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Posted: 08 Dec 2006, 18:32
by bushman*pm
James Blast wrote:@ boudicca Get a joab! ;D

wotz a 'joab' please?
:lol: :lol:

wot really tickles me is that when you come up with rationalised, thought out criticisms of xmas, the braindead can only ever reply with one comment:
bah humbug!

that just proves im right and they are all wrong as thats all their feeble brains can evoke! hah! kiss my ar*e b'stards!

:lol: :lol:

Posted: 08 Dec 2006, 18:34
by Izzy HaveMercy
boudicca wrote:
Izzy HaveMercy wrote:
boudicca wrote:Personally, I think they are some of our most astute and witty posters.
That made me feel young AND witty! ;D

Thanks C!

*tries to think of a gentle way to tell Iz he's firmly in the "old git" camp*

Nope, I'm sure I still feel that teenage angst and incompetence James is always going on about...

(or was it old age angst and incontinence :?: I tend to forget easily these days...)


Posted: 08 Dec 2006, 18:44
by smiscandlon
boudicca wrote:I've certainly found individuals significantly older than me - I won't name names - to be as capable of ill-thought-out rants, whingeing self-pity, and everything else that might irritate the living s**t out of you, as any teenager.
And I thought we were mates... :(


Posted: 08 Dec 2006, 18:48
by boudicca
smiscandlon wrote:
boudicca wrote:I've certainly found individuals significantly older than me - I won't name names - to be as capable of ill-thought-out rants, whingeing self-pity, and everything else that might irritate the living s**t out of you, as any teenager.
And I thought we were mates... :(

Now, you know as well as I do that you are a spring chicken compared to most of the people I associate with... :wink:

Posted: 08 Dec 2006, 20:32
by Brideoffrankenstein
boudicca wrote:Rick-out-of-the-Young-Ones moments

Posted: 08 Dec 2006, 22:28
by eastmidswhizzkid
weebleswobble wrote:
eastmidswhizzkid wrote:as another "oldie" (albeit one for whom mirrors hold no fear :innocent: )
All depends what you're putting on them, no? :wink:
:lol: 8)

Posted: 08 Dec 2006, 23:11
by 9while9
James Blast wrote:
nick the stripper wrote:
9while9 wrote:I love the Holidays!
As much as you love ORANGE? :eek:
and being an arse that has to post a "humorous" pic in half of his posts :|
Such hostility.

Seriously, happy holidays to you James and I hope you have a prosperous an healthy new year.

Maybe more then half...... :lol:

Posted: 08 Dec 2006, 23:15
by 9while9
eastmidswhizzkid wrote:as another "oldie" (albeit one for whom mirrors hold no fear :innocent: )
i have to agree that knowledge when combined with experience certainly gives at least the beginnings of wisdom.

however age is no excuse for giving in to the man; nor should it neccessitate
watering down or abandoing your beliefs and morals.
in short:

Well said! :notworthy:

Posted: 09 Dec 2006, 03:32
by weebleswobble
9 never stop, my cheeky little chum :notworthy: :notworthy:

Posted: 09 Dec 2006, 03:57
by boudicca
Please don't encourage him.

Posted: 09 Dec 2006, 05:20
by 9while9
weebleswobble wrote:9 never stop, my cheeky little chum :notworthy: :notworthy:
You Flatter Me.... :lol:

You and misses Webb have a Great Holiday... :D

Posted: 09 Dec 2006, 05:32
by 9while9
boudicca wrote:Please don't encourage him.
And you have a lovely Holiday too Boudicca.... :D

You better not shout
Ya better not cry
Better not shoot I'm telling you why.

(repeat chorus 3 x )
Santa Claus is packing a gun. ;D

Posted: 09 Dec 2006, 08:28
by weebleswobble
boudicca wrote:Please don't encourage him.
I will do nothing but, 9 is my chum :wink:

Posted: 09 Dec 2006, 13:17
by Dark
eastmidswhizzkid wrote:NEVER SURRENDER.
I had that written on my hand for a week or so. Mostly cause of this:


Posted: 09 Dec 2006, 13:43
by bushman*pm

i know afew family members who could do with a card like this!

Posted: 12 Dec 2006, 09:16
by eastmidswhizzkid
Dark wrote:
eastmidswhizzkid wrote:NEVER SURRENDER.
I had that written on my hand for a week or so. Mostly cause of this:

not after a track from this then? :innocent:
i prefer yours. :notworthy:

Posted: 12 Dec 2006, 16:58
by Dark
I prefer mine too.. :lol:

(I bought about 3 Saxon albums ages ago in a set with some other rock LPs.. listened to one, and haven't listened to any since.. it wasn't even that bad. :oops:)

Posted: 12 Dec 2006, 18:33
by James Blast
Saxon looked really daft but they wrote some decent tunes 747 (Strangers in the Night) being the best. The Status Quorn of NWOBHM. ;D

Posted: 12 Dec 2006, 19:14
by bushman*pm
Avoiding the Xmas b*llsh!t, I'd just like to say...
I luv ya all!

Posted: 13 Dec 2006, 08:45
by eastmidswhizzkid
James Blast wrote:Saxon looked really daft but they wrote some decent tunes 747 (Strangers in the Night) being the best. The Status Quorn of NWOBHM. ;D
saw them twice in the early 80's; in fact the bass player (steve "dobby" dawson) was trying to get into my mum's knickers when we went backstage and got autograhs... :oops:

several good tunes IMO as a young metaller, but avoid the first album and anything after "biff" dyed his hair blonde. :urff: :lol:

Posted: 13 Dec 2006, 19:56
by boudicca
Anyone remember Mullet Man on Scuzz a couple of years back (when they actually played some 80's thrash and NWOBM)? He was rather a fan of Saxon...

Posted: 13 Dec 2006, 20:02
by Dark
They played in Lincoln as a "mystery band" a month or two ago. People queued up thinking it was The Cure, or the Kaiser Chiefs or Def Leppard.. and about 300 people had to be turned away (we who had queued for over an hour were beaten by the c**t who pushed in front).

If they'd just said "Saxon are playing on Friday", the crowd would have at least been Saxon fans, rather than people lured by rumours.

Posted: 15 Dec 2006, 13:14
by Chairman Bux
I doubt I'll be online much as we draw nearer to the big day, so let me take this fleeting opportunity to wish everyone a Happy Christmas.

It's certainly been an interesting year at Buxville Manor. Life as a semi-professional Rock 'n' Roll Hoochie Koo was never supposed to be easy, but COME ON!! :o :lol:

With any luck 2007 should be a little less hectic. But only a little...

Plans are afoot, but there has been a unilateral decision made to the effect that I'm going to be a little kinder to myself next year, and treat this old husk with a little more respect. As leaving a beautiful corpse is no longer an option for me, there seems little to gain from me continuing to punish my body quite as fervently as I have been doing laterly. :lol:

All that remains is for me to ask that you give your mother a hug and a kiss from me. Tell her you think she did a great job, and that you're sorry you don't get in touch more often.

Peace. :von:

Posted: 15 Dec 2006, 13:25
by James Blast
whatever could he mean?

Posted: 15 Dec 2006, 16:15
by Batfish
I hate the impending tinsel apocalypse.

I have learned that new babies attract loathsome, psychologically-damaged inlaws in the same way that cowpats attract bloated, disease-ridden horseflies.