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Posted: 04 May 2006, 08:27
by merrisl
Looks like we're gonna be arriving later than planned after some git booked a bloody meeting mid-afternoon :(

May not make The Salisbury but will def make the bar at the back of the gig beforehand :D


Posted: 04 May 2006, 16:52
by hellboy69
Wishing all at Manchester a Top Nite Out tonite!

(am on moshing duty at the mighty Killing Joke this eve) :twisted:

Posted: 04 May 2006, 16:53
by Planet Dave
Seconded. Have a great time in my lovely city. 8) (though Leeds did itself proud last night).

Posted: 05 May 2006, 00:11
by pangloss666
absolutely FANTASTIC show. did anyone get any pictures (people next to me very snapping everything that moved) or even better anyone record it??

Posted: 05 May 2006, 00:17
by James Blast
was Never Land (a fragment) played and if so, was it extended like last night's?

Posted: 05 May 2006, 00:21
by pangloss666
yes, i believe it was. i wasnt there last night, so im not sure. It went on for about 2-3 mins though. i was just chuffed that they played 'giving ground' :-)

Posted: 05 May 2006, 00:31
by James Blast
it was mos' def there last night! :eek:

I have witnesses

Posted: 05 May 2006, 00:32
by wasteland
ok - just got back in from the gig. first sisters gig since the 80's if that helps....

not a train spotters review like the usual ones around here.

a) they played it like they meant it.
b) the guitar dood with the mohican has all the moves and some of the sounds. -- but why have an electric 12 string an miss the FALAA oportunity.
c) the curly guitar dood kind of played.
d) the volume was great
e) the smoke was just right
f) the good songs rocked the joint (new and old)
g) the filler songs were tumbleweed moments.
h) the singer had a passing resemblence to AE in his prime.
i) the crowd was mostly 35 plus.
j) the venue was 75% full - touts were virtually giving tickets away outside...
k) my groovy bastard t-shirt looks fine.
l) the vocals were too low down in the mix
m) the lack of a live bass player is criminal (recycle the curly dood)
n) 35-40 year old goth chicks ain't as attractive as they were in their 20's
o) the show was long enough given the content.
p) personal highlights Neverland,lucretia, Alice

yep I'd go and see them next time if there was one........

Posted: 05 May 2006, 00:40
by James Blast
wasteland wrote:35-40 year old goth chicks ain't as attractive as they were in their 20's
do not agree, with a vengence! :twisted:
wasteland wrote:the show was long enough
Oh Yes!
wasteland wrote:personal highlights Neverland
you missed (a fragment)

Keep The Faith

Posted: 05 May 2006, 00:44
by Rise&Reverberate
Just back from the gig. Fookin' Awesome! Much better than last night in Leeds. Sound/Smoke was spot on. Eldritch's vocals were the best I've heard for some time and he was clearly up for this one...even up for a brief bit of banter with the crowd. Lost his way a bit on Dr Jeep/Boulevard after reprimanding some wag down the front though :twisted:

Great turnout, prob close to a sell out. Setlist same as last night, cracking version of Dominion, in fact the songs generally seemed to have a bit more about them. Excellent version of Temple to round things off with Eldritch waving the mic stand around in menacing fashion. I kinda got the impression that they enjoyed this one too. Oh yeah, Chris brought out the sparkly jacket again...Top Nite Out!

Lets hope they keep it up for the rest of the tour!

Another good performance by the Ivories too.

Next stop Norwich...Bring It On!! :notworthy:

Posted: 05 May 2006, 00:47
by Johnny M
James Blast wrote:you missed
And when did you?

currently off to listen to early Nirvana.

Posted: 05 May 2006, 00:57
by James Blast
Hmmmm, OK looks like you beat last night, but not the day R&R :oops:

there still is the ABC in Glasgow, on Monday also tae aswell :innocent:

Posted: 05 May 2006, 01:22
by wasteland
wasteland wrote:
35-40 year old goth chicks ain't as attractive as they were in their 20's
do not agree, with a vengence!
I bet you are one or are shagging one then... :P

don't alter the facts though......

Posted: 05 May 2006, 01:40
by Johnny M
James Blast wrote: there still is the ABC in Glasgow, on Monday also tae aswell :innocent:
Would love to John but there's debt collectors and bailifs to fend from the door. Love and kisses to your heathens that rock 'n' roll. 8) :notworthy:

Not best pleased...

Posted: 05 May 2006, 02:12
by RetroGoth
Just back from Manchester. Here's my thoughts for what it's worth...

The set was rather short - I was surprised they didn't play Flood II or Vision Thing.

The sound was, to be blunt, crap. It was only when the two guitarists came out to perform Top Nite Out/Protosonic/whatever that there was any effort seemingly put into the show. Temple Of Love followed and was the only song performed where Eldritch could be heard singing. The dickhead who did the sound mixing did an awful job, the bass and drum machine track were too lound whilst the guitars were weakened by the poor mixing. Eldrtich's voice was lost and hardly put any effort into the performance anyway.

I did think the support act were rather good, like a slightly more raw version of very early All About Eve. If the support act can mix their sound right, why couldn't/wouldn't the main act?

There was this annoying young turd in a red t-shirt with a pass sticker on his chest who was really getting on my tits, gounding around thinking he owned the place, screamiong his head off, on his mobile phone all the time. If it weren't for the bouncer nearby, I would have kicked the living daylights out of him. Barging into people as well for no need, if I could, I'd go back in time and castrate his father. Anyway.

