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Posted: 01 Jun 2008, 18:35
by GC
I think their terrible, and Rock and a Hard Place is also pretty wanky.

Posted: 01 Jun 2008, 21:55
by Jeremiah
I never used to like Walk Away and No Time to Cry and would always skip them, but recently I have become mysteriously attracted to some of the intricate guitar work.

I don't think I could say it's the worst, but the song I find the most disappointing is This Corrosion; it comes in with choirs blazing and builds up expectation to fever pitch, then turns into a fairly ordinary pop/rock tune that goes on for far too long.

OK, shall I go and hide now? :innocent:

Posted: 01 Jun 2008, 22:18
by mh
There's a few of us feel TC is overrated, so running and hiding is optional. ;)

Not their worst, by a long way, but still overrated - too long, too much repetition of the same gimmicky stuff, and eventually wearying after overexposure to it.

Posted: 01 Jun 2008, 22:32
by Bartek
TC is great mockery of all those rcock nonsense.

Posted: 01 Jun 2008, 23:36
by dinky daisy
this corrosion is not bad, but overrated. Also these too long versions of Temple of Love are nonsense. More, another too long anthem, is way better.

And i think Train is silly, but didn't i logged into this thread two years earlier? Jesus, time flies. And still no album.

Posted: 02 Jun 2008, 04:16
by Husek
i like no time to cry, walk away and a rock and a hard place;
anyway i meet the sisters song by no time to cry so i rly love this song

Posted: 02 Jun 2008, 13:25
by darkparticle
I also like walk away

I ALWAYS skip Torch

As foir overrated songs...isn't that a different thread :innocent:

Posted: 02 Jun 2008, 15:24
by 6FeetOver
darkparticle wrote:I ALWAYS skip Torch

"Torch" is one of my faves! :P

Posted: 02 Jun 2008, 15:27
by 6FeetOver
mh wrote:Not their worst, by a long way, but still overrated - too long, too much repetition of the same gimmicky stuff, and eventually wearying after overexposure to it.
I suppose I'd have to agree with your assessment now (after approximately 1000000 listens ;)), but TC was my intro to the Sissies, so it'll always resonate with me. \m/ :von:

Posted: 02 Jun 2008, 15:29
by 6FeetOver
lachert wrote:
mh wrote:I like No Time To Cry
i'm still trying to like it but i can't :cry: all gigs from 84-85 was destroyed by these two tracks (no time and walk away). thanks lord for skip button :lol:
I don't care for much of FALAA because the tunes are just too "linear" for my liking. :|

Posted: 02 Jun 2008, 17:58
by Jeremiah
The other songs I always seem to avoid listening to are Doctor Jeep, Long Train, Under the Gun (I don't think it's too controversial rating those as 'well below average,')

1969: Probably the only Sisters cover that does not make major advances over the original,

and... (runs for cover) First and Last and Always. I don't know why, as I normally like the songs Gary Marx wrote and would rate him as my favourite Sisters guitarist (if not the most technically proficient). But something about this song just doesn't do it for me.

Posted: 02 Jun 2008, 18:08
by eastmidswhizzkid
doesn't FALAA even work for you in a live'85 setting? hearing "kashmir" fade out and that bass drum (effect) start-up gives me a hard-on. 8)

Posted: 02 Jun 2008, 19:48
by mh
Agreed on 1969, I was just thinking the same yesterday - it's always baffling that such a nonedescript cover ended up on vinyl at a time when top notch original material like Good Things was left on the floor.

