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Posted: 04 Oct 2005, 07:51
by Obviousman
pandemon wrote:as for overrated... I must say Ms. Marilyn Manson

Sure, there's a few songs worth listening to every now and then, but he's just as overrated as Nirvana in my opinion.
I'd say ten times as :wink:

I think Nirvana were in some way meaningful to the world (yadda yadda), whereas (s)he is mostly meaningful to himself (though he made some very valid comments in Bowling for Columbine :notworthy: )

Posted: 04 Oct 2005, 08:49
by RicheyJames
Obviousman wrote:I think Nirvana were in some way meaningful to the world
they were? i must have missed that meeting. care to elucidate?

Posted: 04 Oct 2005, 08:58
by Obviousman
RicheyJames wrote:
Obviousman wrote:I think Nirvana were in some way meaningful to the world
they were? i must have missed that meeting. care to elucidate?
World meaning music world, obiously...

Of course each band means different things to different people, but eg. to me: Thanks to them I got into rock music (which, believe me, was a complete U-turn back then), even though I don't really listen to them that much anymore, and I'm pretty sure there'll be much more people like that. Also, with their Unplugged album they were (one of the) first band(s) to show some rock-type guys the greatness of unplugged music. And the Unplugged album is a great one, has loads of emotion in it, as the matter of fact it is the only Nirvana record I still listen to every now and then...

Posted: 04 Oct 2005, 09:43
by markfiend
Nirvana. Most over-rated band ever. Three chords and an attitude Kurt? Been done. To death.

Having read as much of that dreadful Journals book that I could stand, I come to the conclusion that Cobain, to quote Jello Biafra, "ain't no artist he's a businessman". As much a commercial cop-out as KISS.

I hated Nirvana at the time and I still do. So what if Courtney Love killed him? Did the world a favour IMO.

Posted: 04 Oct 2005, 09:50
by RicheyJames
Obviousman wrote:
RicheyJames wrote:
Obviousman wrote:I think Nirvana were in some way meaningful to the world
they were? i must have missed that meeting. care to elucidate?
Of course each band means different things to different people, but eg. to me: Thanks to them I got into rock music (which, believe me, was a complete U-turn back then), even though I don't really listen to them that much anymore, and I'm pretty sure there'll be much more people like that.
and you find it utterly inconceivable that marilyn manson could have the same effect on kids today? you need to look beyond your own blinkered world view.
Also, with their Unplugged album they were (one of the) first band(s) to show some rock-type guys the greatness of unplugged music.
and that's just nonsense. by the time nirvana recorded their unplugged session for mtv in 1993 the format had already been running for four years and featured world famous artists such as elton john, the cure and rem. it was mtv themselves who were responsible for a resurgence in acoustic rock not nirvana.

Posted: 04 Oct 2005, 10:46
by markfiend
Much as there is a lot of sneering at Marilyn Manson among certain people, he is a very intelligent fella. And OK, like I just said about Kurt up there, commercial rather than artistic; he seems these days to be more interested in shelling out commercial shock-rock for the kids (especially when his "intelligent musical departure" album Mechanical Animals didn't sell too well :innocent:)

Having said that, I think he had some interesting ideas for a while, and he certainly has a far more interesting girlfriend than Kurt did :lol:

Posted: 04 Oct 2005, 11:04
by Obviousman
RicheyJames wrote:
Obviousman wrote:
RicheyJames wrote: they were? i must have missed that meeting. care to elucidate?
Of course each band means different things to different people, but eg. to me: Thanks to them I got into rock music (which, believe me, was a complete U-turn back then), even though I don't really listen to them that much anymore, and I'm pretty sure there'll be much more people like that.
and you find it utterly inconceivable that marilyn manson could have the same effect on kids today? you need to look beyond your own blinkered world view.
Also, with their Unplugged album they were (one of the) first band(s) to show some rock-type guys the greatness of unplugged music.
and that's just nonsense. by the time nirvana recorded their unplugged session for mtv in 1993 the format had already been running for four years and featured world famous artists such as elton john, the cure and rem. it was mtv themselves who were responsible for a resurgence in acoustic rock not nirvana.
Allright, appologies :wink:
About the unplugged thingy, I was looking it up, but could not find it, that's why I put in the stuff between brackets. Still, compared to the three artists you mentioned they were more hard rockish, right? Or were there other bands :?:

@Markfiend: Does his girlfriend have any interest in killing him then? :innocent:

Posted: 04 Oct 2005, 11:10
by markfiend
:lol: No.

Marilyn Manson's g/f is burlesque artist Dita von Teese. (not worksafe)

Posted: 04 Oct 2005, 11:31
by RicheyJames
Obviousman wrote:About the unplugged thingy, I was looking it up, but could not find it, that's why I put in the stuff between brackets. Still, compared to the three artists you mentioned they were more hard rockish, right? Or were there other bands :?:
there were dozens more bands across all genres. i picked those three more or less at random. i'd suggest that poison were even less likely candidates for an unplugged session than junkie cobain and his cohorts.

Posted: 04 Oct 2005, 11:34
by boudicca
RicheyJames wrote:poison
Now there's a band! :twisted:
:oops: I'll get me coat. :lol:

Posted: 04 Oct 2005, 11:38
by Quiff Boy
the utah saints unplugged, anyone? :lol:

Posted: 04 Oct 2005, 12:16
by pandemon
Quiff Boy wrote:the utah saints unplugged, anyone? :lol:
:eek: :lol:

Posted: 04 Oct 2005, 13:22
by andymackem
Quiff Boy wrote:the utah saints unplugged, anyone? :lol:
I saw that episode of Mary Whitehouse Experience.

