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Posted: 03 Mar 2006, 18:05
by James Blast
Knock 'em dead, kid! Image
all their base are belong to you

Posted: 03 Mar 2006, 19:04
by Dark
Never Stop! Never Stop!

Good luck, Iz.

Posted: 03 Mar 2006, 20:35
by aims
Yush, best of luck :D

And no running, hiding and dying, despite what you may infer from Korin's quote :lol:

Posted: 03 Mar 2006, 21:37
by Dark
Eh? I was quoting this:


Not this:


Posted: 04 Mar 2006, 13:29
by Obviousman
Front was on the news a moment ago, but the bastards didn't show FGG :evil:

Posted: 04 Mar 2006, 13:51
by Izzy HaveMercy
Ah well ;D

It was lovely, I have to say. Almost found my way in one go, what with my partner-in-crime Sam as coordinator. A Toyota full of expensive equipment and Brussels around 4 PM don't mix together well, I thought, but it all went very smooth. Cold as hell while waiting for out gear to be put on stage, then to the backstage where we got out passes and food vouchers. Met some Front people there, very embarassing moment since I won't recognise one of them even if they had a neon sign on top of their heads, but again Sam was there to help me out :)

Soundcheck went smooth as well, although it all sounded very loud on stage. Lady on the mixing desk explained that this would dampen a lot when the venue was full with people. So we crossed fingers for exactly THAT to happen...

Seven PM was the time of the performance. Daniel B (Front 242) had asked us explicitely to come and collect him so he could watch our gig. So a second or so before we had to go up, Ed (FGG) remembers this and goes backstage again. Right at that time the backing track starts to run... well, no prob as there was only 10 or so people in the venue at that moment, so they stopped the backing track and started it again a minute or so later ;)

Then, nice concert, although our positioning on stage was not optimal. Something to remember for a next time... cuddle closer together! ;D We had trouble communicating with EO because we stood/sat too far apart. Other than that, a lovely performance, which is filmed and recorded AFAIK. At the end of the gig the venue was half-full or so, could not see very well because a) I never look at the crowd anyway and b) it is a big black hole out there and it sucks up anything that's evil...

Then disaster struck.

Our gig was at an end, the adrenalin was ebbing away, and I got struck by a wave of nausea and fever. I spent the rest of the evening dozing away in the backstage, only to come out and watch a part of the Front gig. After four songs of that, I went back to the backstage to sleep some more. I figured out afterwards that my temp was some 38,5 Cels, which is very high for me. So I did not have the chance to go out and meet some inportant people and have some nice little chats with the big ones, just had a small chat with Daniel again, who complemented us on the stunning gig and was very pleased he asked us to play that day. That made me feel a lot better :)

Also very nice to sit sick and tired in the backstage while you hear the Front guys starting a row next door to pep themselves up before the gig ;D

Well, it was nice, a pity about the sickness afterwards, but it could've been worse, of course. Sam FGG took care of a lot of talking and giving out promo's after the gig, so a big THANKS to him.

And thanks to you guys for all the moral support! You're the best! ;D :notworthy:


Posted: 04 Mar 2006, 13:53
by Brideoffrankenstein

Hope you're feeling better now IZ :notworthy:

Posted: 04 Mar 2006, 13:59
by Izzy HaveMercy
Brideoffrankenstein wrote:Woohoo!

Hope you're feeling better now IZ :notworthy:
Barely :| But I don't care about being sick as hell TODAY, I dint have anything better to do than to read all forums, posting these comments and reading reviews of yesterday's gig ;D


Posted: 04 Mar 2006, 14:00
by Brideoffrankenstein
Izzy HaveMercy wrote:
Brideoffrankenstein wrote:Woohoo!

Hope you're feeling better now IZ :notworthy:
Barely :| But I don't care about being sick as hell TODAY, I dint have anything better to do than to read all forums, posting these comments and reading reviews of yesterday's gig ;D

Will we get to see the video?

Posted: 04 Mar 2006, 14:31
by Izzy HaveMercy
Soon as I get them, I'll weed the vids as well as the audio, if that's OK with the Mods on that shady section of HL ;D


Posted: 04 Mar 2006, 14:39
by Planet Dave
Glad the gig went well Iz :notworthy: , shame about you coming over all star-struck afterwards though. :wink:

So, next HL meeting (Winter In July) - a bit of Belgian techno (that is what you do, isn't it?) wouldn't go amiss. :innocent: With Libby's death metal choir as support. :twisted: :notworthy:

You know you want to. 8)

Posted: 04 Mar 2006, 14:53
by Izzy HaveMercy
Planet Dave wrote:Glad the gig went well Iz :notworthy: , shame about you coming over all star-struck afterwards though. :wink:
I am a star after all ;) More like a starfish, actually...

a bit of Belgian techno (that is what you do, isn't it?)
Can I borrow that knife off you for a mo, James! We play ambient soundscapes, thanks for noticing ;) But you're forgiven, everyone thinks that when you dabble into electronics you automatically make dance music... :)
You know you want to. 8)
You know you can't afford us :twisted:


Posted: 04 Mar 2006, 15:00
by Brideoffrankenstein
Planet Dave wrote:You know you want to. 8)
Izzy HaveMercy wrote:You know you can't afford us :twisted:

