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Posted: 11 Jun 2012, 12:56
by markfiend
Bartek wrote:
mh wrote:
Gollum's Cock wrote:He did write most of the music on FALAA
He didn't really though, did he? Look at the credits - 4 tracks by Wayne alone and 2 with co-credits, compared to Marx (4 solo, 1 co-credit) he's not that far ahead for the LP, and "most" is a wee bit misleading.

Marx's side is the stronger one anyway. I think most folks would agree with that. :notworthy:
of course it a matter of taste, but i'm agree with last sentence.
Yes, indeed.

Posted: 11 Jun 2012, 12:58
by GC
mh wrote:
Gollum's Cock wrote:He did write most of the music on FALAA
He didn't really though, did he? Look at the credits - 4 tracks by Wayne alone and 2 with co-credits, compared to Marx (4 solo, 1 co-credit) he's not that far ahead for the LP, and "most" is a wee bit misleading.

Marx's side is the stronger one anyway. I think most folks would agree with that. :notworthy:
So the final score is:

Wayne - 6 Gary - 5

that makes it 'most' in my opinion...that said Gary was the better side and 'wuz robbed'


Posted: 11 Jun 2012, 13:25
by Bartek
quality over quantity !

Posted: 11 Jun 2012, 13:27
by Ozpat
Bartek wrote:quality over quantity !
Fact! :notworthy:

Posted: 11 Jun 2012, 14:23
by markfiend
Gollum's Cock wrote:So the final score is:

Wayne - 6 Gary - 5

that makes it 'most' in my opinion.
To be fair, "most" does mean "more than the others". So yeah.

Posted: 11 Jun 2012, 14:55
by Quiff Boy
wayne's stuff is undeniably more poppy, but that's not necessarily a band thing

the first incarnation of the sisters were good because of their understanding of the pop form: 3 + a half minute songs, catchy guitar lines, straight into the first verse without stupidly long intros, big singalong choruses... dark and twisted without a doubt, but still pop. and all the better for it. look at the ridiculous freeform ramblings of mccoy's later output, or the harsh, angular stuff that s*x gang children or virgin prunes were churning out :roll:

whatever else you may say about hits, wayne always could write a great hook, and made an interesting noise with a guitar...

tbh i really don't understand what all the fuss is about re: his contribution. frankly it was all so long ago that only us slavish fans (of both bands) really give a toss.

with regards to that wayne interview cited above: wasn't he asked a direct question about the sisters? that's how i read it. its childish to leap on his reply and slag him off for living on past glories... he did not bring it up - he was ASKED a question.

don't get me wrong, i find his lyrics dreadful, and his sense of humour (from what i've seen of it) immature and not to my tastes, but the guy always could write a crackin' guitar hook.

personally i don't mind his voice either. it has a warmth to it that is quite listenable, just as long as he's not singing his own lyrics... :lol:

gary's stuff is similarly pop, albeit slightly darker, and that's probably why most goffix sisters fans prefer side 2. that, and they're buying into the whole clichéd "sisters fans hate the mish" thing stoked by the spat between andrew and wayne nearly ~27 years ago...


i just find this whole thread pointless, pedantic and ridiculous. it reads a textbook example of everything that's wrong with us old sisters fans :|

Posted: 11 Jun 2012, 15:32
by markfiend
Quiff Boy wrote:i just find this whole thread pointless, pedantic and ridiculous. it reads a textbook example of everything that's wrong with us old sisters fans :|
Word. :lol:

Posted: 11 Jun 2012, 17:33
by Mav787
Quiff Boy wrote:i just find this whole thread pointless, pedantic and ridiculous. it reads a textbook example of everything that's wrong with us old sisters fans :|
Time to close the thread?

Posted: 11 Jun 2012, 18:33
by Bartek
markfiend wrote:
Quiff Boy wrote:i just find this whole thread pointless, pedantic and ridiculous. it reads a textbook example of everything that's wrong with us old sisters fans :|
Word. :lol:
to be fair most of threads in this section are pointless, i do mean most, because most of them are falling into something like this one or just why there;s not new album with on and on and on again same 'reasons'.
that's why general chat is much more better, politic threads and so.

Posted: 11 Jun 2012, 20:29
by Being645
Quiff Boy wrote: with regards to that wayne interview cited above: wasn't he asked a direct question about the sisters? that's how i read it. its childish to leap on his reply and slag him off for living on past glories... he did not bring it up - he was ASKED a question.
Very true ... :notworthy: ...
It was one of those last-of-the-dreamers-journalist who brought that up again - at the time of that interview (half a decade ago) ...

By now, even journalists have learned ... unlike some of their readers ... :lol: ...

Posted: 11 Jun 2012, 21:05
by sultan2075
Mav787 wrote:
Quiff Boy wrote:i just find this whole thread pointless, pedantic and ridiculous. it reads a textbook example of everything that's wrong with us old sisters fans :|
Time to close the thread?
Time to close the entire Sisters chat section? :innocent:

Posted: 12 Jun 2012, 09:15
by Quiff Boy

Posted: 12 Jun 2012, 09:25
by Being645
sultan2075 wrote:
Mav787 wrote:
Quiff Boy wrote:i just find this whole thread pointless, pedantic and ridiculous. it reads a textbook example of everything that's wrong with us old sisters fans :|
Time to close the thread?
Time to close the entire Sisters chat section? :innocent:
... to fulfil that infamous "mission" - eventually ... :eek: :evil: ... no way ... ;D :lol: ...

