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Posted: 21 May 2007, 22:55
by James Blast
I meant an cigarette, Bitches! ;D

Posted: 21 May 2007, 22:59
by 6FeetOver
Pffffft. Spoil my fun, why don'tcha? ;P

Posted: 21 May 2007, 23:05
by Izzy HaveMercy
SINsister wrote: Oh, look! Train tracks!
Are them deer tracks, Clem? ;D


Posted: 21 May 2007, 23:07
by 6FeetOver
Izzy HaveMercy wrote:
SINsister wrote: Oh, look! Train tracks!
Are them deer tracks, Clem? ;D

Nah. My lame attempt at humo(u)r while attempting to re-enrail the thread. Don't mind me! :lol: :P

Posted: 22 May 2007, 00:20
by Planet Dave
SINsister wrote:
Izzy HaveMercy wrote:
SINsister wrote: Oh, look! Train tracks!
Are them deer tracks, Clem? ;D

Nah. My lame attempt at humo(u)r while attempting to re-enrail the thread. Don't mind me! :lol: :P
Would we ever? :P :kiss:

I'm sorry, wtf was this thread about, someone's gonna get all uppity soon.

Oh yeah, erm, no, they're not and they haven't. Next question. ;D :von:

Posted: 22 May 2007, 00:50
by jay
They sounded just fine last time I saw them

Posted: 22 May 2007, 06:50
by more-sedatives-pls
jay wrote:They sounded just fine last time I saw them
Who did?

Posted: 22 May 2007, 12:42
by million voices
I didnt see them live til the 90's and I dont think they are very good live. Every tour I go see them, hoping for something different, but every time its the same set set and the same s**t sound and the same live show. Its like going to Lourdes hoping for the miracle that you know isnt really going to happen. its a nice trip out, but you are always left disappointed.
On record I think they are absolutely f*cking fantastic. All phases of their career appeal. My personal favourite is Floodland but all of their recorded output scores at least 8 out of 10, apart from Anaconda - which I think is rather obvious.

Posted: 22 May 2007, 13:36
by Ozpat
million voices wrote: its a nice trip out, but you are always left disappointed.
Oh my lord; I consider myself so lucky that I never ever had that feeling.
It's always great to see them live and rocking.
You must be suffering so hard to go and see a gig without anything great happening....Better stay home next time I guess or just visit the venue when you think it's a nice trip out. :twisted: :|

Posted: 22 May 2007, 15:42
by Tidal
canon docre wrote:
keith's dad wrote:i know this could go on and on but i don't think anybody has yet to say f**k me vision thing is the best one which in a way proves my point....
f**k me some songs on Vision Thing are the best they've ever written... far better than the goth jabbering of Floodland. I got into the sissies pre FALAA and cheered them for a few years until I saw that Ãœbergoth bird in the This corrosion video.
They got me eventually back on track with VT and the newer stuff. 8)

Now shoot me.
I think Floodland is a commercial album. So it's great music. But not really the Sisters. ;D

Posted: 22 May 2007, 15:50
by James Blast
Never Land

Posted: 22 May 2007, 20:25
by Big Si
James Blast wrote:Never Land
:notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy:


Posted: 22 May 2007, 20:54
by DTS
Just have a look at that :

That's pretty lively music to me ....


Posted: 23 May 2007, 23:04
by gudge
I don`t think they have improved over the barren years,although they did impress me last year when i saw them for the first time in a good few years.

Posted: 23 May 2007, 23:17
by Carpathian Psychonaut
DTS wrote:Just have a look at that :
That sort of thing is the reason I probably wouldn't go and see them (well, let's be honest, it's just him really) now - the command of his voice has gone, and it feels to me more like a tribute band. This, obviously, is a shame as it's actually the official "Real Thing (tm)".

I really wish that wasn't the case as there are a pile of tracks I'd love to see live....but unless there are changes that surprise me (and you lot, I'd imagine) I think I'd have to put my vote in favour of the motion put forward.

Posted: 23 May 2007, 23:48
by Elise
Carpathian Psychonaut wrote:
DTS wrote:Just have a look at that :
That sort of thing is the reason I probably wouldn't go and see them (well, let's be honest, it's just him really) now - the command of his voice has gone, and it feels to me more like a tribute band. This, obviously, is a shame as it's actually the official "Real Thing (tm)".

