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Posted: 06 Jul 2008, 20:33
by James Blast
I've just cum... :oops: :|

Posted: 06 Jul 2008, 20:34
by Debaser
James Blast wrote:I've just cum... :oops: :|
And I've just shot tea out of my nose :lol: :lol: :lol:

Posted: 06 Jul 2008, 20:36
by Dodges Unlimited Inc.
James Blast wrote:I've just cum... :oops: :|
James! - You know what your mum told you about that, eh?
- You'll go blind ...


Posted: 06 Jul 2008, 20:37
by Izzy HaveMercy
Dodges Unlimited Inc. wrote:
James Blast wrote:I've just cum... :oops: :|
James! - You know what your mum told you about that, eh?
- You'll go blind ...

's not, just don't aim at the eyes...


Posted: 06 Jul 2008, 20:41
by Debaser
Mr Typhoon - as promised

From here


to there


In less time than Gary had :lol: :lol: :lol:

Posted: 06 Jul 2008, 20:48
by Dodges Unlimited Inc.

:eek: Looks like a loud f&rt to me! :wink:

What's that thingy dangling underneath? - Its w*lly?

Posted: 06 Jul 2008, 20:51
by Debaser
Dodges Unlimited Inc. wrote:
What's that thingy dangling underneath? - Its w*lly?
Wll I suppose's designed to fuk people out of existence

Posted: 06 Jul 2008, 20:53
by Dodges Unlimited Inc.
:lol: :lol: :lol:

Sure it ain't a fuel tank? - Just curious ... :innocent:

Posted: 06 Jul 2008, 20:53
by James Blast
it's a boner, innit?

Posted: 06 Jul 2008, 20:55
by Debaser
'Tell me, what did you do in the war, Grandad?'


A real ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh moment.

I'll stop now - I must write my reports

Posted: 06 Jul 2008, 20:57
by Dodges Unlimited Inc.
James Blast wrote:it's a boner, innit?
One for the girls then? :twisted:

Posted: 06 Jul 2008, 20:57
by Izzy HaveMercy
Debaser wrote:
Dodges Unlimited Inc. wrote:
What's that thingy dangling underneath? - Its w*lly?
Wll I suppose's designed to fuk people out of existence
Mechanic: Somebody set up us the bomb. ;D

captain: what you say!!


Posted: 06 Jul 2008, 21:01
by James Blast
Dodges Unlimited Inc. wrote:
James Blast wrote:it's a boner, innit?
One for the girls then? :twisted:
not neccessarily

Posted: 06 Jul 2008, 21:01
by Dodges Unlimited Inc.
Ooh you are awful! :twisted:

Posted: 06 Jul 2008, 21:04
by Debaser
Izzy HaveMercy wrote:
Debaser wrote:
Dodges Unlimited Inc. wrote:
What's that thingy dangling underneath? - Its w*lly?
Wll I suppose's designed to fuk people out of existence
Mechanic: Somebody set up us the bomb. ;D

captain: what you say!!

I'm a girl, what do I know....I reckon it's where the driver keeps his sandwiches

now let's see if this works...THEN I'll go write reports


Posted: 06 Jul 2008, 21:53
by James Blast
Dodges Unlimited Inc. wrote:Ooh you are awful! :twisted:
scare you? :|

Posted: 06 Jul 2008, 23:32
by 6FeetOver
Awesome piccies, Ness! ;D

Posted: 09 Jul 2008, 22:13
by Doktor Gott
And moving away from happy things..

Here's the final images from my current project.. :innocent:






Posted: 10 Jul 2008, 10:48
by Obviousman
Just got my roll of 64T back! :D



And quite a couple of others I like :D

Posted: 10 Jul 2008, 11:48
by timsinister
Debaser wrote:
Izzy HaveMercy wrote:
Debaser wrote: Wll I suppose's designed to fuk people out of existence
Mechanic: Somebody set up us the bomb. ;D

captain: what you say!!

I'm a girl, what do I know....I reckon it's where the driver keeps his sandwiches
Do you have any pictures from the front, Debaser? Strikes me it might be a drop tank, as it has no exhaust. Plus, the Eurofighter normally carries Paveways, or American JDAMs or German HOPE/HOSBOs...

*takes warplane-geek hat off* Where's norman? He's more of a 'plane nut than me! :lol:

Posted: 10 Jul 2008, 14:57
by James Blast
Pure quality the Zedman Image

Posted: 10 Jul 2008, 18:05
by Debaser
timsinister wrote:
Debaser wrote:
Izzy HaveMercy wrote: Mechanic: Somebody set up us the bomb. ;D

captain: what you say!!


I'm a girl, what do I know....I reckon it's where the driver keeps his sandwiches
Do you have any pictures from the front, Debaser? Strikes me it might be a drop tank, as it has no exhaust. Plus, the Eurofighter normally carries Paveways, or American JDAMs or German HOPE/HOSBOs...

*takes warplane-geek hat off* Where's norman? He's more of a 'plane nut than me! :lol:
I am known round these parts as 'Stand in front of a moving plane woman' :roll:

OOOh the Vulcan was flying around again today - many of the little kids screamed as they've never seen anything like it :lol: and yesterday I saw a big, fat plane. A Galaxy, I'm thinking.

Posted: 11 Jul 2008, 22:26
by scotty
The Scott's at the beach :D





:D :D

Posted: 11 Jul 2008, 22:43
by James Blast
lemme guess....

the wife and the wean were obscured by yir Mr. Whippy, in the last pic, I mean

Posted: 11 Jul 2008, 22:46
by James Blast
emme guess....

the wife and the wean were obscured by yir Mr. Whippy, in the last pic, yir moment o'tranquility I mean ;D

t-shirt noted (BTW), choice! Image