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Posted: 05 Dec 2005, 05:30
by DeWinter
It's not Tony Pettit on bass on this album.He said outright he'd never work with McCoy again.It's likely that a lot of this album is copy and paste work,from old material and demo's.The bassline on SITL is the bassline from Psychonaut lifted off the original track.Also the guitars are taken from "Subsanity" if you listen close enough.
I'm a bit surprised,a lot of people seem to be rating this album pretty highly,and ignoring the cliched lyrics,poor production,and in some places cringe-inducingly bad vocal performance from McCoy."Xiberia" for example sounds a lot like a man projectile-vomiting in parts..and am I the only one who when he heard "Is this the place we know/or something beyond the soul" felt a bit embarrassed?Don't get me wrong,Requiem is very good,as are She and Mourning Sun, even if both suffering from "This Corrosion Syndrome"(a good song stretched out too long).But is seems this is an album of three good songs and a hefty bit of filler material.
I wonder if everyone would be so glowing if it wasn't a McCoy work,but something by N.F.D,Garden of Delight,Casseopeia,SON,or any of the other Fields-y bands?

Posted: 05 Dec 2005, 14:18
by canon docre
DeWinter wrote: I'm a bit surprised,a lot of people seem to be rating this album pretty highly,and ignoring the cliched lyrics,poor production,and in some places cringe-inducingly bad vocal performance from McCoy."Xiberia" for example sounds a lot like a man projectile-vomiting in parts
I agree fundamentally. But I think it's all a matter of expectations. I didn't expect anything, so I was positively surprised. :P ... and for the lyrics... well, did they ever have non-cliché lyrics?
DeWinter wrote:..and am I the only one who when he heard "Is this the place we know/or something beyond the soul" felt a bit embarrassed?
You're not alone. :wink:

Posted: 05 Dec 2005, 14:51
by jamscones
DeWinter wrote:It's not Tony Pettit on bass on this album.He said outright he'd never work with McCoy again.
Granted, but I was assuming that at least some of the material on MS came from the recording sessions that they'd been doing since about 2000.

Posted: 05 Dec 2005, 17:19
by DeWinter
Thats what I was thinking,but I would have thought Pettit would have been credited on the album booklet if it was work he'd done.Instead we get someone called Carter credited with bass,guitars,etc.
Biggest mistake on this album has to have been McCoy thinking he can re-create FOTN on his own.The sound was as much exceptional guitar work and basslines as McCoy's voice,and without the rest of the band,McCoy is just not enough. :|

Posted: 06 Dec 2005, 06:21
by Ocean Moves
have 'fallen' and 'mourning sun'.

both good, mourning sun better in imho.

personally i loved the production style they
reached with elizium era, and kind of wished
they'd kept it / developed it with the latest

anyway, holes in my band knowledge: are
FOTN still together now? and what is 'NFD' ??
am abit confused with FOTN/Rubicon/Nefilim/NFD
story...can someone give it in a nutshell ??

Posted: 06 Dec 2005, 08:19
by Silence is platinum
Ocean Moves wrote:have 'fallen' and 'mourning sun'.

both good, mourning sun better in imho.

personally i loved the production style they
reached with elizium era, and kind of wished
they'd kept it / developed it with the latest

anyway, holes in my band knowledge: are
FOTN still together now? and what is 'NFD' ??
am abit confused with FOTN/Rubicon/Nefilim/NFD
story...can someone give it in a nutshell ??
After the split of the original FotN in 1991, Mc Coy went solo
and the rest formed Rubicon with another singer (Andy Delanay?)
Mc Coys solo project was called Nefilim, released "zoon" in 96
NFD are Tony Pettit, Peter Yates, Rippin Simon who played on ZOON on
voclas and former guitar player of the excellent" this burning effigy " Stephen,(imho Nfd s music is very good but the vocals just suck) The Wright brothers formed Last rites.
So Fields of the nephilim at the moment are just Mc Coy and his unknown budies.

Posted: 08 Dec 2005, 08:48
by Norman Hunter
DeWinter wrote:Instead we get someone called Carter credited with bass,guitars,etc.|
Whilst checking Zoon's credits last night, a certain JC (get carter) is listed. Maybe something to do with Mourning Sun? Listening to them both back-to-back (as I did), MS to me is a kind of Diet Zoon. I found it much easier to listen to alongside Mourning Sun.

Still like it, despite some of the comments above. Projectile vomiting on Xiberia? Love it :lol:

Posted: 08 Dec 2005, 20:32
by Pat
Fields on Dime approx 1990 fm broadcast