I really wish that wasn't the case as there are a pile of tracks I'd love to see live....but unless there are changes that surprise me (and you lot, I'd imagine) I think I'd have to put my vote in favour of the motion put forward.
Seems like a good show and performance to me !
You can't expect him to sound exactly like on the record 25 years ago !
Especially when you're touring for some time already it's normal that your voice gets a bit f*cked sometimes . Give the man a break !
I love TSOM and they still rock!!

Posted: 24 May 2007, 09:03
by splintered thing
James Blast wrote:Floodland is as good as religion to me, so I won't hear a bad word against it.

Just exactly that! :notworthy:
I can honestly say I feel the same. There is not week that has passed since 1987/88 (and I was just a young 'un then) that I have not heard that album and felt akin to a religious zealotry about it. It means the world to me.
I do adore FALAA and pre-Floodland.

VT was a disappointment, I agree but the magic is still there and voice...
I only wish there was another album we could discuss/complain about/adore following VT... still time though.

Posted: 24 May 2007, 09:26
by Badlander
The Girls have been disappointing at times. Who hasn't ? But I love all three albums (plus Some girls) and they're still a very cool live act.
Does it have to be sh!t just because it could be better :?: :roll:

Posted: 24 May 2007, 09:30
by splintered thing
Badlander wrote:The Girls have been disappointing at times. Who hasn't ? But I love all three albums (plus Some girls) and they're still a very cool live act.
Does it have to be sh!t just because it could be better :?: :roll:
Exactly! We are too harsh.
Perhaps we have been conditioned to expect perfection. ? ? ?

Who can honestly say they perform perfectly every day at work? (not me).

Posted: 24 May 2007, 13:58
by nowayjose
Elise wrote: You can't expect him to sound exactly like on the record 25 years ago !
Especially when 25 years of apparent chain-smoking have passed... I'm surprised he doesn't break into a violent cough onstage every now and then... perhaps that's why he sings so quietly. For someone who should be nearing COPD by now, his voice is still quite ok.

Posted: 24 May 2007, 14:49
by PipoTheClown
I think each incarnation of the band is better than the previous. Eldo's voiche is getting better and better. Vision Thing was a blast, Under The gun is the best song ever recorded and the last tour was stunning!!

Posted: 24 May 2007, 14:50
by 80star
I got into the Sisters during the early 90's ( aka the wilderness years) thanks to my older brother (& seeing 'Under The Gun' on TOTP.. *heh* controversial I know..)

Personally I'm glad I've had the chance to see them live and can honestly say that I've never been disappointed (well OK.. in total honesty I was soo twatted on J.D at Bristol '03 that the entire gig is just a swaying, loud, flashing haze... However, as I woke up next Morning/afternoon aching, covered in bruises and clutching a new T-shirt I'm gonna assume I had a good time)

Having only experienced "the good ol' days" through bootlegs and war stories from t' older folk ;) I can't really compare but can say that I'm more than happy with what I've seen an' experienced.. True, I'd give a left-nut (uh.. not mine you understand) to have been back there at the start but as soon as there's even a whisper of a new UK date I'll be at there front, with a beer in my hand and a smile on my face (by smile, I mean drunken lear but you probably guessed that already....)

Posted: 25 May 2007, 08:19
by deadagain
Carpathian Psychonaut wrote: it feels to me more like a tribute band. This, obviously, is a shame as it's actually the official "Real Thing (tm)".

I really wish that wasn't the case
:notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy:

Sadly, I have to agree. The best gig I've seen of recent years was at the Limelight in Crewe - spot on vocals and guitar sound, nice dark atmosphere, tonnes of dry ice and a brilliant venue. None of the rock-god posturing.

Oh, wait, that was the Sisters of Murphy.

:D :D :D

Posted: 25 May 2007, 08:48
by Ozpat
PipoTheClown wrote:I think each incarnation of the band is better than the previous. Eldo's voiche is getting better and better. Vision Thing was a blast, Under The gun is the best song ever recorded and the last tour was stunning!!
:urff: .......again...

You stupid fud.... :twisted: :innocent:

Please do stay at home next time the Sisters play..... ;D

Posted: 25 May 2007, 09:04
by Carpathian Psychonaut
Actually, I've been thinking about this and the best way I can clarify where my "Sisters" head is at is the following, probably quite incendiary for some, statement:-

I'd rather see the Peters Pops "miming the rock thing in a circus tent" clip than the recent "occasional :von: in the dry ice big band"

It sounds harsh but it's more meant out of frustration than anything else, and I'd rather have some Sisters than no Sisters.

Just being honest, kids, and very little else.