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Posted: 13 Aug 2008, 07:59
by lazarus corporation
I've got to agree with Tidal there.

The Reptile House is pure bliss from the start of side 1 to its echo at the end of side 2.

After 21 years of listening to it, Flood I/II have become my favourite songs from Floodland.

Long Train, however, is a mite annoying (it's the bad editing together that causes that). The shorter Train, however, is a solid classic.

Posted: 13 Aug 2008, 08:30
by Lord Emsworth
Tidal wrote:sounds like you still have to discover what the Sisters is all about :wink:
OK, what are the Sisters all about?

Posted: 13 Aug 2008, 09:09
by _emma_
I think that Lord Emsworth is just taking the p*ss.

Posted: 13 Aug 2008, 09:32
by Ghostrider
maybe we'll have to check what songs he does like.. might be interesting and shed some light on his view on the sisters..

imo.. RH is one of the best EP's ever made..
long train, well can be fun while being on a train as time passes by but other than that it's a bit too long..
Possession and SKOS are some of the somes on FALAA which are on repeat most of the time on ye old iPod, allong with NWN..

Flood 1 & 2 are greatly composed songs, which anno 2008 live sound amazing..

Neverland is a eargasm imo.. it's a great gloomy songs which takes us back to the gloom of the RH EP

Ribbons is a good song on CD.. live it's just sex in smoke and lights

crappy songs on the otherhand .. well... imo.. YCBTO must be one of the worst songs they ever made, although i like hearing it more than any average radio tune these days..

Posted: 13 Aug 2008, 11:05
by Lord Emsworth
_emma_ wrote:I think that Lord Emsworth is just taking the p*ss.
Oh don't worry. I've read the thread all through. And there doesn't seem to be a consensus on which songs exactly are the worst/best etcetera. Soo, taking the p*ss doesn't really come all that unexpected.

Posted: 13 Aug 2008, 11:07
by zero01
Lord Emsworth wrote:
"Flood I/II," "Torch," "Colours" and "Neverland" just come across as fillers for the Corrosion-Lucretia-Dominion album-venue that is called "Floodland."
AE would love the controversy if he could be bothered. TC would be great if it weren't for the hey now etc etc, Possession and SCOS must be 2 of the best ever.

Have to disagree with ghostrider on YCBTO but that discussion has been rehashed ad infinitum.

Long train is the most annoying, and untill recently train was IMHO nearly as bad...some of the remixes just drag.
_emma_ wrote: I think that Lord Emsworth is just taking the p*ss.
I think lately that AE is taking the p**s.

Posted: 13 Aug 2008, 11:43
by Lord Emsworth
Ghostrider wrote:maybe we'll have to check what songs he does like.. might be interesting and shed some light on his view on the sisters..
"(We are the same) Suzanne" is the best one IMO (and not just SOM).

Closely followed by "Marian" and that Stones 'cover' "Gimme' Shelter."

A tiny bit further down - but still rating as excellent - there are
"First and Last and Always" (LP version preferred),
"Nine while Nine" (it could be even better if only AE hadn't overdone it with the whining and weeping towards the end)
"Amphetamine Logic"
and "Bury me Deep"

And amongst the just great there are
"Body Electric" (the one that is sported on the Body&Soul 12� - sounds less anemic and more agressive than what I know from SGWBM),
"Afterhours" (same 12�),
"Watch" (It is a piece of trash all right, but it is a damn awesome piece of trash),
"Alice" (both, the older and the 1993),

Posted: 13 Aug 2008, 13:58
by Ghostrider
well.. have to agree on gimme shelter.. (damn fine cover).. and Body Electric & afterhours.. in fact the Body & Soul Maxi is a great item all togetter..

about bury me deep.. personally i prefer Poison Door in regards of unreleased B-sides..

forgot one from the floodland era i realy like on high volume and full bass: Driven like the snow

it seems to me you like the more "rocking" songs.. although afterhours doesn't cut that part.. for me, afterhours could have made the reptile house EP as a bonus track.. it's the same gloomy setting..

on bad songs.. well, not that they have any bad songs.. so must rephrase by saying: "songs i rather skip on my playlist":

This Corrosion
Dr Jeep
detonation blvd

but that's only cause they have so many better songs imo..

