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Re: Hold the front page! Some news happened. Film at 11

Posted: 16 May 2021, 13:15
by Pista

Re: Hold the front page! Some news happened. Film at 11

Posted: 17 May 2021, 23:45
by EvilBastard
Exciting News, coming to you from an Undisclosed Location to which the intrepid FUCT news team has been granted exclusive access!

Yes, folks - since 1990 literally dozens of people have been wondering what :von: has been up to, and when we might expect a new album. Rumours abounded - that he'd been spotted shuffling around the Merion in his carpet slippers at 9 in the morning, waving a can of Special Brew about and hurling incoherent filth at passers by before taking up his pitch whence he exhorted the public to invest in the "Evening Pots", or that he'd been appointed Boris Johnson's Special Political Consultant in the wake of Dominic Cummings' departure (apparently having been offered the position thanks to his penchant for putting heads on spikes).

But no. The rumours are not true. Tonight we at FUCT Reportage can reveal that :von: and Nursie have been working on a new project that combines their greatest loves. The album is expected to drop in September.

Re: Hold the front page! Some news happened. Film at 11

Posted: 18 May 2021, 09:02
by Pista
I scream. You scream. We all scream for the UK Cadbury 99 Flake shortage

Re: Hold the front page! Some news happened. Film at 11

Posted: 19 May 2021, 11:12
by Pista
If you're going to rob a bakery, you might get spotted on surveillance video & your image digitised & printed on batches of cookies in a bid to find you.

Re: Hold the front page! Some news happened. Film at 11

Posted: 19 May 2021, 12:31
by iesus
This should go to the cookies HYPER-Thread :lol: :lol: :lol: :bat:

Re: Hold the front page! Some news happened. Film at 11

Posted: 21 May 2021, 12:52
by Pista
Montrose air field. Having seen Sopwith Camels & Spitfire squadrons in its time, now plays host to a..*checks notes*.... flying haggis....Wait! What?

Re: Hold the front page! Some news happened. Film at 11

Posted: 22 May 2021, 13:10
by Pista
Drug dealer busted all because of his....*checks notes*....... love of cheese

Re: Hold the front page! Some news happened. Film at 11

Posted: 22 May 2021, 19:20
by Swinnow

Re: Hold the front page! Some news happened. Film at 11

Posted: 24 May 2021, 09:23
by Pista
Sussex police would like to remind everyone that the emergency number should not be used for accusing your neighbour of sending a ghost to haunt you

Re: Hold the front page! Some news happened. Film at 11

Posted: 25 May 2021, 15:44
by EvilBastard
Won't someone please think of the kites...
But why? Are these birds avenging something?
Mostly they’re scavenging something. Only recently, a child in a pram suffered nasty cuts after a kite snatched a custard cream from his hand.

Re: Hold the front page! Some news happened. Film at 11

Posted: 26 May 2021, 10:37
by markfiend’s worth remembering that a kite is a raptor with sharp talons and a wingspan of up to 1.5 metres. If it wants your sausage roll, you should probably give it up.

Re: Hold the front page! Some news happened. Film at 11

Posted: 26 May 2021, 12:29
by Pista
Not to be outdone by every other animal in Australia that wants to kill you, mice there will even burn down your house

Re: Hold the front page! Some news happened. Film at 11

Posted: 26 May 2021, 22:45
by EvilBastard
markfiend wrote: 26 May 2021, 10:37
"’s worth remembering that a kite is a raptor with sharp talons and a wingspan of up to 1.5 metres. If it wants your sausage roll, you should probably give it up," said a kite yesterday from its perch on a lamppost across the street from Greggs.
FTFY :wink:

Re: Hold the front page! Some news happened. Film at 11

Posted: 27 May 2021, 09:28
by markfiend
:notworthy: :lol:

Re: Hold the front page! Some news happened. Film at 11

Posted: 27 May 2021, 10:04
by Pista
Move over big chip guy. Here's bigger chip guy

Re: Hold the front page! Some news happened. Film at 11

Posted: 28 May 2021, 13:03
by Pista
We go now to Skipton to see how the road pot-hole situation is being tackl.......oh dear..

Re: Hold the front page! Some news happened. Film at 11

Posted: 29 May 2021, 12:08
by Pista
For just 50 notes you could take part in the great mannequin heist of 2021

Re: Hold the front page! Some news happened. Film at 11

Posted: 31 May 2021, 08:05
by Pista
Image of Jesus, or possibly Owl-man, spotted on a toilet door in Glasgow

Re: Hold the front page! Some news happened. Film at 11

Posted: 01 Jun 2021, 08:48
by Pista
When you're ready, I'd like you to take the first turning right. Mr Bump

Re: Hold the front page! Some news happened. Film at 11

Posted: 04 Jun 2021, 10:49
by Pista
I think this is what's called karma

Re: Hold the front page! Some news happened. Film at 11

Posted: 05 Jun 2021, 08:13
by Pista
Listen, Betty. Don't start up with your white zone shiat again!

Re: Hold the front page! Some news happened. Film at 11

Posted: 06 Jun 2021, 12:05
by Pista
Don't you just hate it when your neighbours start using their bees as weapons?

Re: Hold the front page! Some news happened. Film at 11

Posted: 07 Jun 2021, 11:34
by Pista

Re: Hold the front page! Some news happened. Film at 11

Posted: 08 Jun 2021, 14:14
by Pista
The Golden Fish in Dagenham inches its way ahead in the UK's longest chip race

Re: Hold the front page! Some news happened. Film at 11

Posted: 10 Jun 2021, 12:15
by Pista
Fcuking people are fcuking swearing more according to the fcuking British Board of fcuking Film Classification for fcuk's sake!