Posted: 12 Jun 2012, 11:29
by Elystan
markfiend wrote:
Bartek wrote:
mh wrote: He didn't really though, did he? Look at the credits - 4 tracks by Wayne alone and 2 with co-credits, compared to Marx (4 solo, 1 co-credit) he's not that far ahead for the LP, and "most" is a wee bit misleading.

Marx's side is the stronger one anyway. I think most folks would agree with that. :notworthy:
of course it a matter of taste, but i'm agree with last sentence.
Yes, indeed.
With the exception of the title track yes.

Posted: 12 Jun 2012, 12:45
by robm
Elystan wrote:With the exception of the title track yes.
Yes it's still the best "Michael Finnegan" pastiche ever.

Posted: 12 Jun 2012, 13:02
by playboy
mh wrote:
Gollum's Cock wrote:He did write most of the music on FALAA
He didn't really though, did he? Look at the credits - 4 tracks by Wayne alone and 2 with co-credits, compared to Marx (4 solo, 1 co-credit) he's not that far ahead for the LP, and "most" is a wee bit misleading.

Marx's side is the stronger one anyway. I think most folks would agree with that. :notworthy:
Yes, I agree that Marx side is stronger. However I think the two sides fit together perfectly. And there is more to it than just the notes written, like the production, the bands sound etc. I am not into Garys solowork, so maybe hee needed the energy and vibes from the other bandmembers to come up with those tunes. Even the ones he wrote with Ghostdance does not make me that happy, other than the early ones written just after the Sister split, som ever when he was with the Sisters.

Posted: 12 Jun 2012, 13:02
by playboy
mh wrote:
Gollum's Cock wrote:He did write most of the music on FALAA
He didn't really though, did he? Look at the credits - 4 tracks by Wayne alone and 2 with co-credits, compared to Marx (4 solo, 1 co-credit) he's not that far ahead for the LP, and "most" is a wee bit misleading.

Marx's side is the stronger one anyway. I think most folks would agree with that. :notworthy:
Yes, I agree that Marx side is stronger. However I think the two sides fit together perfectly. And there is more to it than just the notes written, like the production, the bands sound etc. I am not into Garys solowork, so maybe hee needed the energy and vibes from the other bandmembers to come up with those tunes. Even the ones he wrote with Ghostdance does not make me that happy, other than the early ones written just after the Sister split, som ever when he was with the Sisters.

Posted: 14 Jun 2012, 20:19
by Nikolas Vitus Lagartija
Mav787 wrote:
Quiff Boy wrote:i just find this whole thread pointless, pedantic and ridiculous. it reads a textbook example of everything that's wrong with us old sisters fans :|
Time to close the thread?
The reason I resurrected this thread a week or so ago was because Hussey had been slagging off :von: at his recent Buenos Aires gig, which is the kind of event that counts as news in the world of The Sisters over the past twenty years. There are naturally differing views on the strength of the material Hussey wrote and on the rights and wrongs of events twenty-seven years ago, but surely a quote such as the recent one is exactly the kind of thing you would expect Sisters fans to be discussing. Unless I've drastically misunderstood the purpose of HL, I assumed that an interest in the Girls, their music, gigs and history was the one topic everyone here had an interest in.

Posted: 15 Jun 2012, 08:31
by playboy
Nikolas Vitus Lagartija wrote:
Mav787 wrote:
Quiff Boy wrote:i just find this whole thread pointless, pedantic and ridiculous. it reads a textbook example of everything that's wrong with us old sisters fans :|
Time to close the thread?
The reason I resurrected this thread a week or so ago was because Hussey had been slagging off :von: at his recent Buenos Aires gig, which is the kind of event that counts as news in the world of The Sisters over the past twenty years. There are naturally differing views on the strength of the material Hussey wrote and on the rights and wrongs of events twenty-seven years ago, but surely a quote such as the recent one is exactly the kind of thing you would expect Sisters fans to be discussing. Unless I've drastically misunderstood the purpose of HL, I assumed that an interest in the Girls, their music, gigs and history was the one topic everyone here had an interest in.
Music taste is personal and there is no wrong and no right. If all liked the same music, smae musicians, same books, same films, same clothes, it would be a rather dull place to live in...
And, maybe, if Wayne never had joined the Sisters, maybe the Sisters would have been long gone forgotten? It takes new albums or some serious cult status to survive over 20 years with nothing releasing new material. And we all know they haven´t. So it much likely thanks to cult status, which they gained thanks to the First And Last And Always album.
Besides... it is better to discuss different music taste than to have nothing to discuss at all.....
So, no, do not close this tread, or any other for that matter. And have a nice weekend, all of you Heartlanders!

Posted: 15 Jun 2012, 09:12
by markfiend
No, fair enough, but it does seem a bit much to still be rehashing the Andrew vs. Wayne fight now.

I think Andrew summed it up perfectly 25 years ago.
I got nothing to say I ain't said before
I bled all I can, I won't bleed no more
I don't need no one to understand
Why the blood run hold
The hired hand
On heart

Posted: 15 Jun 2012, 09:23
by Mav787
Judging by the translation it may be that the ONLY thing Wayne said was the question about hearing :von: sing and to be fair there have been plenty of times over the last 10 years when Sisters fans have asked the same question.

Posted: 15 Jun 2012, 11:17
by Being645
Mav787 wrote:Judging by the translation it may be that the ONLY thing Wayne said was the question about hearing :von: sing and to be fair there have been plenty of times over the last 10 years when Sisters fans have asked the same question.
Of course, this is only the way, I've perceived the events over the years, but, IMHO, the funny thing is that obviously those steadlily referring to Andrew's singing seem to forget almost immediately the majority of occasions when they (and/or others) did hear him sing and doing so perfectly well. This discussion right here and now is the best example. The Sisters have played so many great concerts during the past few years, but obviously, this is of no concern. Instead to parole is Back to "normal", i.e. bashing Andrew for his singing (for example). There are a few other issues to regularly raise and tread upon.
Also, the person who originally started mentioning the quality of Andrew's singing was in early times - out of modesty and in order to avert too much of a hype around his person - Andrew himself!
After the 1980ies split, Wayne took the opportunity and called Andrew's capacities and qualities as a singer openly into question in the music press. This (I'd call it slander) was taken up by some parts of the fanbase who decided to support m*****n's position in the public argument ... so this is nothing new that had occurred during the past 10 years only (when, indeed, The Sisters did have some problems with the sound in general, at times, and by far not to the extent and as often as spread and reiterated by - I guess - those who still preferred to see m*****n as "the real and only Sisters". Thanks.

Posted: 15 Jun 2012, 12:24
by Mav787
Being645 wrote:
Mav787 wrote:Judging by the translation it may be that the ONLY thing Wayne said was the question about hearing :von: sing and to be fair there have been plenty of times over the last 10 years when Sisters fans have asked the same question.
Of course, this is only the way, I've perceived the events over the years, but, IMHO, the funny thing is that obviously those steadlily referring to Andrew's singing seem to forget almost immediately the majority of occasions when they (and/or others) did hear him sing and doing so perfectly well. This discussion right here and now is the best example. The Sisters have played so many great concerts during the past few years, but obviously, this is of no concern. Instead to parole is Back to "normal", i.e. bashing Andrew for his singing (for example). There are a few other issues to regularly raise and tread upon.
Also, the person who originally started mentioning the quality of Andrew's singing was in early times - out of modesty and in order to avert too much of a hype around his person - Andrew himself!
After the 1980ies split, Wayne took the opportunity and called Andrew's capacities and qualities as a singer openly into question in the music press. This (I'd call it slander) was taken up by some parts of the fanbase who decided to support m*****n's position in the public argument ... so this is nothing new that had occurred during the past 10 years only (when, indeed, The Sisters did have some problems with the sound in general, at times, and by far not to the extent and as often as spread and reiterated by - I guess - those who still preferred to see m*****n as "the real and only Sisters". Thanks.
You've shown here why its all a case of interpretation.

I wasn't questioning the quality of the singing over the past 10 years. I meant the vocals have been so low in the mix that you can hardly hear him sing.

Thankfully this wasn't the case on the XXX tour where you could hear :von: sing quite clearly.

My love of the Sisters pre-dates the split in 1985. When The m*****n released Serpent's Kiss in 1986 I judged it on it's merits as I did This Corrosion in 1987. I decided I like both bands, even though they were both quite different to the Sisters in 1985.

I refuse to be in one camp or the other.

I've met Wayne and also exchanged e-mails where we have referred to :von: and also Wayne's time in the band. He views that time with real affection. In terms of :von:'s style of singing its not a style he particularly likes to listen to but at no time has he ever said he cannot sing.

Also in my 28 years of following both bands I have never heard anyone view the m*****n as 'the real and only Sisters'. That's just ridiculous and is the sort of comment that just fans the flames of an argument that really shouldn't exist.

Posted: 15 Jun 2012, 12:31
by Silver_Owl
Play nicely kids. :wink:

Posted: 15 Jun 2012, 13:23
by Bartek
To be frank, and feel offended by this comment, Being645 is quite othrodox fanatical fan of TSOM, she can't see/hear that there are problems lying on only TSOM side and no one else. For her everything is fantastic, every gig is fine and even if there were problem isn't TSOM fault. She proved that many times before.
(I may like you on 'personal' level but your blind love for TSOM is irritating.)

Stupid flame wars between TM and TSOM should be dealed by members of both bands (if that's what they wanted to do), esp. that this happening on level of band(s) - comments of Wayne and on stage in~direct comments by A.E.

Not to mention that Mr A.E. many times said that he 'can't sing', and singing it's not what he's doing, and that he started doing this 'only bacuse no one else wanted to do that'.

And now question, from where Wayne should know that TSOM 'have played so many great concerts during the past few years' ? From this forum? blogs ?