Only one other thing could have spoiled the show for me - if that nasty (and thankfully false) rumour came true, that of That Guitarist joing the sisters for a few shows.

I'll probably have calmed down after some sleep.

There were quite a few tasty ladies in the over 30's age group, especially those in fishnets - but quite a few old boilers as well. I guess some of us age better than others, aparently I fall into that catagory (which further inflated my ego to hear that!) The thing with The Sisters is that with no new material available since 1993, no radio play, not many gigs, the audience is only us 'old' folk and each time they have played, the size of the audience seems to decrease. Whether I will want to see them again after tonights show, remains to be seen. Possibly not.

Someone asked earlier if anyone recorded the show. I did but need time to edit the minidiscs, then transfer them over to CD, yada yada yada...

Posted: 05 May 2006, 04:33
by Ozpat
Thanks for the reviews. :D

No surprises I guess besides the tasty ladies in the over 30's age group, especially those in fishnets. :wink:

Re: Not best pleased...

Posted: 05 May 2006, 07:24
by Ghostrider

Re: Not best pleased...

Posted: 05 May 2006, 07:25
by Ghostrider
RetroGoth wrote:Someone asked earlier if anyone recorded the show. I did but need time to edit the minidiscs, then transfer them over to CD, yada yada yada...
i suppose you'll be weeding it than? :D

Posted: 05 May 2006, 07:57
by aims
James Blast wrote:was Never Land (a fragment) played and if so, was it extended like last night's?
It was indeed there, in a beautifully raw reworked form. Wouldn't have a clue if it was extended or not, but it were bloomin' marvellous. Ben, who incidentally must be the loveliest guitarist on the planet right now (purely personality-wise, not looks, honest :innocent:), added a great edge to it, even if he was too low in the mix for a lot of the show (he's been instructed to make the sound engineer turn him up ;D).

Top Nite Out was so far removed from last year it was weird. Ben seems far more fluid than Adam and Chris is taking to his role wonderfully - now that he's out of the shadow of Adam, he's playing like a proper Rock God should.

More to come later, I suppose. School beckons and my bones aren't happy about it :lol:

Posted: 05 May 2006, 08:10
by pangloss666
im soooo glad that someone recorded it. :-)

Posted: 05 May 2006, 09:10
by aims
Setlist in approximate order:
Crash and Burn
Doctor Jeep/Detonation Blvd
When You Don't See Me
Romeo Down

Something Fast

Top Nite Out
Temple of Love

With the following thrown in somewhere:
Slept [Dedicated to somebody, but I couldn't hear what Von was saying]
This Corrosion
Giving Ground

And maybe a few I missed.

Posted: 05 May 2006, 09:22
by pangloss666
i wasnt to sure about the support band though. the first song was ok, but then the rest seemed like riffs in search of songs.
plus 17 quid for a t-shirt!

Posted: 05 May 2006, 09:35
by Mr Mercy
I do not "drink" :eek: so I think this set list is not far off !

Crash And Burn
Doctor Jeep / Detonation Boulevard
When You Don't See Me

Flood I
We Are The Same Susanne
Giving Ground
Dominion / Mother Russia

(Brief pause)
Something Fast

Romeo Down

... (1st encore)
Never Land (a fragment)
This corrosion

... ... (2nd encore)
Top Night out
Temple of Love

Posted: 05 May 2006, 10:28
by Mr Mercy
This was my first sisters gig and I had a great time!
Although the venue was small it sure was packed and it was cool to see lots of the hard core followers with past tour T-Shirts on.
I thought the sound was a bit murky early on (particularly during Doctor Jeep / Detonation Boulevard) but I thought the sound and crowd atmosphere improved from Sussane.
I really enjoyed Summer and how the lights changed to follow the lyrics which made the song much more memorable than when I have listened to it on a bootleg. By Dominion most people where getting into the show but for me the main highlight had to be the brilliant reworking of Lucretia for which I loved the sudden ending.

From the latter tracks I enjoyed Top Night out. not so much the song but more in that it was nice to see the guitarists get a bit of the limelight and having a blast while it also built up the anticipation for the final track Temple of love which was "groovy" with all the lights!

Other than the murky sound early on I will only moan that it was a shame von did not interact with the crowed more (I like to be abused!) and He did'nt seem to wail as much as in the past (from bootlegs iv heared) but thats more an observation than a gripe and I guess that may be down to this being a long hard tour.
But again it was a really enjoyable show of Andrew Eldritch doing Re-interpretations of old sisters songs and his unreleased stuff which is what I expected but that I enjoyed probbaly more than I expected too.

Posted: 05 May 2006, 10:31
by merrisl
Thanks for the setlist.

Unfortunately I DO drink...heavily.. and only seem to have fond memories of an excellent gig.
Highlights must have been Dominion, Corrosion & Top Nite Out as they are still at the front of what is left of me head this am.
Best one bar San Diego that I've seen this tour :D

The sound seemed to vary depending on where you were in the shed that is the Academy. On the barrier in front of Chris it was fine though, if a little quieter than I'd prefer. Still, after 30 years of Motorhead & lugging amps around in me spare time...

Missed everyone else, as usual, apart from Marge & the Quiffster n Jo.
So a belated hello !