Posted: 13 Aug 2008, 14:40
by Stranger
Possession and SKOS are definitely among the best ever for me. Same can be said about the whole FALAA.

Floodland simply could not exist and would lack concept without the two Floods which are...fine and elaborate. Torch and Colours are not among my favourites either and I usually tend to skip 'em.

And Ribbons imo is one of the best from VT which I don't like too much as a whole.

Posted: 13 Aug 2008, 16:01
by Purple Light
I'm sure somewhere in these 20 or so pages I put Detonation Boulevard as my choice. I've since gone from 'just not liking it' to absolutely bloody hating it. No idea why.

Posted: 13 Aug 2008, 16:42
by dtsom
i don´t know why, but i can´t stand "SLEPT" this days

thinking about the songs that i don´t like from the sisters. i´ve realised that i like the 98% of them

Posted: 14 Aug 2008, 00:36
by stufarq
I'm gonna agree with Lord Elmsoworth that most of RH (except the sublime Burn) is a bit weak; but I think it falls into the same category as Anaconda and some early songs that aren't bad in themselves but were poorly recorded.

Long Train is more Long And Pointless.

I love all the others the good Lord mentioned, although Colours is probably longer than it needs to be. (And, to be fair, neither it nor Torch are really part of Floodland: they're b-sides that have been bonus tracks on some releases, so not really filler.)

Posted: 14 Aug 2008, 03:39
by Husek
After all i guess the unique song i rly dislike it's Body electric Slow version , that played in 2001, god, it's just stupid! the original version it's already perfect...

Other songs that i like but it's not rlyyy good:
Lights ('k i just don't like this song from RH EP)
Ribbons in CD/LP (Ribbons it's just perfect live)
Come together ( Good but weak =( )
Under the Gun (okay shot me now!)

[Off Topic]And i think, in the last years, the best song played live it's giving ground, omg, it's just perfect, the 'groove' of the instruments plus the eldritch vocals it's like Coke and Vodka!

Posted: 14 Aug 2008, 03:56
by spot778
Under The Gun

Summer comes a close second.

Can't stand them.

Posted: 14 Aug 2008, 18:38
by mh
I'm with you on Lights, Husek. Never really liked that version, the '81 demo is far far superior.

Posted: 14 Aug 2008, 20:40
by Dark
Tidal wrote:sounds like you still have to discover what the Sisters is all about :wink:
This is what KLF is about.

Posted: 14 Aug 2008, 21:13
by Victim of Circumstance
Don't like:
Top nite out, Slept, Torch, YCBTO.

Basically like all other songs but my all time favourites are (in this order):
- Floorshow (saw it live in '84 at Hunky Dory on my first Sisters gig and it was fabulous :!: - definitely the song that made me a Sisters addict - dark, monotone and powerful)
- Emma
- Ghostrider/Sister Ray (live medley)
- Heartland
- Ribbons (live)
- Some kind of stranger

Posted: 14 Aug 2008, 21:23
by Husek
Victim of Circumstance wrote:Don't like:
Top nite out, Slept, Torch, YCBTO.

Basically like all other songs but my all time favourites are (in this order):
- Floorshow (saw it live in '84 at Hunky Dory on my first Sisters gig and it was fabulous :!: - definitely the song that made me a Sisters addict - dark, monotone and powerful)
- Emma
- Ghostrider/Sister Ray (live medley)
- Heartland
- Ribbons (live)
- Some kind of stranger
In Fact Torch and Slept are weak songs :innocent:
Anyway i like YCBTO and just love Top nite out

Posted: 14 Aug 2008, 21:53
by napalm
Husek wrote:After all i guess the unique song i rly dislike it's Body electric Slow version , that played in 2001, god, it's just stupid! the original version it's already perfect...
I love the slow version of body electric... I think it's more powerful than the fast version! They played it in Hamburg... fantastic!!

