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Posted: 09 Apr 2009, 18:47
by Honeythorn
Bill Hicks wrote: Has anyone posted a full setlist yet - sorry if you have- again brain not working!!!!!


I blagged it from the stage guy. An attempt at a cute pleading expression + grabby hands = SETLIST. I have every intention of framing it.
:wink: ;D

Posted: 09 Apr 2009, 18:54
by Bill Hicks
Thanks for the set list.

btw, thought last night was way better than the 2003 and 2001 Leeds gigs. the band looked far more interested, less smoke, great setlist- although floorshow would have been nice.

Posted: 09 Apr 2009, 19:33
by Headingly
This was my view for the night.



Still not met any of you lot yet despite sharing a venue with you. I did see one Heartland T-Shirt in walkabout but the wearer was deep in conversation and it seemed a bit rude to interrupt. The trip over the Pennines took longer than I thought and I ended up missing most of Goldblade.

I'd expected to go to the gig with my wife and two of our friends but in the end I only two of us made it. One friend succumbed to man flu and my wife did her back in (she was gutted to miss it). I found out that the downside of printable tickets is that you can't even sell them to touts. :(

Anyone know how many tickets they sold in the end? There certainly wasn't much room to move about it.

Posted: 09 Apr 2009, 19:37
by cardoman
242headhunter wrote:
euphoria wrote:
Summary for the future:

-Belgium is the real home arena of this band, go see them there instead
:notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy:
:D :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy:

Posted: 09 Apr 2009, 19:47
by Erudite
Back for a lightening post...

I had a bloody good time - best I've seen them for a few years!
Admittedly, I was completely cunted, which may become a theme for the foreseeable future, and I have all the scars of a top nite out.
Plenty of lurching about the dancefloor and grinning like a loon at the aftershow (I swear I even saw Claire smile a couple of times :wink: ) which was just what the doctor ordered!
Cheers to Weebs for the place to stay and company and to Lee and Michael for additional support.
Although, Michael, you snore lie a bastard and you don't half make some funny noises in your sleep!
Trust me, that's a lost less homoerotic than it sounds! :lol:

Posted: 09 Apr 2009, 20:56
by Francis
Had to listen to a lass in the smoking pen complaining about the poor sound. She'd seen them play an excellent gig in Bristol some years ago apparently snd she and her husband were sound engineers so they know about these things. But then she said something about 'the bass player with the sideburns' so I stopped listening. They should make you take a test before letting you in.

Great to see so many friendly faces at the aftershow. Shame I couldn't hear a bloody word anyone said to me! :lol:

Posted: 09 Apr 2009, 21:06
by sisxbeforedawn
I only have 1 complaint about last night, no soap in the travel lodge! :lol:

They rocked, fantastic night out. :von: is a god :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy:

Posted: 09 Apr 2009, 21:21
by Honeythorn
The one on Vicar Lane? That's funny as the girl on the desk said they were having a soap shortage in the rooms and gave me a little packet of soap. It's in my bag still. I brought my own :lol:

Posted: 09 Apr 2009, 21:23
by 7anthea7
Honeythorn wrote:I blagged it from the stage guy. An attempt at a cute pleading expression + grabby hands = SETLIST.
That's my technique, too - well, maybe not so much 'cute' as 'pleading'... :oops: :wink:

Posted: 09 Apr 2009, 21:25
by boudicca
I thought they were good. Not as great as when I saw them in Tienen, but a hell of a lot better than that PORRIDGE I witnessed at Leeds 2006.
With the exception of a small but vocal minority (you know who you are :wink: ), I too thought the crowd were pretty lacklustre.

None of this is important of course. What made the night was seeing you lot and the bangin' choons played afterwards by Quiffles and Phono Paul.

Chap that looked a bit like Harry Hill wandered into the afterparty as well which was amusing. (I jest, I jest!)

