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Posted: 04 Aug 2010, 21:52
by Brad
Mag means Magenta :)

Posted: 04 Aug 2010, 21:56
by MadameButterfly
Methedrome wrote:Mag means Magenta :)
indeed thanks!

Posted: 04 Aug 2010, 22:06
by bananacamel
Hey all,

I've uploaded my recording of the show to dime ... ?id=316008

Was an awesome night


Posted: 04 Aug 2010, 22:06
by Maisey
Just waiting for a decent recording...


Posted: 04 Aug 2010, 22:07
by Maisey
Bugger, just noticed a couple of design flaws. Should be *in* Leamington, not at. Date should read 03, not just 3.


Uploaded my artwork seconds after Dave uploaded his boot. Will upload high res version shortly.

EDIT 2: Can anyone with Dime reupload the boot to somewhere more accessible for me please?

Re: Observations 24 hours on....

Posted: 04 Aug 2010, 22:08
by tower
Randall Flagg wrote:A

One bizarre moment from the gig, went to get a beer from the bar at the back and walked into a dead ringer for Von circa Body & Soul era. Shaggy Clifftastic aged rock star look, shades etc - I think this guy may have been the manager/owner? Anyway was an odd moment, anyone else clock him?


p.s. oh forgot to say Crash & Burn was awesome too. They really rocked it last night - for all those of you that elected not to go but could have gone, BIG MISTAKE - you'd have loved it, and I say that as someone who first saw the girls in 85!

he was indeed the owner, apparently he is thinking of opening a club type thing in Birmingham. Fingers crossed.

Posted: 04 Aug 2010, 22:12
by Maisey
Apparently the reason they did the gig at an independent venue was because the owner was their manger back in the first era of the band (he then jumped ship with the m*****n, but we forgive as we forget).

At least this is what I was told...

Posted: 04 Aug 2010, 22:15
by tower
I asked ben when you gonna release an new album then? His reply was we have enough material to do one, andrew loves to record but hates the thought of putting an album out.

Whats thats all about??

Posted: 04 Aug 2010, 22:36
by Holly_DelRey
bananacamel wrote:Hey all,

I've uploaded my recording of the show to dime ... ?id=316008

Was an awesome night

Thanks for this :kiss:
Will seed this for a long time :)

Posted: 04 Aug 2010, 22:48
by Debaser
ribbons69 wrote:
James Blast wrote:Fukk off!
oh, and put a 'space' after a ',' - dig? :twisted:
I will if you promise to start more sentances will capital letters.
I always find chastising someone about punctuation loses something when you can't spell :lol: :lol: :lol:

Great to hear everyone's accounts. Am rather irked nonetheless, as I'm not typing this from the States which is where I thought I was going to be and why I didn't buy tickets. :evil:

Posted: 04 Aug 2010, 22:48
by mh
tower wrote:I asked ben when you gonna release an new album then? His reply was we have enough material to do one, andrew loves to record but hates the thought of putting an album out.

Whats thats all about??
I think he just knows that he's gonna get screwed by downloaders. Of course we'll all download it and buy it (twice or three times over in some cases :D ) but the general casually interested person won't be forking out cash.

Posted: 04 Aug 2010, 22:52
by tower
Even if he just released it on itunes and the like? As you say everyone would buy it

Posted: 04 Aug 2010, 22:57
by Timoth
Guys and gals,

What a gig!! having been completely disheartened by a few gigs years ago I swore I would never go to a Sisters gig again...thank god I changed my mind!!!! Awesome awesome!!! Saw a few familiar faces there and missed a few who I saw were present in photographic evidence only!

Thanks go to bananacamel for the first upload, it is going to be seeded for ages and listened to loads.

Thanks also to Katie who got me a ticket at the last minute, which required me to do a tonne plus on the bike from Gloucester to Leamington to get there in time.

Fantastic stuff and has re-awakened my interest in Von E and future gigs by the girls. See ya at the next UK one!! :notworthy: :notworthy:

Posted: 04 Aug 2010, 22:59
by Screaming Dead
bananacamel wrote:Hey all,

I've uploaded my recording of the show to dime ... ?id=316008

Was an awesome night

Thanks bananacamel :notworthy:

downloading now :D

Posted: 04 Aug 2010, 23:03
by Francis
James Blast wrote:prepare to be let down :|
Jeez James! Your positive energy is a real tonic.

Posted: 04 Aug 2010, 23:06
by Francis
James Blast wrote:now hang about to be treated to utter dross
And yet you're still happy to sit atop their mountain.