Posted: 02 Jun 2008, 20:18
by christophe
mh wrote:There's a few of us feel TC is overrated, so running and hiding is optional. ;)

Not their worst, by a long way, but still overrated - too long, too much repetition of the same gimmicky stuff, and eventually wearying after overexposure to it.
dude, TC could be a great song, but face it, it isn't.
Floodland would be better without it :!: it is not even b-side material in my opinion :urff:

Posted: 02 Jun 2008, 20:20
by christophe
Jeremiah wrote:The other songs I always seem to avoid listening to are Doctor Jeep, Long Train, Under the Gun (I don't think it's too controversial rating those as 'well below average,')
You just named my fav 3 :lol:

Posted: 02 Jun 2008, 21:45
by mh
christophe wrote:
mh wrote:There's a few of us feel TC is overrated, so running and hiding is optional. ;)

Not their worst, by a long way, but still overrated - too long, too much repetition of the same gimmicky stuff, and eventually wearying after overexposure to it.
dude, TC could be a great song, but face it, it isn't.
Floodland would be better without it :!: it is not even b-side material in my opinion :urff:
Harsh words. :lol:

I reckon chopping about 5 minutes off it does the job nicely. Trim the "hey nows" from the intro, the entire midsection after the first chorus (including the second chorus and the two 70s disco bits), cut the extended repetition from the end, and some other cuts throughout the song, and it seems to work fairly well.

Posted: 02 Jun 2008, 21:54
by christophe
mh wrote:I reckon chopping about 5 minutes off it does the job nicely. Trim the "hey nows" from the intro, the entire midsection after the first chorus (including the second chorus and the two 70s disco bits), cut the extended repetition from the end, and some other cuts throughout the song, and it seems to work fairly well.
I wanne give that a try, how good are you with a audioeditor? :innocent:

Posted: 02 Jun 2008, 22:57
by robertzombie
I agree on Long Train and 1969. Although, isn't Long Train just a remix?

Speaking of remixes, what's the story behind the God Squad mixes?

Posted: 03 Jun 2008, 00:09
by darkparticle
christophe .. :eek: :eek: & mh

TC is epic, more so than more, not better but taunting and suggestive with the added meaning explored but not explained, of course I could be wrong...and it might be overrated :(

Posted: 03 Jun 2008, 00:25
by darkparticle
SINsis :? really?

Excuse my poor taste, in a Floodland playback I guess it has it's place, as a stand alone experience torch burns like wee willy winkies candle

:innocent: :)

Posted: 04 Jun 2008, 20:04
by Caravaggio
I don't like the whole VT-album (exept maybe Ribbons & I Was Wrong). The only thing I like about it is that it gave me the opportunity to see them live.
I agree on what is said on TC - too long and repetitive. Never understood why it was so successful...but definitely not their worst song.

Posted: 05 Jun 2008, 13:33
by dinky daisy
Caravaggio wrote:I don't like the whole VT-album (exept maybe Ribbons & I Was Wrong). The only thing I like about it is that it gave me the opportunity to see them live.
I agree on what is said on TC - too long and repetitive. Never understood why it was so successful...but definitely not their worst song.
You don't like VT?

Ai. To me, FALAA and Floodland are the support acts for that double master blaster.

Posted: 05 Jun 2008, 21:59
by robertzombie
mh wrote:There's a few of us feel TC is overrated, so running and hiding is optional. ;)

Not their worst, by a long way, but still overrated - too long, too much repetition of the same gimmicky stuff, and eventually wearying after overexposure to it.
Try this version ;)

Posted: 13 Aug 2008, 06:31
by Lord Emsworth
Nothing of the instrumental stuff really counts. And neither does "Home of the Hit-men."

Of the rest ...

The whole "Reptile House" (except "Burn") is fairly weak and boring.

"(Long) Train" is just annoying.

"Possession" and "Some Kind of Stranger" are the weakest of the otherwise absolutely great FALAA album.

"Flood I/II," "Torch," "Colours" and "Neverland" just come across as fillers for the Corrosion-Lucretia-Dominion album-venue that is called "Floodland."

"Ribbons" seems to be missing something vitally important, like a concept.

Posted: 13 Aug 2008, 07:54
by Tidal
sounds like you still have to discover what the Sisters is all about :wink: