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Posted: 21 Jun 2008, 23:27
by Bartek
quite emo

Posted: 21 Jun 2008, 23:28
by MadameButterfly
smiscandlon ... he had really awesome pictures in this thread always and i miss those here. :?

come home and post some talent...forget about the trolls in this thread sweetie! :kiss: :wink:

Posted: 21 Jun 2008, 23:28
by psichonaut
what a beautiful eyes and boobs on your avatar :innocent:

Posted: 21 Jun 2008, 23:30
by 6FeetOver
@ Honeythorn: mesmerizing! :von:

I want eyes that colo(u)r!

<---envious :|

Posted: 21 Jun 2008, 23:32
by Bartek
MadameButterfly wrote:smiscandlon ... he had really awesome pictures in this thread always and i miss those here. :?

come home and post some talent...forget about the trolls in this thread sweetie! :kiss: :wink:
don't know if he's gone mad, but here are his great pictures.

if i did sth wrong, please delete this link/post

Posted: 21 Jun 2008, 23:36
by James Blast
FUCK ME! that phoatie scared the bejayzuss outta me :urff:

Posted: 21 Jun 2008, 23:37
by Bartek
old one.
another Jewish Cem. in Wroclaw


that is mine mas****ing time :lol:

Posted: 21 Jun 2008, 23:40
by Honeythorn
Bartek wrote:quite emo
Having a wonky eye is now considered emo?

Posted: 21 Jun 2008, 23:40
by Honeythorn
James Blast wrote:FUCK ME! that phoatie scared the bejayzuss outta me :urff:
My work here is done :innocent:

Posted: 21 Jun 2008, 23:43
by Bartek
Honeythorn wrote:
Bartek wrote:quite emo
Having a wonky eye is now considered emo?
nae, that type/style of photo. your eyes are pretty :wink:

Posted: 21 Jun 2008, 23:43
by James Blast
yeah, pretty scary
it's not a dating forum, are you Looking for Mr. Goodbar?

Posted: 21 Jun 2008, 23:46
by Honeythorn
Bartek wrote:
Honeythorn wrote:
Bartek wrote:quite emo
Having a wonky eye is now considered emo?
nae, that type/style of photo. your eyes are pretty :wink:
No no no! emo's take pictures of the tops of their heads! And of their enormous face covering fringes! :lol:

Posted: 22 Jun 2008, 00:29
by Dodges Unlimited Inc.
SINsister wrote:@ Dodges: that scenery's so perfectly pristine, it looks like a fake movie backdrop! :lol: ;) :notworthy:
Thank Ye All! :innocent: :notworthy:

@Obviousman - Possibly so ...
@Bartek - Ditto, not Wales though, 'tis Horrorfordshire, but yes Wales in the far distance - 3,4,5,6 & 7 ... I return the compliment for your pics.
@HoneyThorn - Indeed 'tis a Dovecote in some lucky person's garden ...
@Sinsister - Perfectly Pristine? Fake Movie Backdrop? - Mmmm - Certainly the scene of much Bloodspilling in years gone by - 'tis why it's called The Marches! There's actually a pub just visible in 1,2 & 3 - The £$%^& !)(^?~ ... I'll buy you a drink or lunch/dinner there one day ... ?


Posted: 22 Jun 2008, 08:59
by Bartek
Dodges Unlimited Inc. wrote:@Bartek - Ditto, not Wales though, 'tis Horrorfordshire, but yes Wales in the far distance - 3,4,5,6 & 7 ... I return the compliment for your pics.
so UK looks everywhere the same ?
:roll: :lol:

Posted: 22 Jun 2008, 12:22
by MadameButterfly
Bartek wrote:
MadameButterfly wrote:smiscandlon ... he had really awesome pictures in this thread always and i miss those here. :?

come home and post some talent...forget about the trolls in this thread sweetie! :kiss: :wink:
don't know if he's gone mad, but here are his great pictures.
thank you!

Posted: 22 Jun 2008, 20:35
by Dodges Unlimited Inc.
Bartek wrote:so UK looks everywhere the same ?
:roll: :lol:
Well, not quite ...

Anyway, I couldn't resist some more 'self abuse', and here's the ej*c&l£t%$n




:innocent: Dum de dum ...

Posted: 23 Jun 2008, 00:50
by Honeythorn
Wow those are fantastic. Where were they taken?

Posted: 23 Jun 2008, 17:34
by Bartek
pure Gothic, if i recognize it correct :lol:

Posted: 24 Jun 2008, 16:34
by Obviousman

First results with the K1000 are in. And boy, do I like them!

All that achieved in full manual mode too, not a single picture out of focus or underexposed. Who needs all these electronics either way ;D

Posted: 24 Jun 2008, 16:59
by Bartek
Obviousman wrote:First results with the K1000 are in. And boy, do I like them!
and you should. simple shot but how beauty :notworthy:

Posted: 24 Jun 2008, 20:20
by Dodges Unlimited Inc.
Honeythorn wrote:Wow those are fantastic. Where were they taken?
Thanks @Honeythorn

The top two at St. Michael's, Michaelchurch, Herefordshire
- disused church, but kept open by the Churches Conservation Trust

The lower one at St. Peter's, Wootton Wawen, Warwickshire
- the window was by Margaret Traherne, who also did some glazing in Coventry Cathedral for those who are interested!


Posted: 24 Jun 2008, 20:31
by scotty

I never took this..................but what a photo' :twisted: :innocent:

Posted: 24 Jun 2008, 20:38
by MadameButterfly
ewwww scotty!!!!

no way in hell is that a good photo! :urff:

here a better photo and educational..hee



Posted: 24 Jun 2008, 20:44
by markfiend
Just a reminder: some people browse HL from work...

Posted: 24 Jun 2008, 20:51
by James Blast
my boss has just caught me wanking :lol: