Does exactly what it says on the tin. Some of the nonsense contained herein may be very loosely related to The Sisters of Mercy, but I wouldn't bet your PayPal account on it. In keeping with the internet's general theme nothing written here should be taken as Gospel: over three quarters of it is utter gibberish, and most of the forum's denizens haven't spoken to another human being face-to-face for decades. Don't worry your pretty little heads about it. Above all else, remember this: You don't have to stay forever. I will understand.
Planet Dave wrote: ↑12 Aug 2022, 17:48
TIHBM..... getting stang off of a wassp.
Oh wah, that's painful !!! ... ... hope you're not allergic and didn't have to rush to the hospital and spend a few hours there ...
Hospital? Fk those places, I rubbed some vinegar on it it throbs like a mofo but no anaphylaxis so just another day at the nun factory, with newly installed wassps's nest outside the (now closed) kitchen window. In 30 degree heat. Rather me than one of the old dears I look after, that's for sure.
Changing my address card & updating the chip in my ID card.
Not so easy when the Kormányablak's software is clunky as hell and nobody knows how to use it.
Today (Friday) i had been spent my time on 2 job interviews. Fingers crossing one of these two be complete by next days
Feeling optimistic after some time looking for
'Are we the Baddies?'...
"Someday! Someday, everything you need, is just gonna fall out of the sky..." -A.E. Reading 1991
"Don't forget that most of the judges in witches trials had harvard degrees."
ruffers wrote: ↑30 Sep 2022, 20:34
Looking round Leeds, my new home since moving from London yesterday.
Big move at my age and I loved living in London but nothing ventured etc...
You live in Leeds? May I recommend all of the following... Head Of Steam Headingley, Howl Bar, Santiago's bar, Northern Guitar Centre bar, and of course the Drydock. And of course the Brudenell Social Club all worth a visit or 12
trying to suss what the fuck my PC is playing at. Suddenly i cant log in to it when i boot it up. it accepts the password , goes through the motions of logging on and then presents me with a new log-in screen. i am currently using the install media just to acceess the internet. i COULD reinstall the OS (again) but ive got 500GB of stuff on here i dont want to lose and cant be arsed to move it all.
EDIT: fixed the bitch!
"And all my promises are lies
All my love is hate
I am the Politician, and i decide your fate"
eastmidswhizzkid wrote: ↑19 Oct 2022, 02:52
trying to suss what the fuck my PC is playing at. Suddenly i cant log in to it when i boot it up. it accepts the password , goes through the motions of logging on and then presents me with a new log-in screen. i am currently using the install media just to acceess the internet. i COULD reinstall the OS (again) but ive got 500GB of stuff on here i dont want to lose and cant be arsed to move it all.
EDIT: fixed the bitch!
excellent news my laptop will more or less officially die when windows 8 gets ditched in January, it;d already a slow steaming pile though so won't really be missed.
eastmidswhizzkid wrote: ↑19 Oct 2022, 02:52
trying to suss what the fuck my PC is playing at. Suddenly i cant log in to it when i boot it up. it accepts the password , goes through the motions of logging on and then presents me with a new log-in screen. i am currently using the install media just to acceess the internet. i COULD reinstall the OS (again) but ive got 500GB of stuff on here i dont want to lose and cant be arsed to move it all.
EDIT: fixed the bitch!
excellent news my laptop will more or less officially die when windows 8 gets ditched in January, it;d already a slow steaming pile though so won't really be missed.
before i fixed it i had a look at recons on ebay & you can get some really good deals. eg 32GB RAM , i7 processor, 1TB storage & 500GB SSD for under £300 with win11
"And all my promises are lies
All my love is hate
I am the Politician, and i decide your fate"
Grading final exams for an accelerated course. It's depressing how many college students can't even be bothered to put in the minimal amount of effort to write an exam. I've got at least three kids who I have to fail because they just did about 50% of what the exam required.
The most successful tyranny is not the one that uses force to assure uniformity but the one that removes the awareness of other possibilities, that makes it seem inconceivable that other ways are viable, that removes the sense that there is an outside.
Test for Covid-Influenzas turned positive on Covid today
I am sick since Friday. Friday's test was negative and had some hopes to pass this clear, but it turned out that it was covid
Feeling sick but not on fever at the moment, nights are feverish though a couple of days now
Wish me luck, hope we will keep in touch. If i will stop posting you know, what...
'Are we the Baddies?'...
"Someday! Someday, everything you need, is just gonna fall out of the sky..." -A.E. Reading 1991
"Don't forget that most of the judges in witches trials had harvard degrees."
iesus wrote: ↑18 Dec 2022, 14:20
Test for Covid-Influenzas turned positive on Covid today
I am sick since Friday. Friday's test was negative and had some hopes to pass this clear, but it turned out that it was covid
Feeling sick but not on fever at the moment, nights are feverish though a couple of days now
Wish me luck, hope we will keep in touch. If i will stop posting you know, what...
Loads of good wishes and energies to you, dear iesus ... ...
3-4 days of nightly fever is the standard for the current covid-variety. After that you might feel very weak for another 3-4 days ... and then, after about 8 days in total, your test should turn negative again.
Don't panic ... ... though, in case you should feel ever worse, please don't hesitate to call an ambulance and see yourself to a hospital ! ... We wouldn't want to miss you here ... ...
Thank you all for the <3 <3
Friday-Saturday night were feverish above 38, lastnight was little above 37.4. Day fever seems that stopped, but the nose started to Flood since yesterday. In the pharmacy they told me it is quite mild to easy on my case. Hope to be around you for a long time until we hear all the unheard songs and comment on them!
Last edited by iesus on 19 Dec 2022, 10:45, edited 2 times in total.
'Are we the Baddies?'...
"Someday! Someday, everything you need, is just gonna fall out of the sky..." -A.E. Reading 1991
"Don't forget that most of the judges in witches trials had harvard degrees."