Posted: 04 Aug 2010, 23:17
by H. Blackrose
tower wrote:I asked ben when you gonna release an new album then? His reply was we have enough material to do one, andrew loves to record but hates the thought of putting an album out.

Whats thats all about??
1. :von: has said again and again, in the old days, that he was not interested in being in a cult band, that it wasn't worth doing if you weren't playing or aiming to play in the Premier League of popular culture. Which is why he deliberately tried to alienate the dodgy-darkling segment of his cult. He is not interested in a new album which would make less of a splash in pop culture than Floodland or Vision Thing, therefore some independent release on iTunes that no-one but the "cult" (i.e. us) will hear about is simply not worth his time and energy.

2. :von: is an introverted fellow who doesn't really like people, and takes stupid comments from the press and the bastard public very personally. If the Sisters put out an album, he has to do publicity whoring, which means talking to the press and the bastard public. To make that tolerable for him, he would prefer the entire apparatus of a major record label (or, failing that, a couple of million Euro worth of hired publicity guns) between him and the press/bastard public. Failing that, what's wrong with living in Leeds with his cats, tinkering in the studio when he can be bothered, and playing gigs when he needs the money and/or the attention?

Posted: 04 Aug 2010, 23:43
by copper
H. Blackrose wrote:1. :von: has said again and again, in the old days, that he was not interested in being in a cult band, that it wasn't worth doing if you weren't playing or aiming to play in the Premier League of popular culture. Which is why he deliberately tried to alienate the dodgy-darkling segment of his cult.

Bingo! The Dodgy-Darkling thing worked out for Floodland, as Patsy made a good foil for Von, image-wise, and struck more of a chord with that album than the traditional four-piece unit they'd had. With VT, Von already had Tony James, from GenX/SSS, because James was a visible figure in the British media and very detached from the goth pin tagged on the Sisters and many other bands. Von labored to turn it into a rock band.

I personally think the attitude reached a zenith in '97, with Von ditching the opening bands at the Philly show (their first US show since the PE tour). That was when he was still actively nurturing the idea of doing a big comeback with Whammy and Varjak, going the independent single route just like the old days, get a new contract and pick up where they left off.

Since the Sisters have been demoted to a live act with new songs, Von seems to have become slightly more tolerant with his darklings again. At least, they buy tickets and tees. Easy money, old-timer.

H. Blackrose wrote:He is not interested in a new album which would make less of a splash in pop culture than Floodland or Vision Thing, therefore some independent release on iTunes that no-one but the "cult" (i.e. us) will hear about is simply not worth his time and energy.
If a record company would buy an album, cover his costs and feed him royalties, he might be up for it. But he obviously doesn't want to go through the pains of an independent release in the age of peer to peer sharing. Our 'cult' isn't big enough to warrant a release any time soon, unless he gets the idea of purging his backlog and dumping all recorded songs out since the Whammy days.

H. Blackrose wrote:what's wrong with living in Leeds with his cats, tinkering in the studio when he can be bothered, and playing gigs when he needs the money and/or the attention?
Exactly. He wants public opinions of new tracks, he plays them live. If he's secure financially, he simply doesn't need to be arsed to accommodate his fanbase. Best chance to hear any studio tunes in his lifetime is that he just quits it all and puts them out on file-sharing.

Posted: 04 Aug 2010, 23:45
by Francis
RobF wrote:This better not be you lot getting overexcited.
Like rain from heaven? :lol:

Posted: 05 Aug 2010, 00:09
by Sita
I'm so excited to read the great reviews, can't believe I didn't go.
Still happy though :D

Maisey I like the picture that you chose for the cover!

Posted: 05 Aug 2010, 00:26
by mh
Found some more vids here:

Superb quality too, well done to whoever it was. :notworthy:

Posted: 05 Aug 2010, 00:39
by centurionofprix
Sounds like a great gig. I love Andrew's ragged gravely 2000s voice, when it's audible.

Thanks for the recordings.

Posted: 05 Aug 2010, 01:09
by originalgoth
miprs4 wrote:
I am posting a whole bunch of vids :-)

Some done already some to come... (12 in total :-) )

Great gig
Thanks to all for sharing these videos. :notworthy: :notworthy:

From reading all the reviews on here it seems a Top Nite Out was had by all.

Posted: 05 Aug 2010, 01:54
by LouLou
amazing gig... and not just because they played amphetamine logic :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy:

got home a few hours ago and heading for lokeren tomorrow ;D

Posted: 05 Aug 2010, 03:23
by tristren
bananacamel wrote:I've uploaded my recording of the show to dime
Thank you kindly.

Seeding it now.
