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Posted: 01 Jan 2008, 21:55
by 6FeetOver
I'd love to be able to help folks that way, but I'd probably pass out! I'm disqualified (or I used to be, anyway) because I'm iron deficient and borderline anemic. Meh. I've a phobia of needles and blood, too. Sux0rs! :(

Posted: 01 Jan 2008, 22:12
by Brideoffrankenstein
Haven't got a phobia of either but it took me a while to get over the fact that I would be sitting there with a tube coming out of my arm with MY blood in it, as "The blood is the life" and all that I would feel like my life was running out of me so to speak...the next session is 14th january so lets see if I can do it!

Posted: 01 Jan 2008, 22:16
by Bartek
Brideoffrankenstein wrote:My new years resolution this year is to give blood, I've been thinking about it for years and years and now I'm actually going to do it!
so far i gave blood only twice, last one when i tried i was sick - of course i didn't knew that - but i should do that regularly.

Posted: 01 Jan 2008, 23:02
by James Blast
I thought I would do that last year, then I saw the size of the needle!

I really should, I have nae probs wi blood tests (of which I have many) these days, but....

Posted: 02 Jan 2008, 13:20
by Spigel
Brideoffrankenstein wrote:My new years resolution this year is to give blood, I've been thinking about it for years and years and now I'm actually going to do it!
I used to give blood in Dublin.I never had any problems actually quite the oppoisite,it was made for a fun afternoon. Your where given all the cakes crisps and sambos you could eat and to wash them down a pint of guinness.Then you got a bunch of pencils with "The owner is a doner" printed on the side.And Last but by no means least the attention of some very pretty nurses :D :D :D

Posted: 02 Jan 2008, 13:42
by silentNate
I swear I'm going to lose weight- I've never been so fat :sad:

Posted: 02 Jan 2008, 15:03
by weebleswobble
I need to gain weight - wife thinks I could be in Trainspotting....

Posted: 02 Jan 2008, 15:05
by sisterstekland
weebleswobble wrote:I need to gain weight - wife thinks I could be in Trainspotting....
stop taking drugs :lol: :lol:

Posted: 02 Jan 2008, 15:09
by silentNate
weebleswobble wrote:I need to gain weight - wife thinks I could be in Trainspotting....
You are sooo lucky. I was like that and then I swapped cigarettes for chocolate biscuits :oops:

Posted: 02 Jan 2008, 15:21
by Dark
I don't think I'm allowed to give blood. :roll:

Oh well, their loss.

Posted: 02 Jan 2008, 15:56
by Badlander
Okay, you got me with the pretty nurses argument : I'll give blood in 2008. Sounds like the right thing to do. ;D
What were the other two ? Oh yeah : get a life and keep losing weight.

Posted: 02 Jan 2008, 18:04
by weebleswobble
sisterstekland wrote:
weebleswobble wrote:I need to gain weight - wife thinks I could be in Trainspotting....
stop taking drugs :lol: :lol:
I just don't understand that statement ;D :lol:

silentNate wrote:
weebleswobble wrote:I need to gain weight - wife thinks I could be in Trainspotting....
You are sooo lucky. I was like that and then I swapped cigarettes for chocolate biscuits :oops:
Aye, the biccies are deadly, and this time I mean the chocolate kind :wink:

Posted: 02 Jan 2008, 18:18
by Dr. Moody
new year resolution no.1 ... maintain self employment, no more working for the man.

A consequence of this is I'm not gonna be sitting bored out of my brains in dead end jobsville
which means much less time on here.
However like Izzy be it would be nice to meet more of you in the coming months.
Hope to be in Germany a lot this year so if PIB is really being less cryptic, see you all at a sisters gig.(remember them ?)
glutton for punishment that I am. Adrenachrome 2008 please.

Spigel watch out for the underpants gnomes.

Posted: 02 Jan 2008, 18:41
by Spigel
Dr. Moody wrote: Spigel watch out for the underpants gnomes.
I have bought into their franchase I predict very large earnings for Spigel this year

Posted: 02 Jan 2008, 18:49
by Dr. Moody