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Posted: 08 Jan 2007, 23:00
by more-sedatives-pls
so much for the mugshot
:lol: :lol: :lol:

Posted: 09 Jan 2007, 00:45
by James Blast
Not even close Syberberg, not even close...

Posted: 09 Jan 2007, 02:25
by Syberberg
James Blast wrote:Not even close Syberberg, not even close...
Ah, c'mon mate, you must've half expected someone to do that.

Seriously though, we've got a photo shoot coming up soon, so you don't have to worry none about a piccy of The Hated Reign.

Posted: 09 Jan 2007, 20:21
by Brad
It shimmers and shines.

It's a beta version with vocals to be recorded next week.

It's touched by the hand of Ben Christo.

It is located here... :innocent:


Posted: 09 Jan 2007, 20:53
by James Blast
Thank you Mr. Salyn :notworthy:
what's this Ben Christo bit all about, eh?

Posted: 09 Jan 2007, 21:00
by Brad
I used his pick. :lol:

Posted: 09 Jan 2007, 21:30
by Petseri
Methedrome wrote:I used his pick. :lol:
Classic. :notworthy:

Posted: 10 Jan 2007, 02:29
by mh
Petseri wrote:
Methedrome wrote:I used his pick. :lol:
Classic. :notworthy:
Gross. ;D


Posted: 10 Jan 2007, 20:25
by robertzombie
Methedrome wrote:It shimmers and shines.

It's a beta version with vocals to be recorded next week.

It's touched by the hand of Ben Christo.

It is located here... :innocent:

This is fantastic! Are you sure you didn't just steal this from Andy's hard drive? 8) :D

Posted: 10 Jan 2007, 20:36
by Brad
“I didn’t do it, nobody saw me do it, you can’t prove a thing.�
- Bart Simpson

Posted: 18 Jan 2007, 16:21
by Arrrgh!
So, sorry to be a bit self obsessed, but is there nobody even vaguely interested in singing over my Still cover? It would seem a shame for the project to die here . . .

Posted: 18 Jan 2007, 16:25
by Izzy HaveMercy
AFAIK, I asked DonPaul a while back, but can't remember him reacting...

Maybe RobertMumble :?:

Anymore Mastering jobbies to do, by the way?


Posted: 18 Jan 2007, 17:32
by robertzombie
I can sing it, but I don't know the lyrics ;)

Posted: 18 Jan 2007, 18:02
by streamline
Methedrome wrote:It shimmers and shines.

It's a beta version with vocals to be recorded next week.

It's touched by the hand of Ben Christo.

It is located here... :innocent:

It has expired already! :(

Posted: 19 Jan 2007, 18:14
by Brad
Here it is again.

I will hopefully have the opportunity to do the vocals over the weekend.

Posted: 19 Jan 2007, 18:23
by streamline
Thanks a million, Brad!

And well worth the wait it was too! :notworthy:

Posted: 02 Feb 2007, 07:29
by eastmidswhizzkid
OK, plain speaking time: either each and every one of you has to re-upload their expired tracks or a kindly individual with the full set so far has to burn me a disc because i have been a less frequent visitor to this place than is kind and i have mised out on loads...go on - just for me....i'll even say please? :kiss: :kiss:

Posted: 02 Feb 2007, 14:28
by Izzy HaveMercy
eastmidswhizzkid wrote:OK, plain speaking time: either each and every one of you has to re-upload their expired tracks or a kindly individual with the full set so far has to burn me a disc because i have been a less frequent visitor to this place than is kind and i have mised out on loads...go on - just for me....i'll even say please? :kiss: :kiss:
I think James and I are the Archivists here, maybe some others as well.

But don't get your hopes up too high, I only have four completed songs here so far :|

If I missed out on anyone, lemme know and send me the to-be-mastered-preciousness! ;D

Crash And Burn (Mumbles do)
Crash And Burn (Syberberg do)
Snubnose (Mish do)
Summer (ARF! do)


Posted: 13 Feb 2007, 17:23
by ShadyRacing
so almost every dl-link expired so far.

whats about all the covers so far in one download?

anyone willing to do that?

Posted: 13 Feb 2007, 23:09
by ormfdmrush
Izzy HaveMercy
should i send you wav? :innocent:

Posted: 14 Feb 2007, 00:42
by Ahráyeph
Only four songs? :( Oh my, what happened to this initiative? This isn't just going to die a quiet death, is it? :eek:

Posted: 14 Feb 2007, 01:07
by James Blast
I cracked the whip once or twice, it's over to someone else now.

Of course a certain 'Greatest Living Belgian' has been busy with two live performances and a media appereance. :innocent:

Posted: 14 Feb 2007, 10:09
by robertzombie
Don't worry it will continue to plod along (hopefully).

We're still working on Susanne, might even be done by next week :D

Posted: 14 Feb 2007, 16:42
by Izzy HaveMercy
ormfdmrush wrote:Izzy HaveMercy
should i send you wav? :innocent:
Yes you can ;)

YouSendIt or the like will do just fine.

But don't expect some fiddling with the faders until after the Feb 24 gig, of course!


Posted: 14 Feb 2007, 16:53
by iesus
Methedrome wrote:Here it is again.

I will hopefully have the opportunity to do the vocals over the weekend.

This file has expired.
The file associated with this link has expired. :( :( :( :(