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Posted: 14 May 2006, 20:12
by boudicca
lazarus corporation wrote:The thought of Vicki Pollard screeching out "We like the Mooooon" is possibly too much to bear! :innocent:
And thus we gain insight into Paul's nightmares for... oooh, at least the next 5 years I think! :twisted:

Don't forget the West Country version of those Craig David songs.
"Can ye fill me in... *clap clap clap* OI!" ;D

:idea: A mere coincidence that Ms. Pollard appears to hail from he West Country?... I think not.

It's all connected.

Posted: 14 May 2006, 21:40
by James Blast
the thought of Little Britain being a reference point for humour sends me running for the hills! :eek:

Posted: 14 May 2006, 21:44
by boudicca
James Blast wrote:the thought of Little Britain being a reference point for humour sends me running for the hills! :eek:
Mmm... not a big fan myself. That Matt Lucas is quite clearly a very smart chappie, but it has some really sh!tty moments :| .

Posted: 14 May 2006, 21:57
by lazarus corporation
boudicca wrote:
lazarus corporation wrote:The thought of Vicki Pollard screeching out "We like the Mooooon" is possibly too much to bear! :innocent:
And thus we gain insight into Paul's nightmares for... oooh, at least the next 5 years I think! :twisted:
I can repress quite well - it's been a necessary survival tool at times.

Posted: 15 May 2006, 17:35
by rian
mik wrote:
scotty wrote:
CellThree wrote: Vikings, ABBA and Ikea...What else is there? :wink:
Blondes with big Tits :roll: :innocent:
Yeah ! Rian's pretty well stacked i'nt he?

I think I must have been traumatised as a baby cos I'm scared of large breasts so at least now I can safely cross Sweden off my list of places to go and have a relaxing holiday.
Don't worry Mik. Not all girls have big breasts. Just the blond bimbos :D