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Posted: 01 Jun 2006, 20:40
by James Blast
Not from Chateau B'last, I think you all should turn down your amps from 11.

I see good spirits, I see bad spirits. :cry:

Posted: 01 Jun 2006, 20:47
by wild bill buttock
Halalujah!Brothers and sisters. :lol:
But I'm stepping down from the pulpit now.I apologise for my being an opinionated old goth.But in my defence I've been getting that kind of crap for more years than I care to remember.

@Bismark;IMO "Dawnrazor" is the weakest Neph album,"The Nephilim"and their finest moment "Elisium" are far more inventive and as Muppet quite rightly says,ploughed their own furrow.
A word of warning though,Nephilim albums are not immediate and to the uninitiated,McCoys vocals can grate.But take my word for it,if you enjoy the darker Sisters stuff,stick with it and eventually you WILL understand!
@Muppet;The closest I've come to The Neph's C88 sound is "Garden of Delight" on their "Apocryphal 2-The Faithful" album.Despite some cringe inducing lyrics(they're German after all) and aweful karaoke Von vocals,it really isn't that far off.

Posted: 01 Jun 2006, 20:50
by wild bill buttock
There will be a prize awarded for the first person to reply to the last part of my post with something along the lines of "Sounds just like the Nephilim then".

Posted: 01 Jun 2006, 20:53
by James Blast
I want to know what the prize is, first?

Posted: 01 Jun 2006, 20:54
by weebleswobble
Why can't we all just love one another?

'cept those peeps that listen to Bon Jovi that's just wrong
:urff: ;D :) :eek: :innocent:

Posted: 01 Jun 2006, 20:58
by wild bill buttock
James Blast wrote:I want to know what the prize is, first?
A rare copy of "Now that's what I call bands that sound like fish"

Posted: 01 Jun 2006, 21:00
by wild bill buttock
weebleswobble wrote:Why can't we all just love one another?
Another group hug :?:
Trouble is I got a boner during the last one :oops:

Posted: 01 Jun 2006, 21:09
by Dark
weebleswobble wrote:'cept those peeps that listen to Bon Jovi that's just wrong
:urff: ;D :) :eek: :innocent:
Ah, you mean Vision Thing? :innocent:

Well, I got there before Keef did. :lol:

Posted: 01 Jun 2006, 21:54
by Badlander
wild bill buttock wrote:@Bismark;IMO "Dawnrazor" is the weakest Neph album,"The Nephilim"and their finest moment "Elisium" are far more inventive and as Muppet quite rightly says,ploughed their own furrow.
And don't forget Earth Inferno. A fan-fcuking-tastic live album. :twisted:
To be honest, I think The Nephilim suffers from some pretty dated production. :?
Still a very good album though.

Posted: 01 Jun 2006, 21:56
by scotty
wild bill buttock wrote:
@Bismark;IMO "Dawnrazor" is the weakest Neph album,"The Nephilim"and their finest moment "Elisium" are far more inventive and as Muppet quite rightly says,ploughed their own furrow.
Ooohh.........can't agree with you there, "Dawnrazor" is Thee NEPHILIM sound, Heavy, Hard, Abrasive, Goth/Punk/Metal at it's best :notworthy: :notworthy: , a Nephilim gig C87/88 would leave your eyes bleeding from the volume, the skin from your face would be lying on the floor next to you from McCoys gravely howl, no doubt honed by hours of gargling with broken glass and razor blades, you came out of a gig feeling like you've just had a good kickin'!!!.
Gigs on the "Elizium" tour were a much more subdued affair, the Volume was toned down on the "For Her Light" tour, this was carried on through to this tour, the LP is good, in a "Proggy concept stylee", don't get me wrong, I love "Elizium", but if you want to hear Fields of the Nephilim, reach for "Dawnrazor"!...............IMO, of course :wink:

Posted: 01 Jun 2006, 22:03
by Badlander
That's exactly the problem with the first two albums : they don't reflect the sheer energy of the live performance. Just compare them to the BBC live album or the Forever remain video. The live version of Dust is truly amazing while the album version is... merely pretty good I guess.
As a studio effort, Elizium is the most convincing of the three IMO. 8)

I also like the Nefilim album. Shame on me. :oops: :lol:

Posted: 01 Jun 2006, 22:32
by James Blast
Fallen is my my fave...