Or me! :lol: :wink:

Posted: 04 Mar 2006, 15:31
by Obviousman
Glad the gig went well :notworthy:

Looking forward to the weeds ;D

Did you write something on the stage? :innocent:

Don't forget to be well by the time of next week's James Ray gig :D

Posted: 04 Mar 2006, 17:22
by Izzy HaveMercy
Obviousman wrote:Glad the gig went well :notworthy:

Looking forward to the weeds ;D

Did you write something on the stage? :innocent:

Don't forget to be well by the time of next week's James Ray gig :D
I wrote something on stage, top left corner, in 8pt Caslon Antique: "All your stage are belong to HeartLanders" ;D

And alas, I will not be present at the JR gig, since I already have Sisters tix. I had the intention of going to James Ray on the condition that the Sisters failed to play Belgium. Because there will be a Sisters afterparty right after the James Ray gig, I wanted to celebrate it there. But since the Sisters come to AB anyway, I will celebrate it in a known environment :twisted:

I have too many concerts planned for this year (anyone looked at the Belgian Graspop Metal Meeting event already? BoF!!?? :eek: ;D) and I have to make some decisions. I am a rich rockstar bastard, but not THAT rich :|


Posted: 04 Mar 2006, 18:11
by Brideoffrankenstein
Izzy HaveMercy wrote: I have too many concerts planned for this year (anyone looked at the Belgian Graspop Metal Meeting event already? BoF!!?? :eek: ;D)

Nope sorry IZ, Inferno and Wacken for me :D

Posted: 04 Mar 2006, 19:16
by canon docre
Izzy HaveMercy wrote: I have too many concerts planned for this year (anyone looked at the Belgian Graspop Metal Meeting event already? BoF!!?? :eek: ;D) and I have to make some decisions. I am a rich rockstar bastard, but not THAT rich :|

I'll be there.
Rock am Ring
Mera Luna or Wacken (depending on Ministry :twisted: )
With Full Force

that'll be my summer.

Isn't it sad when you cant afford a real holiday? :|

Posted: 04 Mar 2006, 19:37
by James Blast
Izzy HaveMercy wrote:"All your stage are belong to HeartLanders"
:notworthy: :lol: :notworthy:
I knew you'd storm it IZ, well done!

Sorry about the Rocking Pneumonia, or was it The Boogie Woogie Flu?
Can't wait for the document and eyewitness.

Stab away!
nothing personal Dave ;D

Posted: 04 Mar 2006, 19:39
by lazarus corporation
James Blast wrote:Image
There are easier ways to open a bottle of red wine, James.

Posted: 04 Mar 2006, 20:20
by Izzy HaveMercy
lazarus corporation wrote:
James Blast wrote:Image
There are easier ways to open a bottle of red wine, James.
Yeap ;D



Posted: 04 Mar 2006, 20:40
by Obviousman
Izzy HaveMercy wrote:
Obviousman wrote:Glad the gig went well :notworthy:

Looking forward to the weeds ;D

Did you write something on the stage? :innocent:

Don't forget to be well by the time of next week's James Ray gig :D
I wrote something on stage, top left corner, in 8pt Caslon Antique: "All your stage are belong to HeartLanders" ;D

And alas, I will not be present at the JR gig, since I already have Sisters tix. I had the intention of going to James Ray on the condition that the Sisters failed to play Belgium. Because there will be a Sisters afterparty right after the James Ray gig, I wanted to celebrate it there. But since the Sisters come to AB anyway, I will celebrate it in a known environment :twisted:

I have too many concerts planned for this year (anyone looked at the Belgian Graspop Metal Meeting event already? BoF!!?? :eek: ;D) and I have to make some decisions. I am a rich rockstar bastard, but not THAT rich :|

Good way out :wink:

Up til now I've only got four concerts planned (James Ray, Sisters x2 & Wannes van de Velde (:eek:)), but I've still got two or three free tickets for ClubCircuit lying around, a Hof ter Loo and a Petrol ticket so I might do some more :D

Nice writing :notworthy: ;D

Posted: 05 Mar 2006, 15:01
by MadameButterfly
Well done IZ :notworthy: , your review was a pleasure to read and I'm glad a good night was had by all. Sorry about you not feeling too well...hope you are feeling better today.

Wow, it feels like I'm writing to the rich-to-be and famous thread here!

Oh come BoF and FGG, let's have a PARTY in's for HL...
Come on you guys know you want to....

Pretty please... :D

Posted: 05 Mar 2006, 20:10
by Izzy HaveMercy

One of the 'balcony' pictures made in AB last Friday.

Not of the highest quality, but a nice view anyway ;)


Posted: 05 Mar 2006, 20:16
by James Blast
Rock Action! :|
you felling better, Belgian Boss?

Posted: 05 Mar 2006, 20:18
by christophe
Izzy HaveMercy wrote: I have too many concerts planned for this year (anyone looked at the Belgian Graspop Metal Meeting event already? BoF!!?? :eek: ;D) and I have to make some decisions. I am a rich rockstar bastard, but not THAT rich :|

its gone be Graspop and Mera Luna for me 8)