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Posted: 13 Mar 2007, 19:44
by Brad
My "Will I Dream" is complete. I will upload a wav of it tomorrow for you Izzy.

I still need to have vocals added to my "Crash & Burn".

Posted: 13 Mar 2007, 19:49
by Izzy HaveMercy
Methedrome wrote:My "Will I Dream" is complete. I will upload a wav of it tomorrow for you Izzy.

I still need to have vocals added to my "Crash & Burn".

Send it any way you want, I prefer YouSendIt tho ;)

ANd send it to "forgreatergood AT telenet DOT be"...


Posted: 11 Apr 2007, 19:01
by Petseri
Any update on this project?

Posted: 11 Apr 2007, 19:39
by Izzy HaveMercy
Not bloody likely! :evil:


Posted: 11 Apr 2007, 21:03
by Ahráyeph
The Road to Hell is paved with Good Intentions, as seems to be proven once again... :evil:

Posted: 11 Apr 2007, 23:29
by robertzombie
Here you can find a rehearsal recording of Come Together, we've only just started practising it so it's still in it's early stages. Obviously, some of the lyrics are pure guesses.

Tell me what you think :)

Posted: 12 Apr 2007, 00:12
by mh
robertzombie wrote:Here you can find a rehearsal recording of Come Together, we've only just started practising it so it's still in it's early stages. Obviously, some of the lyrics are pure guesses.

Tell me what you think :)
Now THAT is pretty damn fine! :notworthy:

The outro needs some more work, and the lyrics definitely need more work though. :lol: They actually sound fairly convincingly good, aside from the first two lines of the first verse, which are all over the bloody shop. :lol:

I'm almost sure that it goes:

"Little child look up at the sky
A white wedding dress and a black maria" etc

I'm also pretty certain (based on the Dublin recording, which you seem to have also used as a base - it certainly has almost the clearest vocals of them all) that the line "Into the fast lane" is there at the start of the third verse. And something about "when the wheels are spinning round" is also there.

Musically, I'd ramp up the beatbox excess to Floorshow/Colours levels and beyond too. You've definitely got the stupidly high BPM right though (that's one of the things few folks seem to notice about this song).

Otherwise, bearing in mind it's "rehearsal" status, I'd give it a 9. :notworthy:

Posted: 12 Apr 2007, 00:38
by robertzombie
Thanks matey :D

I'll go over the lyrics again tomorrow morning, obviously no-one will ever get them perfect.

I'm quite sure that the first line is: "A little child and a cold missile/messiah".

Messiah could make sense seeing as "swing low, sweet Jesus" pops up later in the song.

I'm sure there's hundreds of different ways the lyrics can be heard so if someone fancies doing some deciphering we can play around with them in rehearsal and see what works best :)

EDIT: Upon listening to the London Forum 13/02/98 gig the first line sounds like this to me:

A little child
And a cold missile,
With a white wedding dress
And a black mariah.
Some wild idea and I head back home,
Swing low sweet Jesus,
Come to carry me.

(not sure about the italic bits.)

What is a "black maria"?

Posted: 12 Apr 2007, 23:43
by thhell
robertzombie wrote:
What is a "black maria"?
From on his song "Big Black Mariah":

"This term comes from a black woman (aptly) named Maria who owned a lodging house in England and was in close with the police, turning in any lodgers who might be engaging in illicit activities. Anyway, somehow through this "Black Maria" came to be synonymous with the paddy wagon that takes convicts to the courthouse/jail.

patrol car

hearse (1954-1960)
(Random House Historical Dictionary of American Slang)"

Posted: 13 Apr 2007, 01:13
by James Blast
nice one thhel, never knew that :notworthy:

BTW, I allas heard it (way before TSOM were a combo) pronounced as black mah-rye-ah, is this the same with you folks?

Posted: 13 Apr 2007, 01:26
by robertzombie
mh: I was getting a bit confused with "Maria" because I pronounce it "muh-ree-uh" which wouldn't have fit the rhyme scheme.
Were you thinking of Mariah or do you just pronounce Maria differently to me?
James Blast wrote:mah-rye-ah
Yep, that's how I'd say "Mariah", as in Mariah Carey.

Posted: 13 Apr 2007, 02:00
by James Blast
Oh Shit, we didn't have singing rats back in my day :urff:

Posted: 13 Apr 2007, 13:37
by mh
robertzombie wrote:mh: I was getting a bit confused with "Maria" because I pronounce it "muh-ree-uh" which wouldn't have fit the rhyme scheme.
Were you thinking of Mariah or do you just pronounce Maria differently to me?
James Blast wrote:mah-rye-ah
Yep, that's how I'd say "Mariah", as in Mariah Carey.
Nah, I just spelled it differently. :lol: The desire to avoid any confusion with Mariah Carey was the sole motivation, so I plead guilty.

Posted: 13 Apr 2007, 19:15
by Izzy HaveMercy
This is not the first time the Black Mah-rye-ah pops up in a Sisters lyric, now is it? ;)


Posted: 21 Apr 2007, 19:00
by robertzombie
Today we recorded Come Together, I'll post an mp3 in a bit for you guys to have a listen to :)

Posted: 21 Apr 2007, 20:31
by robertzombie

Posted: 21 Apr 2007, 20:43
by James Blast
Oh Yes! :D :notworthy:

Posted: 21 Apr 2007, 20:57
by more-sedatives-pls
currently downloading at 1.83KB/Sec ....

28 minutes remaining :D

Posted: 21 Apr 2007, 21:03
by James Blast
more-sedatives-pls wrote:currently downloading at 1.83KB/Sec ....

28 minutes remaining :D
!!! only took me 57 secs !!!

Posted: 21 Apr 2007, 21:16
by robertzombie
I would've uploaded it to YouSendIt but it won't let me log in :?

Sorry for the wait sedatives :P

Posted: 21 Apr 2007, 21:23
by Pat
Well I'm impressed.I've always hated this song but Roberts version is quite enjoyable. :notworthy:

Another quick download btw

Posted: 21 Apr 2007, 21:23
by more-sedatives-pls
James Blast wrote:
more-sedatives-pls wrote:currently downloading at 1.83KB/Sec ....

28 minutes remaining :D
!!! only took me 57 secs !!!
that's cuz you're in the UK, James, and I'm at 4º 18 S, 15º 18 E - dumdum bullets...

Posted: 21 Apr 2007, 21:24
by robertzombie
If anyone has trouble with sendspace here's the YSI link :)

Thanks Pat :D 8)

Posted: 21 Apr 2007, 21:55
by aims
Not bad, not bad at all :notworthy:

And robert, if you could transcribe the lyrics you used, you'd be considered an absolute bloody star for ever...:innocent:

Posted: 21 Apr 2007, 22:01
by robertzombie
A little child
And a cold missile,
With a white wedding dress
And a black maria.
Some wild idea and I head back home,
Swing low sweet Jesus,
Come to carry me.

Carry me home,
Swing low.
Carry me home.

Come together, home.
Come together, home.

Carry on angel.
No-one can harm you now.

Though your fins.
Though your fins be scarlet.

Come together, home.
Come together, home.

Just walk,
Into the fast lane,
Head in the stars,
Horizon, behold.

Cold missile,
A white wedding dress
And a black maria.
Swing low.

Though your fins,
Though your fins be scarlet.

Come together, home.
Come together, home.
Not too sure about the bit in bold, the rest I am certain about. :)