Altogether now: 'That's you, that is.'

Posted: 04 Oct 2005, 14:06
by straylight
All of Nirvana'a albums. Whine whine whine. If you must complain at least liven it up with some wit.

Likewise the Beatles. Life really must have been dull in the sixties to get excitied about them.

Posted: 04 Oct 2005, 14:16
by Batfish
straylight wrote:All of Nirvana'a albums. Whine whine whine. If you must complain at least liven it up with some wit.
Bill Bailey does a bit on the self-pitying whine of the American rawk band: Lyrics include the lines "How can I feel pain, when you're being so supportive?" :lol:

Posted: 04 Oct 2005, 14:17
by mik
andymackem wrote:
Quiff Boy wrote:the utah saints unplugged, anyone? :lol:
I saw that episode of Mary Whitehouse Experience.

Altogether now: 'That's you, that is.'
(spits in hand)
See that?
That's your swimming pool that is.

Over-rated eh?
I've been saying for years that Radiohead are the biggest case of 'Emporers New Clothes' that I've had the misfortune to listen to.

Heading up my personal list of most overrated:
Queen Everything I hate about music in one band; saves me the trouble of hating anyone else but I persevere.
David Gray f**k. Off.
Anthony and the Johnsons Double. f**k. Off. With chips you fat twit.
Travis T. I'll wait. "Why does it always rain on me?" Cos you're a whining cnut, that's why.
Gomez I wish you'd all stayed in your student hovels listening to The Smiths and killed yourselves before releasing anyting.
Keane As above but not even original.
Muse If there's a point its not very obvious is it?
Razorlight Apart from the singer knocking Docherty on his arse at the Leeds festy they've not done a single thing that was worth watching or listening to.

There was a thread over at "the Other Place" where a lovely bloke called Manero would give a 1-10 word critique of any band you'd care to mention. If I had the time I'd resurrect it here :)

Posted: 04 Oct 2005, 14:35
by timsinister
I think you've just volunteered, Mik. :wink:

Posted: 04 Oct 2005, 15:23
by andymackem
Nirvana - can I interest anyone in Cold-Blooded Animal - China's leading out-there rock whiners par excellence? They're not quite as bad as they sound, possibly because they sing in Chinese and I can't be bothered to read the translated lyrics. Silver Ash are more fun though, in a wholly artificial way.

Hated bands: pretty much anything in the charts. That started as an attitude thing, and became a self-fulfilling prophecy. The best I can say for (a handful of) them is that I listened to similar crap in my day and it eventually led me to better things.

Queen, bizarrely, I've always quite liked. They just wrote some good songs. That'll do for me.

REM grate on me, but that's down to associations.

I think I'd probably have the Beatles as the band I'd most happily never hear again, though. I just don't get them at all. Important, sure, but close to unlistenable in all their various phases.

Posted: 04 Oct 2005, 16:13
by Planet Dave
Oasis. One good album. Several multi-selling dross albums.

Posted: 04 Oct 2005, 16:20
by Obviousman
Planet Dave wrote:Oasis. One good album. Several multi-selling dross albums.
And above all a dreadful live appeareance

Once saw them at Werchter, and the singer (forgot which one is which) would just stand behind his mic, bend over to sing a bit, stand up straight again, make a bit of noise with his instrument (you know, one of those round things with cymbals in it, don't even know how it's called in Dutch), bend over, stand up, make noice, ad infinitum :roll:

Posted: 04 Oct 2005, 16:24
by boudicca
I think a lot of modern rap music gets too much time from the critics... when it's mostly incredibly derivative and formulaic now, doesn't appear to have changed in years.

The likes of Public Enemy deserve all the respect they get, but am I really reading a review in the goddamn Observer of 50 Cent's new album? :roll:

Posted: 04 Oct 2005, 16:29
by Obviousman
boudicca wrote:I think a lot of modern rap music gets too much time from the critics... when it's mostly incredibly derivative and formulaic now, doesn't appear to have changed in years.

The likes of Public Enemy deserve all the respect they get, but am I really reading a review in the goddamn Observer of 50 Cent's new album? :roll:
My problem with most rap is that it's nothing but about rubbish news, 90% of it is not understandable after half a year anymore, and completely without value after 20 years...
Music has to have some value 'for eternity'

Posted: 04 Oct 2005, 16:31
most over-rated - Everything by Pink Floyd

Posted: 04 Oct 2005, 16:35
by boudicca
Obviousman wrote:
boudicca wrote:I think a lot of modern rap music gets too much time from the critics... when it's mostly incredibly derivative and formulaic now, doesn't appear to have changed in years.

The likes of Public Enemy deserve all the respect they get, but am I really reading a review in the goddamn Observer of 50 Cent's new album? :roll:
My problem with most rap is that it's nothing but about rubbish news, 90% of it is not understandable after half a year anymore, and completely without value after 20 years...
Music has to have some value 'for eternity'
My problem is - Versace... ass... bitches... Mercedes Benz - make a combination of these words and you have a rap lyric :roll: .

Light-years away from "It Takes A Nation Of Millions..." To me, a lot of it has become like the most turgid Stadium rock... it used to be a genuine radical voice which really did come from the all-important Streets and really did have something to say, now it's just pure, lazy smugness.

Posted: 04 Oct 2005, 16:45
by Planet Dave
boudicca wrote: now it's just pure, lazy smugness.
which unfortunately my 12 yr-old lad listens to non-stop, no doubt in an attempt to be 'hip' and 'street'. Please let it be a phase. Please.