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Posted: 15 Feb 2007, 18:16
by Brad
Izzy, I will send you my final, final Will I Dream.

Still working on my Crash & Burn. Hopefully have a complete version by late next week.


Posted: 15 Feb 2007, 20:26
by Izzy HaveMercy
Methedrome wrote:Izzy, I will send you my final, final Will I Dream.

Still working on my Crash & Burn. Hopefully have a complete version by late next week.

Ok cool! All people that wish to send me FINAL versions of songs, ready to be 'mastered', use YouSendIt preferably and send the linky to 'forgreatergood at telenet dot be'...

Thankee! ;D


Posted: 17 Feb 2007, 04:15
by Heartless
On a different sidenote, can anyone recommend me a good audio recording/mixing software? I tried to do the vocals for "Slept" but it doesn't really go well with only Cool Edit at hand.

Posted: 17 Feb 2007, 07:28
by Syberberg
Heartless wrote:On a different sidenote, can anyone recommend me a good audio recording/mixing software? I tried to do the vocals for "Slept" but it doesn't really go well with only Cool Edit at hand.
That's a toughie as it tends to come down to personal perference. FWIW, I use Cakewalk's SONAR.

Your best bet, I think, would be to get some demos of what's out there and see which one you like the most. The principals are all the same, but the work-flow and FX/plug-ins etc vary a lot. The main reason I like SONAR is because I got a 30-day demo, tried it and liked it. It was a bit of a step up from the old (and very, very reliable) Voyetra Digital Orchestrator Plus, the only drawback was the lack of built-in FX, so I used it in conjunction with Cool Edit. I do all the drums and keyboard stuff in Reason (HUGELY versatile).

Hope that helps.

Posted: 17 Feb 2007, 14:45
by Heartless
Yeah, it should. Thanks :)

long time no see

Posted: 10 Mar 2007, 10:18
Hello again!

first of all i have to say i'm so sorry! :oops: my rockband were supposed to start recording our new demo last november or something but we haven't started yet... as i wrote here before a nice little start of recording our demo would be the song "Slept".

so just to inform you i've started a little project on the side of the rockband and the first song to work with is of course "Slept"

just to show you this time my words are more action i will give you a link to a first try of the song. in the end all the instruments might be recorded again, who knows. but i'm finally started to work with this damn song!! :twisted:

it's still instrumental. i have to find a good microphones and stuff first.

so i give you, a work in progress by Lefty Drake & The Mellow Side Winos version of The Sisters of Mercy-song: Slept! tada! :D ... os_-_Slept


Posted: 10 Mar 2007, 12:12
by robertzombie
Sounds great!!! ;D

Posted: 10 Mar 2007, 14:54
by therealsamdevos
Heartless wrote:On a different sidenote, can anyone recommend me a good audio recording/mixing software? I tried to do the vocals for "Slept" but it doesn't really go well with only Cool Edit at hand.
FWIW: my preferred DAW's are Nuendo, Cubase SX or 4 and Ableton Live
these all have audio, midi, vst, fx, build in instruments etc... an really great audio-engines...
(especially Live is my main workhorse at the moment, it has realy sweet timestretching capabilities and loads of stuff on offer but i still use Neundo to get all the final mixing stuff done and to mix it down...)

Cool edit is more of a wav-editor type thingy not a true seqeuncer/DAW
for those kind of tasks i use Soundforge and or Wavelab... ... AW_systems
all the info plus free DAW's
other free audio stuff

and do check out for loads of free vst goodies
(okay some are crap and some are excellent but this depends a lot on what you're looking for

Posted: 10 Mar 2007, 15:00
by mh
Might I recommend some acoustic guitar on your version, FMAMMY?


Posted: 10 Mar 2007, 15:50
mh: my girlfriend said the same thing! haha :D so acoustic guitar will appear some time

Posted: 12 Mar 2007, 17:31
by kafka
Oi. I'd love to have a stab at vocals for Crash & Burn or Summer. Any chance of anyone giving me an instrumental mix of one of the two to do a Karaoke Thing over?

Posted: 12 Mar 2007, 17:35
by 6FeetOver
George?! :eek:

I believe hell may be freezing over... :wink:

Posted: 12 Mar 2007, 19:59
by kafka
Why so, miss E?

I've always been partial to the odd bit of horrid warbling. You remember my 'Tainted Chicken,' no doubt...

Posted: 12 Mar 2007, 20:17
by 6FeetOver
Oh, not *that*, dear George (I fully recall "Tainted Chicken", heeheehee! :lol:). I meant, you're *here*! Posting, no less! And *I'm* here, too (posting, even!) after an extended (and largely inexcusable) absence.

Shiver me timbers! ;D :notworthy:

Posted: 12 Mar 2007, 20:56
by Ahráyeph
I've been waiting for THIS one to arrive long enough to tackle another song (I just might, now the ARF recording sessions are over). Where the hell are you people? More importantly, where are your songs? This is still a good idea; don't let it die a slow death!

Posted: 12 Mar 2007, 21:00
by 6FeetOver
I have no songs to send *yet* (been playing about with Reason, but the suckage is endless, and I have an electric bass, but I can't play it :() - but I *can* sort of sing...

Posted: 12 Mar 2007, 21:01
by mh
Indeed. :notworthy:

We have far too many Summers and Crash and Burns also - lets see some of the others showing their faces.

Posted: 12 Mar 2007, 21:08
by robertzombie
Funnily enough we're currently playing around with Come Together but I think that's already been taken.

Posted: 12 Mar 2007, 21:38
by Syberberg
mh wrote: We have far too many Summers and Crash and Burns also - lets see some of the others showing their faces.
Ahráyeph wrote:Where the hell are you people? More importantly, where are your songs? This is still a good idea; don't let it die a slow death!

Posted: 12 Mar 2007, 21:38
by aims
Feel free to have a go.

First come, first served ;)

Posted: 12 Mar 2007, 23:15
by James Blast
I've done my bit :innocent:

Posted: 12 Mar 2007, 23:17
by mh
robertzombie wrote:Funnily enough we're currently playing around with Come Together but I think that's already been taken.
No harm in having another one, especially as it seems to be one of the least popular of the "new" songs.

Posted: 13 Mar 2007, 12:37
by Izzy HaveMercy
I will repeat then:

The files I have for the mo:

Completely finished, mastered an'all:

The Mumbles - Crash and Burn
Syberberg - Crash and Burn
Mish - Snubnose
ARF - Summer

Partial songs that need guest musicians or additional tweaking:

Nonesuch - Slept (only needs vocals, it is a stonking version BTW!)
Brad Salyn - Will I dream (I guess a new vocal version was being made, I can be wrong tho, there's vocals on it already)
Anonymous - Still (rough demo) (Can't remember who did this one :blush:, it also needs vocals)
Tbilisi89 (ormdfmrush) - Summer (needs mastering from my part, song is finished)


Posted: 13 Mar 2007, 19:18
by ormfdmrush
Izzy HaveMercy wrote:Tbilisi89 (ormdfmrush) - Summer (needs mastering from my part, song is finished)
how much bit and Hz do you need from me?
and i'll share the track

Posted: 13 Mar 2007, 19:34
by kafka
I'll have a bash at vocals on Slept & Still if you like.