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Posted: 01 Dec 2005, 17:02
by markfiend
No but he's always watching those "Aliens are secretly in control of the world" type programs on satellite TV. He's a total "nuts-and-bolts UFOs are alien spacecraft" believer whereas I tend more to the psycho-social interpretation of anomalous phenomena.

Posted: 01 Dec 2005, 17:12
by canon docre
markfiend wrote:No but he's always watching those "Aliens are secretly in control of the world" type programs on satellite TV. He's a total "nuts-and-bolts UFOs are alien spacecraft" believer whereas I tend more to the psycho-social interpretation of anomalous phenomena.

Why did you write in your CV that you're interested in Bigfoot? Is that a plus in your branch?

Posted: 01 Dec 2005, 17:14
by markfiend
Because I am interested in Bigfoot (and other paranormal/anomalous phenomena). ;D

It seemed like a good idea to bung it into my CV under "outside interests". I dunno, it seemed to get me the job. :innocent:

Posted: 01 Dec 2005, 17:26
by canon docre
markfiend wrote:Because I am interested in Bigfoot (and other paranormal/anomalous phenomena). ;D

It seemed like a good idea to bung it into my CV under "outside interests". I dunno, it seemed to get me the job. :innocent:
:notworthy: Great. I'll nick your idea and add "interested in Monster + Robots" in my CV and hope for the best. :innocent: