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Posted: 30 Dec 2006, 16:40
by aims
They have indeed. However, if you already have one of the dodgy pressings, it would perhaps be more worthwhile to return copy number two and exchange it ;)


Posted: 31 Dec 2006, 00:12
by prudentia
sisters of mercy are my favourite band in the world, i've got vision thing, floodland and first & last & always. i've been on their official site but i can't find the album what we are the same susanne is on, where can i get it? I've only heard the live version and i'd like to here the original recording, if there is one of course. Rock on S.O.M
xxx Prudentia xxx

Posted: 31 Dec 2006, 00:16
by aims
Sorry to disappoint, but it's yet to be recorded properly. Whether or not it ever will be is questionable. However, there are several other "new" songs which you might not have heard which are available as live recordings in the "Sharing" section of the forum 8)

Re: <3Confused

Posted: 31 Dec 2006, 00:24
by Ozpat
prudentia wrote:sisters of mercy are my favourite band in the world, i've got vision thing, floodland and first & last & always. i've been on their official site but i can't find the album what we are the same susanne is on, where can i get it? I've only heard the live version and i'd like to here the original recording, if there is one of course. Rock on S.O.M
xxx Prudentia xxx
Welcome to HL!

Go to the sharing section and grap the Amsterdam 2003 gig.
It has a great sound.

Besides that if you watch the record news section on the official site you can see that they are working on an album. So be patient for a short while longer.

Posted: 31 Dec 2006, 00:26
by James Blast
Oh prudentia you so funny! :lol: :lol: :lol:

I smell fresh meat :twisted:

and Pat, you really should know better :|

Posted: 31 Dec 2006, 01:32
by Ozpat
James Blast wrote:Oh prudentia you so funny! :lol: :lol: :lol:

I smell fresh meat :twisted:

and Pat, you really should know better :|

Posted: 31 Dec 2006, 14:18
by Nic
James Blast wrote:Oh prudentia you so funny! :lol: :lol: :lol:

I smell fresh meat :twisted:

and Pat, you really should know better :|
She's 14 years old god damn it, be nice you old fart! :P

Welcome to HL prudentia , enjoy your stay.

Posted: 31 Dec 2006, 15:21
by eotunun
Nic wrote:
She's 14 years old god damn it,
Welcome to HL prudentia , enjoy your stay.
The freshest Heartlander!
@prudentia all others start to develop a funny smell, ye know?
:innocent: ;D

Posted: 31 Dec 2006, 18:48
by Silver_Owl
Good to have you onboard young lady. Makes a nice change for someone of your age group listening to such music of high quality. Bless ya. :notworthy:

Posted: 02 Jan 2007, 12:01
by robertzombie
GRR! I've been toppled from my Youngest-Heartlander throne!!!

Posted: 05 Jan 2007, 14:47
by jay
Don't know if this has been mentioned... ... views/9147

Posted: 06 Jan 2007, 04:52
by Syberberg
jay wrote:Don't know if this has been mentioned... ... views/9147
Now there's a commentry (as opposed to a review) on The Sisters that I can wholeheartedly argee with. Mind you, I am rather (pleasantly) surprised that Sutherland is Peak Oil aware. Sort of elevates him a little above the usual Pond Life.

Posted: 06 Jan 2007, 14:20
by itnAklipse
Thanks for the review. As for the review itself, it said nothing at all and the style of alleged writing is simply contemporary with its usual splash of speed for those with an attention span of 0,5 seconds and mishmash of words and concepts conveying nothing really, least of all the substance of the albums which can hardly be contextualized with a few out-of-place comments about self-serving politicians. Bravo to the reviewer for mastering the idealized style of modern reviewer, and bravo for him being able to sell the good old 'don't belong' to the facile and futile. But don't ask me if i find something to applaud about it.

Terrible, truly. And a good reason for me not to subscribe to magazines and newspapers but rahter avoid them like the plague.

Posted: 08 Jan 2007, 14:56
by King of Byblos
jay wrote:Don't know if this has been mentioned... ... views/9147
good but the sad thing is this is all written 'past tense'
will we ever see a new studio album?

Posted: 08 Jan 2007, 20:47
by Karst
Steve Sutherland used to be the editor of the NME. All things considered it is a reasonable review and Uncut is a reasonable magazine.

Posted: 08 Jan 2007, 22:08
by bismarck
itnAklipse wrote:Thanks for the review. As for the review itself, it said nothing at all and the style of alleged writing is simply contemporary with its usual splash of speed for those with an attention span of 0,5 seconds and mishmash of words and concepts conveying nothing really, least of all the substance of the albums which can hardly be contextualized with a few out-of-place comments about self-serving politicians. Bravo to the reviewer for mastering the idealized style of modern reviewer, and bravo for him being able to sell the good old 'don't belong' to the facile and futile. But don't ask me if i find something to applaud about it.

Terrible, truly. And a good reason for me not to subscribe to magazines and newspapers but rahter avoid them like the plague.

Are you serious? I can't tell anymore... your posts are hilarious. :lol: Keep 'em coming.

As for the review itself, I thought it was interesting enough. Better than the few others I've read of the reissues, which all seem to take the "godfather-of-goth reissued for an emo-goth world" angle. I think Steve Sutherland has done some decent writing on The Sisters over the years. Thanks for posting it here. Anyone know if it's in the print version (newsstand version) of the mag?


Posted: 10 Jan 2007, 08:07
by mh
bismarck wrote:Anyone know if it's in the print version (newsstand version) of the mag?
Yeah, the very same.

Bloody typical though.

You wait 13 years, then 3 come at the same time.

OK, so it only took me over 3 months to think of that... :oops:

Posted: 16 Jan 2007, 15:33
by dinky daisy

Info of the boring kind, but has the sleeve been mentioned?

further info here. ... F8&s=music

And look what someone smelled here... ... l-release/

sorry for posting if it's been done already... ;D

Posted: 16 Jan 2007, 15:36
by dinky daisy
ah :oops: ... &start=100

always take a search at the forum first, daaahling.

Posted: 16 Jan 2007, 17:39
by robertzombie
That cover looks fake, look at the font and stuff, looks awful.

Posted: 16 Jan 2007, 17:53
by markfiend
robertzombie wrote:That cover looks fake, look at the font and stuff, looks awful.
Aye, well spotted. All the letters are different sizes!

Posted: 17 Jan 2007, 08:30
by Multifaceted
markfiend wrote:
robertzombie wrote:That cover looks fake, look at the font and stuff, looks awful.
Aye, well spotted. All the letters are different sizes!
Doesn't everyone do that text size/placement trick to make something look offbeat/diy/original? Think of the Sex Pistols' album, for example--or the stereotypical kidnapper's note--as opposed to AOL chatspeak users, who also like to make their text lOoK DifFeReNt SiZeS.

A+ marketing skills, I should say. I know lots of Hot Topic kids (in America, that is) who would buy an album that looked like that.

Posted: 17 Jan 2007, 10:51
by markfiend
It just looks to me like the designer's copy of Caslon Antique is fcuked up! :lol:

Posted: 17 Jan 2007, 10:57
by mh
Could be just JPEG compression playing havoc with it. Least that's what I thought when I saw it first. If they get that right, it's a nice classy minimal cover.

Posted: 17 Jan 2007, 11:05
by James Blast
def. JPEG compression, you can see artefacts all round the type and it looks like the type has come from a different source as the heid, it's not even centred