But talking about under the gun... I'm with you. I don't think that it's a song to be played live... but on tape it's stunning.

I don't like: possession.

Posted: 14 Aug 2008, 23:47
by psichonaut
Lord Emsworth wrote:Nothing of the instrumental stuff really counts. And neither does "Home of the Hit-men."

Of the rest ...

The whole "Reptile House" (except "Burn") is fairly weak and boring.

"(Long) Train" is just annoying.

"Possession" and "Some Kind of Stranger" are the weakest of the otherwise absolutely great FALAA album.

"Flood I/II," "Torch," "Colours" and "Neverland" just come across as fillers for the Corrosion-Lucretia-Dominion album-venue that is called "Floodland."

"Ribbons" seems to be missing something vitally important, like a concept.
are you sure you like the Sisters? ;D

Posted: 15 Aug 2008, 00:24
by Izzy HaveMercy
Purple Light wrote:I'm sure somewhere in these 20 or so pages I put Detonation Boulevard as my choice. I've since gone from 'just not liking it' to absolutely bloody hating it. No idea why.
It helps when you change the lyrics to "Our Destination To The Bar" ;D


Posted: 15 Aug 2008, 16:10
by boudicca
Lord Emsworth wrote:"Nine while Nine" (it could be even better if only AE hadn't overdone it with the whining and weeping towards the end)
You've hit the nail on the head... I feel FALAA as a whole is let down far too often by Eldritch's vocals (and, sometimes, the words he's singing). I don't understand it as his vocals on earlier records and on Floodland are a million miles better, not anywhere near as overwrought. He borders on the EMO at times, and even though I know that, unlike your average EMO whiner, he's presenting himself somewhat objectively... it's still a bit buttock-clenching to listen to his howlings, frankly.

I think what makes it worse is his total lack of adherence to any form of tune whatsoever (large chunks of Some Kind Of Stranger really spring to mind here). It's as though Hussey and Marx ploughed all the talent into organising chord progressions, memorable basslines and so on, and the actual vocal melodies were just left as Eldritch's afterthought. I was listening to SKOS just yesterday (just to counterbalance this spleen-venting - I do still actually like the band :lol: ), and found myself imagining a totally different and much stonger melody over the top of the music. I'll sing it to you one time :P
I realise these comments could draw responses of "just wanting a nice little pop ditty" etc - but no, just some nod to musical structure would be nice.

Worst culprit is probably SKOS, but that is salvaged by the music and oooooh, that riff is classique!
Possession - well he just turns into a gibbering blancmange at the end of that doesn't he? Fcuking ruining an otherwise fab track.
Phantom is fcuking abominable, Casio keyboard, £24.99 from Argos, there's just no getting away from it.
Dr Jeep is not very big or clever either.

I could start on a rant about the poverty of Von's lyrics, the inherent self-pity of his cynicism... but I am aware that I'm already sailing close to the wind talking like this in Sisters Chat... going to meet Andrew S tonight and I hope he doesn't read this before he sees me or I'll probably get a stabbing :lol:

Posted: 15 Aug 2008, 17:20
by eotunun
boudicca wrote: Phantom is fcuking abominable, Casio keyboard, £24.99 from Argos, there's just no getting away from it.
Erm.. That's the Doctor, a guitar and a three miles high pilke of effects, if I'm not mistaken.. :wink:

Posted: 15 Aug 2008, 21:20
by stufarq
I always thought it was a stylophone and two half coconuts.

Posted: 15 Aug 2008, 21:43
by eotunun
:eek: You're right!
And that for the percusion: