Favourite lyrics... in another language

Does exactly what it says on the tin. Some of the nonsense contained herein may be very loosely related to The Sisters of Mercy, but I wouldn't bet your PayPal account on it. In keeping with the internet's general theme nothing written here should be taken as Gospel: over three quarters of it is utter gibberish, and most of the forum's denizens haven't spoken to another human being face-to-face for decades. Don't worry your pretty little heads about it. Above all else, remember this: You don't have to stay forever. I will understand.
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I believe those are Lordi-flies :wink:
There's a man with a mullet going mad with a mallet in Millets
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SINsister wrote:
Izzy HaveMercy wrote:
nick the stripper wrote:What's that French song where the guy goes "ooh e e ooh" in a high-pitched voice? And the other French song with that guy and girl sing with the organ in the background that was really seedy?
First one could be Plastic Bertrand "Ca Plane Pour Moi"...

NOICE!!! :notworthy:

Yam! Bam! mon chat Splash
Git sur mon lit a bouffe
sa langue en buvant tout mon whisky
quant a moi peu dormi, vide, brime
J'ai du dormir dans la gouttiere
Ou j'ai eu un flash *
En quatre couleurs *"

Allez hop! un matin
Une louloute est venue chez-moi
Poupee de cellophane, cheveux chinois
un sparadrap, une gueule de bois
a bu ma biere dans un grand verre en caoutchouc
Comme un indien dans son igloo

Ca plane pour moi ca plane pour moi
Ca plane pour moi moi moi moi moi
Ca plane pour moi
Ca plane pour moi

Allez hop! la nana quel panard!
Quelle vibration!
de s'envoyer sur le paillasson
Limee, ruinee, videe, comblee
You are the King of the divan!
Qu'elle me dit en passant
I am the King of the divan

Ca plane pour moi ca plane pour moi
Ca plane pour moi moi moi moi moi
Ca plane pour moi
Ca plane pour moi

Allez hop! t'occupe t'inquiete
touche pas ma planete
It's not today
Quel le ciel me tombera sur la tete
et que la colle me manquera ****

Ca plane pour moi

Allez hop! ma nana s'est tiree
S'est barree enfin c'est marre a tout casser
L'evier, le bar me laissant seul
Comme un grand connard
Le pied dans le plat

Ca plane pour moi ca plane pour moi
Ca plane pour moi moi moi moi moi
Ca plane pour moi
Ca plane pour moi
Ca plane pour moi ca plane pour moi
Ca plane pour moi moi moi moi moi

But wasn't "that French bloke" from Belgium?

And doesn't it bare an uncanny resemblance t "Jet boy,Jet girl" by someone(I heard The Damned play it, but I don't think it was them originally).

Does "Ich bin ein Auslander" count?Its got foreign in it.Its not my favourite though cus I havn't got one.All lyrics should only be written in English anyway,then Rammstein wouldn't get away with it so easily.
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Doktor Gott wrote:
boudicca wrote:Ah, that explains it :lol:

I guess they only have the most incy-wincy of spiders in Finland, it'll be too cold for all those gigantic poisonous fcukers...
I wouldn't say that... I mean if they have flying things this size there's got to be something that eats them... :eek:


(in a park in Helsinki...)
Yeek! Creepy crawlies! Get them away from me!
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Plastic Bertrand were indeed Belgian, in fact, I'm sure I spotted some of their stuff in Raf's record collection... :twisted: :lol:
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boudicca wrote:Plastic Bertrand were indeed Belgian, in fact, I'm sure I spotted some of their stuff in Raf's record collection... :twisted: :lol:
He is Belgian, yes.

And there was a story about that The Damned thingy, maybe you can find it on the Wiki....


There was also an English version, Jet Boy Jet Girl, by Elton Motello. There's some debate as to which came first - although it seems certain that Plastic/Deprijk did - but the backing track is identical, by virtue of the fact that Elton's band did some work on the Plastic Bertrand album. What I do know for certain is that the lyrics of Jet Boy are far filthier ...
This English version also gained notoriety by virtue of a cover by Captain Sensible of the Damned.

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boudicca wrote:
Obviousman wrote:My avatar is Prog, ask James ;D
Nope, Peter Gabriel, big influence on Peter Murphy - thus responsible for Goth :lol:
Obviousman wrote:And I almost always wear something coloured underneath that jacket, so that makes up for that :lol:
The neon colours just makes you one of them Cybergoths, though... :twisted:

You're going to have to try harder than that mister!
Ach, Prog is responsible for about everything 8) If it'd been a colour photo, you'd have seen the cape was all in shiny colours :D

Never wore anything neon though :eek: Bright doesn't equal neon ;D cyberque? :lol:
Styles are a lie.

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Carpathian Psychonaut wrote:Borag Thungg ! Splundig vur thrigg !

(sorry, just wanting to join in :lol: )
you missed out 'earthlett' or are you 'terran' ?

BTW, mine is quite simply
Ich bien heir allien
timeless :von: :notworthy:
Last edited by bushman*pm on 29 Mar 2007, 20:24, edited 1 time in total.
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While Z is giving you language lessons, let me be in charge of a bit of culture for you, e- Claire... :twisted: ;)

Plastic Bertrand is Belgian, but it was never a band. The guy who acted as Plastic Bertrand wasn't even the singer; he just looked good on the covers of singles and magazines. The voice behind Plastic Bertrand is the dirty old man Lou Deprijck, currently residing in Thailand, surrounded by very young girls (barely legal but legal nevertheless, or so he claims) and she males. He was the brains behind Two Man Sound and Lou and the Hollywood Bananas (the Bananas were Brazilian, though), who gave the world such unforgettable smash hits like 'Zum Fla Fla', 'Charlie Brown', 'Kingston Kingston' and cult tunes like 'Pas Peur du Loup' and 'Hong Kong Ska' (for references and a copy of all of Lou's greatest hits, mail Gunther Theys of Ancient Rites; I kid you not. He LUUURVES this kind of trash pop and subjected the band to a full CD of this stuff when we were on our way to play The Purple Turtle in Camden last year. If Lou had played in Belgium last year, we would have gone to see him and have a photo op : Black Metal meets Lou. At one point it was - seriously - suggested he'd produce our next record (and people are asking themselves why I left?)... *shakes head in disbelief*).
But Lou's biggest hit was the aforementioned 'ça plane pur moi'. He wrote it, produced it and sang it while he had the reel to reel tape machine (does anyone of the muso geek community within these realms remember those?) slowed down, so his voice would play back a bit faster, thus masking his voice characteristics a bit. Listen to the aforementioned backcatalogue and you will hear on certain songs it was indeed Mr. Deprijck who sang 'ça plane...' and not the faux punk who later went on to sell hi fi products, went into oblivion not long after like so many one hit wonders and is now back to doing Plastic Bertrand songs with his own voice, claiming Lou ripped him off and he sang and wrote the choon.
I, for one, don't have any PB or Lou songs in my possession, especially after the hellride that was driving to London with those songs on infinite repeat blaring through the stereo system of the van with no escape. I've heard enough Lou for the rest of my life, not unlike the B... the B... those four guys from Liverpool. :twisted: What you saw lying around, Claire de Lune, was an Arvo Pärt CD, but I don't think you've ever heard of him, right? ;D
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I allways thought it was Sans plan pour moi..
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eotunun wrote:I allways thought it was Sans plan pour moi..
That would have worked as well, especially when you read the story about the 'singer'... :lol:
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Ahráyeph wrote: e- Claire... :twisted: ;)
Watch out there, ARF!

She's becoming sooo good in the Vlaanderen Taal she could actually translate that one to shoeke! ;D :twisted:

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:lol: Shoeke it is from now on! ;D
On the other hand, it kind of disappoints me that you didn't make the link to Claire being online, which e- Claire could stand for as well... Oh well, too subtle, I suppose... :wink:
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Ahráyeph wrote::lol: Shoeke it is from now on! ;D
On the other hand, it kind of disappoints me that you didn't make the link to Claire being online, which e- Claire could stand for as well... Oh well, too subtle, I suppose... :wink:
Not too subtle, way too boring as opposed to MY link! :lol:

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Well, I know I am boring, so nothing new there... :lol:
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Ahráyeph wrote:e- Claire... :twisted: ;)
Chocolatey Claire? :eek: :lol:

I had no idea you had such an extensive knowledge of Plastic Bertrand, Raf! Sounds like a right old perv I must say, though I know you lot have much more liberal attitudes over there :twisted: :lol:

It would have been pretty groovy to hear Ancient Rites produced by him... blast beats mixed with a high pitched oooeeeeoooooo! :lol: :urff: :notworthy:
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boudicca wrote:Chocolatey Claire? :eek: :lol:
Could come in handy around Easter... :lol:
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Anything by The Witches. But im not prepared to learn hebrew..
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