Posted: 09 Apr 2009, 21:29
by 7anthea7
Gripper wrote:And yes, the age profile of a Sisters audience does mean that most of us stand and watch, because we've busted our knees too many times by now and yes, we'd like to be able to walk properly again before the weekend.
There are still some of us relics who've no sense - although I do stay out of the pit these days... :wink:

Excellent review! :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: :kiss: :kiss: :kiss:

Posted: 09 Apr 2009, 21:33
by chickenhead
A brilliant night: The set flew by in what seemed like five minutes. excellent sound, maybe not quite enough smoke & :von: was too much like Harry Hill with some of his posturing at times, but dominion/mother russia was just totally stonking & the whole thing just ROCKED like nothing else can :D :D :D

Posted: 09 Apr 2009, 21:34
by Honeythorn
The pit did annoy me. Don't get me wrong, I'm all for a good pit when the song demands, but I don't see much point in paying out to see a band and then spending almost the ENTIRE show with your back to the stage. Leaning all over people in front ( i:e me ) who paid to watch the show and enjoy it, not have to constantly elbow fat sweaty old gits off our backs who can't be bothered to stand up properly.

Posted: 09 Apr 2009, 22:34
by stufarq
Gotta agree with Honeythorn about the pit, but that's always been a gripe of mine*. There should be an area cordoned off or something so that those who want to mosh can mosh without spoiling it for the rest.

* That and people who wait until the gig's started and then think they can just push their way to the front past those of us who bothered to get there early. Manners people!

Rant over. :innocent:

The other other thing I forgot to say was that a guy near me said he was taping the gig so hopefully a recording will surface. (I'm assuming, as always, that there's no film in those cameras they always have by the sound desk otherwise they'd have bloody well released some DVDs by now.)

Posted: 09 Apr 2009, 22:43
by Thea
stufarq wrote: * That and people who wait until the gig's started and then think they can just push their way to the front past those of us who bothered to get there early. Manners people!

I don't mind swapping places with someone who can't see past me (being a big person with mad hair...) but if you really want to get a good spot, get there early!

Posted: 09 Apr 2009, 23:38
by 7anthea7
stufarq wrote:Gotta agree with Honeythorn about the pit, but that's always been a gripe of mine*. There should be an area cordoned off or something so that those who want to mosh can mosh without spoiling it for the rest.

* That and people who wait until the gig's started and then think they can just push their way to the front past those of us who bothered to get there early. Manners people!
:notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy:

If all you want to do is pound the s**t out of each other, it hardly matters where you are in the room, now does it? And if you can't be arsed to get there early enough to be at the front...then you're not really that into the band, you're just into yourself being seen by the band. Snarl. :evil:

Posted: 10 Apr 2009, 00:12
by Debaser
This whinging about people shoving their way to the do you know they hadn't already been there and had just been caught short? I'd been at the very front for Goldblade then had to go fer a the time I headed back the entire population of Leeds had arrived and I had to politely squidge my way through and I KNOW many of them thought exactly what some of you were thinking

Moaning minnies the lot of ya's :lol:

Then it all got too much and I had to fight mi way to the back :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

I know one person who taped the gig - we had to tell Lee to bugger off to the other side so as not to spoil the tape ;) It's HIGHLY unlikely I'll be able to get a copy, I've known him now fer 8 or 9 years and NEVER managed to get a copy of anything he's taped....and he's taped EVERYTHING :lol:

What else - oh yes Chris stopped me twice to show people my tee shirt (John Poole - GodDamn Whores) -- he's a lovely bloke is Chris, dead polite and courteous. Missed :von: but hey ho, he'll have to come to terms with that :wink:

A FABULOUS evening of meeting up with old friends - you lot are right tipperty-topperty peeps. Sorry I couldn't stop for longer but had to get back to pat many a pony today. (I patted one called Magic, one called Conker, one called Flair, one called LB (which is short for Little Bastard :notworthy: ) and LOADS more.