... awrite, give us a good kickin' Las :oops:

Posted: 01 Jun 2006, 22:36
by weebleswobble
Badlander wrote:
I also like the Nefilim album. Shame on me. :oops: :lol:
ZOON made my ears bleed coupled with p*ssing myself laughing :!:
Still, I quite liked it...... ;D

Posted: 01 Jun 2006, 22:54
by Badlander
weebleswobble wrote:
Badlander wrote:
I also like the Nefilim album. Shame on me. :oops: :lol:
ZOON made my ears bleed coupled with p*ssing myself laughing :!:
Still, I quite liked it...... ;D
And what do you do when you don't like an album ? :eek: :P :lol:

Posted: 01 Jun 2006, 23:44
by wild bill buttock
scotty wrote: a Nephilim gig C87/88 would leave your eyes bleeding from the volume, the skin from your face would be lying on the floor next to you from McCoys gravely howl, no doubt honed by hours of gargling with broken glass and razor blades, you came out of a gig feeling like you've just had a good kickin'!!!.
Gigs on the "Elizium" tour were a much more subdued affair, the Volume was toned down on the "For Her Light" tour, this was carried on through to this tour
Actually I thought their gigs,like their albums,got better and better.I first saw them in 87 and I really think they peaked on The Sumerland tour,Although the best gig I ever saw them do was in 89 on The Psychonaut tour.
I really did feel like I'd had a good kicking after one Neph gig because I had.I foolishly attempted to collapse a record breaking five man pyramid and was rewarded by a good thrashing by a gang of angry and merciless Bonanzas.

Posted: 02 Jun 2006, 08:55
by Muppet
Thanks, Wild Bill... will keep my ears peeled for Garden of Delight (not sure about the karoke von vocals though!!!!!!!)

Actually, I've always found Tool to be pretty close to the Neph - not vocally obviously, but the same atmosphere is there for sure. Listen to "Disposition" back to back with "Celebrate" and you'll see what I mean....

I agree that the production on the first two albums was a little too "clean" compared with their visceral live performances, but I still love them!

And Mourning Sun deserves a mention for being possibly the best comeback album of all time...

Posted: 02 Jun 2006, 09:04
by Badlander
Muppet wrote: Actually, I've always found Tool to be pretty close to the Neph - not vocally obviously, but the same atmosphere is there for sure. Listen to "Disposition" back to back with "Celebrate" and you'll see what I mean....
I don't totally agree : Tool have their roots in hardcore (cf. the first EP), even though it's far from obvious now. They're both much influenced by prog-rock, but in the case of FotN, it didn't really show until Psychonaut.
But yes, generally speaking you're right. That's just me being picky. ;D :roll:

Posted: 02 Jun 2006, 09:30
by Muppet
Oh yup, their roots are different, but due to convergent evolution, they reached pretty much similar places.

Posted: 02 Jun 2006, 11:50
by Mokarran
'For f**k sake man,goth bashing is such a passe crock of s**t.You really think I am outraged by you're narrow minded,ill informed bull s**t!'

Hey Bill - don't be upset! I've always been very fond of goths, but there ain't nobody above a p*ss-taking. My mind, it has to be said, can be narrow - but always in the best places.

Your friend,


Posted: 02 Jun 2006, 12:09
by markfiend
I see a lot of parallels between Tool and the Nephs too.

And I'm with Wild Bill; goth-in-denial and/or goth bashing is so 90s. ;)

Posted: 02 Jun 2006, 12:20
by jay
An interst in progressive, adventurous and non-mainstream musics should not be scoffed at.

Posted: 02 Jun 2006, 12:28
by Badlander
jay wrote:An interst in progressive, adventurous and non-mainstream musics should not be scoffed at.
If that's how you define goth, then fine. But I have a tendency to think this is an overoptimistic depiction of reality.
And it's true that goth-bashing for the sake of itself is stupid and terribly childish. Live and let die. :von:

Posted: 02 Jun 2006, 12:32
by jay
Well I have no definition for goth as I don't listen to it but I certainly don't take the mickey out of other peoples taste

Posted: 02 Jun 2006, 13:05
by Badlander
jay wrote:Well I have no definition for goth as I don't listen to it but I certainly don't take the mickey out of other peoples taste
:notworthy: :wink: :D

I have no definition of goth either, even if I've listened to what some people would call goth stuff for years. Almost exclusively when I was 16-19, much, much less so now.

Posted: 02 Jun 2006, 13:06
by kazamel
Muppet wrote:And Mourning Sun deserves a mention for being possibly the best comeback album of all time...
i don't totally agree with you on this one, but if you like it:

Saturday 28th October 2006

+ 3 bands tbc

Jeugdcentrum - Waregem (Belgium)