Posted: 02 Sep 2005, 15:37
by Quiff Boy
do you believe in an interventionist god? :D