Oh yeah I think I forgot to mention


As I told Quiff earlier, I got his sweat swabbed from my face and have sent it off to the lab to be cloned into my own personal JR :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: [/b]

Posted: 10 Apr 2009, 00:22
by Francis
Google tells me I would've failed the test for Goldblade. :lol:

Posted: 10 Apr 2009, 00:23
by 7anthea7
Debaser wrote:This whinging about people shoving their way to the do you know they hadn't already been there and had just been caught short?
Nah, never have that problem - I know who's been there for the duration, and will hold their spot for them as best I can if they need to leave it temporarily, as I'm always dead front and centre, and don't leave for anything short of major a haemorrage. :wink:

Posted: 10 Apr 2009, 01:03
by mh
Erudite wrote:Although, Michael, you snore lie a bastard and you don't half make some funny noises in your sleep!
:lol: :notworthy: :lol: :notworthy: :lol:

Just in the door, safe sound and utterly feckin' shattered. Massive kudos to yourself, Lee & Weebs for a cracking coupla days, although it was a combination of the best of times and the worst of times. The 3 of us left over this morn had all suffered mishaps of varying degrees of severity. :lol:

Big shout outs also to faces both familiar and new, special mentions to Eva and Eggi (who've seen 897 Sisters gigs this year alone ;D ), Claire (for putting up with my drunk talk at one point - I think), Ania and Skeletal Remains (photo ops outside the aftershow), Derek R and Debs (pleasure as always :notworthy: ), and everyone else I've forgotten.

Right now I need to sleep for a week!

Posted: 10 Apr 2009, 06:20
by stufarq
7anthea7 wrote:
Debaser wrote:This whinging about people shoving their way to the do you know they hadn't already been there and had just been caught short?
Nah, never have that problem - I know who's been there for the duration, and will hold their spot for them as best I can if they need to leave it temporarily, as I'm always dead front and centre, and don't leave for anything short of major a haemorrage. :wink:
Yep, exactly. I heard a girl behind me telling the guy she was with that she wasn't going to go, er, powder her face because she didn't want to lose her place. Considering what they were discussing, it would have been a bit rude of me to interrupt and embarrass her but my thoughts were that she'd already staked that place so it should be hers to come back to. And even if you're there on your own, there'll always be someone who'll hold that place for you.

Posted: 10 Apr 2009, 11:50
by MarkC
First ever post so be savage/gentle with me!

Found this forum a few months ago and been lurking here in the shadows since then. Went to the Leeds gig on Weds and had a total blast. Previously went to the Refec gig (06 ?) and had sworn, never again. So glad I changed my mind!
This time round, I was well geared up with the likely setlist and all the news from here from the previous gigs. Made a huge difference.
So, BIG thanks to all you guys here. :notworthy: I even got to the aftershow which was awesome as well. Not danced like that since the Weds/Sat Poly discos 20 years ago! :oops: A Triple treble vodka and black was the opening drink then - yeah, so, not a lot has changed since then. :P Ahem.

Even got to see THOSE sideburns outside the aftershow when I was jumping in a taxi.

Anyway enough rambling - for your enjoyment and to say thanks for all the news here on HL, I have stuck some vids on YouTube from the Leeds gig - Originality being my middle name, the account name is SistersLeedsApril09 or the links are below. 8)

Hopefully the camera shots are not too shaky - I steadied my hand with a few Guinness so you may keep hearing the orders being taken. Oops.




Giving Ground

First and Last and Always

Flood II

Top Nite Out

Temple Of Love
taking forever to upload - will post this link later

Sadly, I had to bin the Alice and This Corrosion vids 'cos my pi55ed mates were "singing" and beer-talking all over the vids - they even started singing White Wedding to This Corrosion which is wrong on so many levels. I will be having a word with them about this...... :x


Posted: 10 Apr 2009, 12:06
by robertzombie
Thanks! ;D

Posted: 10 Apr 2009, 13:08
by Purple Light
Thanks MarkC. :D

Nice vids, :notworthy:

Posted: 10 Apr 2009, 13:45
by boudicca
Am I the only one who thought Goldblade were s**t :?: