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Posted: 12 Sep 2005, 20:31
by Brideoffrankenstein

This is not getting me any closer to my music database guys! :wink:

Posted: 12 Sep 2005, 20:32
by lazarus corporation
Motz wrote:Is this "News for Geeks, Stuff that Matters"?

Methinx not ;)
They use the word 'nerd' purely for alliteration

Posted: 12 Sep 2005, 20:36
by aims
You know you're a Geek/Nerd when...

You have an argument over the boundary between the two :lol:

But I think we're stepping over the boundary between on-topic and decidedly not, so I'll concede on this one for the thread's sake ;)

@BoF: If you have Microsoft Access (@Geeks: Yes, I'm aware that it doesn't scale, but a record collection is hardly enterprise sized) on your computer, then get hold of a "For Dummies" book (Not because you are one, because they're decent) and tailor the examples to suit your needs. That said, the task in question is probably doable with a spreadsheet unless you want to construct utterly bastard obnoxious queries...which you won't, because you're not a geek ;)

Posted: 12 Sep 2005, 20:47
by lazarus corporation
Motz wrote:@BoF: If you have Microsoft Access (@Geeks: Yes, I'm aware that it doesn't scale, but a record collection is hardly enterprise sized) on your computer, then get hold of a "For Dummies" book (Not because you are one, because they're decent) and tailor the examples to suit your needs. That said, the task in question is probably doable with a spreadsheet unless you want to construct utterly bastard obnoxious queries...which you won't, because you're not a geek ;)
No copy of MS Access (well, I suppose I could lend a copy).

But, having promised to set something like this up for BoF, any suggestions as to alternatives to MS Access - some sort of Open Source DB which must have a good programmable GUI frontend similar to Access' forms?

Posted: 12 Sep 2005, 20:50
by aims Base seems decent enough (I was messing about in it before, trying to create my own music database but got bored). The only caveat is that you have to download the whole of to get hold of it =\

Posted: 13 Sep 2005, 00:12
by Baron Silas Greenback
one white one - easy to file!

Posted: 13 Sep 2005, 09:37
by hallucienate
OK Geeks: My music database started off life in Dbase3, running on a XT PC.

Since then it has been converted to Access (when I was learning it at Tech). It has five tables:
artists - Artist names
recordings - Recording details
catagory - Pop, Polka, etc
format - CD, LP, quadruple CD single
tracks - Tracklistings

I have also converted it to MySQL/PHP but never really bothered doing too much work on it.

It was several different count and search queries to make it useful.

Posted: 13 Sep 2005, 10:23
by markfiend
I only have my Sisters boots listed. Anything else, I generally know whether I have it or not. (well, apart from the time I bought a second copy of Raw Power.)

Posted: 13 Sep 2005, 10:29
by boudicca
God, this is a relief! I don't have a database or anything, just a plain word document with just a long long long list, which is constantly being added to...

Posted: 13 Sep 2005, 10:30
by boudicca
God, this is a relief! I don't have a database or anything, just a plain word document with just a long long long list, which is constantly being added to...

Posted: 13 Sep 2005, 11:22
by emilystrange
quick count.. about 200 ish on vinyl, it seems, and maybe about the same on cd though they are scattered a bit round the house..


Posted: 13 Sep 2005, 18:58
by smiscandlon
boudicca wrote:God, this is a relief! I don't have a database or anything, just a plain word document with just a long long long list, which is constantly being added to...
boudicca also wrote:God, this is a relief! I don't have a database or anything, just a plain word document with just a long long long list, which is constantly being added to...
Is everything on your list twice?

Posted: 13 Sep 2005, 20:13
by Quiff Boy
vinyl is a-z by artist, within that its by release date. 12"s before the albums they came from.

CDs are up there any old how.

all uncatalogued.

Posted: 13 Sep 2005, 20:43
by Padstar
Abot 700 CDs... if you include doots ive downloaded etc.


Posted: 15 Sep 2005, 15:47
by TheBoyNextDoor
Some of the albums I've bought during the years.. I always seem to find albums laying around that's not listed.. hehe... ... offset=all

Posted: 15 Sep 2005, 16:32
by Jaimie1980
Around 100 albums including compilations.

Posted: 15 Sep 2005, 20:01
by rian
TheBoyNextDoor wrote:Some of the albums I've bought during the years.. I always seem to find albums laying around that's not listed.. hehe... ... offset=all
I see that you are also a fan of "And also the trees"
I love them. I have all their albums, but I couldn't find them in Sweden. Got some help from a German friend.


Posted: 15 Sep 2005, 20:03
by rian
And " A Split Second". Hmm. I've heard about them, and think I've heard them too. Is it synth music?

Sounds very familiar.

Posted: 15 Sep 2005, 20:05
by rian
TheBoyNextDoor wrote:Some of the albums I've bought during the years.. I always seem to find albums laying around that's not listed.. hehe... ... offset=all

Can't find any The Chameleons though, on your list.

It's a shame, really :evil:

Posted: 15 Sep 2005, 21:18
by TheBoyNextDoor
rian wrote:
TheBoyNextDoor wrote:Some of the albums I've bought during the years.. I always seem to find albums laying around that's not listed.. hehe... ... offset=all
I see that you are also a fan of "And also the trees"
I love them. I have all their albums, but I couldn't find them in Sweden. Got some help from a German friend.

Wow. Not too many Swedish fans of that band really.. :)
Varför skriver jag på engelska till dig? :D

A Split Second is a Belgian "EBM"-band.. they are so-so in my opinion.

Chameleons doh! Shame on me.. I like them so can't explain why I don't have any records.. :oops:

Posted: 15 Sep 2005, 21:24
by TheBoyNextDoor
Can't find any The Chameleons though, on your list.

It's a shame, really :evil:

Förresten, ska du på the m*****n i Stockholm 3 oktober? 8)

Posted: 15 Sep 2005, 21:30
by rian
TheBoyNextDoor wrote:
Can't find any The Chameleons though, on your list.

It's a shame, really :evil:

Förresten, ska du på the m*****n i Stockholm 3 oktober? 8)
Ska på mycket annat i höst, så The Mish villl nog inte bli en av dem. Sett dem förut, på Gino. 1994 eller 95, tror jag.

Posted: 15 Sep 2005, 21:37
by TheBoyNextDoor
Ska på mycket annat i höst, så The Mish villl nog inte bli en av dem. Sett dem förut, på Gino. 1994 eller 95, tror jag.
Andra konserter?
Känns som att det kommer många bra band till Sverige inom närmsta framtiden.. KJ, CoX, DM osv.

Posted: 15 Sep 2005, 21:40
by rian
TheBoyNextDoor wrote:
Ska på mycket annat i höst, så The Mish villl nog inte bli en av dem. Sett dem förut, på Gino. 1994 eller 95, tror jag.
Andra konserter?
Känns som att det kommer många bra band till Sverige inom närmsta framtiden.. KJ, CoX, DM osv.
Kaizers Orchestra, på Nalen i oktober. Suveräna live. Missa inte dom. Sett dom 3 gånger, och det är ace!

17 oktober tror jag.

Posted: 15 Sep 2005, 23:11
by boudicca
smiscandlon wrote:
boudicca wrote:God, this is a relief! I don't have a database or anything, just a plain word document with just a long long long list, which is constantly being added to...
boudicca also wrote:God, this is a relief! I don't have a database or anything, just a plain word document with just a long long long list, which is constantly being added to...
Is everything on your list twice?
Whoops! :oops:

Why is everyone talking funny now...?