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Posted: 28 Nov 2008, 17:22
by Quiff Boy
dunno, but i dont think anyone will be heading up the M42 today ;)

Posted: 28 Nov 2008, 22:51
by eastmidswhizzkid
f**k it-i'm going to hitch up regardless. just been dumped out of the blue and as the saying goes "only rock music can save us now."

Posted: 29 Nov 2008, 00:19
by Ozpat
eastmidswhizzkid wrote:f**k it-i'm going to hitch up regardless. just been dumped out of the blue and as the saying goes "only rock music can save us now."
Take care mate! :)

Posted: 29 Nov 2008, 00:45
by weebleswobble
Sadly I can't make this now, life well and truly sucks

Posted: 29 Nov 2008, 10:41
by robertzombie
weebleswobble wrote:Sadly I can't make this now, life well and truly sucks
:( That's a shame, do let us know if your plans change :)

Posted: 29 Nov 2008, 11:08
by eastmidswhizzkid
thumb out and weirdo magnet engaged- by rights this should be a doddle but chaos rules us all...

where is everyone going to be in leeds beforehand? can someone txt me please and let me know? (quote 4 no.) 07956641654

Lee 8)

Posted: 29 Nov 2008, 11:37
by Ed Rhombus
Looks like it's been moved to the downstairs part of Rios (Sweeny Todds)

Not such fancy lights.

Rhombus are on 8ish

Posted: 30 Nov 2008, 12:06
by robertzombie
Cracking performances from Rhombus and the Smurphs last night!

Was great to meet the Leeds contingent again :D

Till next time 8)

Posted: 30 Nov 2008, 14:15
by Padstar
Thanks to those who made it and danced all night to both bands.

Rhombus were as good as ive ever heard them, truly in the "big" leagues for the goth set now!

Us, well we just enjoyed it as ever and apparently our Vison Thing had a lot of arse end! Few scary moments when the Nurse became scarce onstage but i think we managed to just about hold together.

Seriously though those who were there thanks for reminding me what i love about playing these tunes..... though the end is still nigh.

Till next time.... and then.....



First + Last + Always
Walk Away
No Time To Cry
Rock And A Hard Place
Body Electric
This Corrosion
Temple Of Love
Vision Thing

Posted: 30 Nov 2008, 14:37
by weebleswobble
LEGEND! remind me not to post just as everything goes tits up :oops: :wink:

Great nite-Heartland Leeds Contagion and special guests were on fine form.

Rhombus were indeed f**king storming, and I now own a rather spiffing T-Shirt.

The Smurphs were f**king incredible, better than that other tribute band :innocent:

Paddy, you will be missed but thanks for many storming nites :notworthy:

It was grand catching up with ma Bro Keith and not trashing Tim's flat (I left that to the 12 year old and the fat slags).

Lee-you are indeed Legend and a testamnent to human endurance ;D

I'm too old for this s**t and really need to lie down now :urff:

Posted: 30 Nov 2008, 15:31
by timsinister
f**king hell. No words...

:urff: 8) :lol: :notworthy:

Posted: 01 Dec 2008, 15:35
by Maisey
I have words - FOOKIN' TOP!!

Nice to meet Scotty and Eastmidswhizzkid for the first time. Cheers for a great night guys. Great to see Weebs again as well. Pretty much sick of the sight of Timsinister and Robzombie :wink:

My review:

The Smurfs were excellent and played a cracking set. The Eldritch did a great job, I was right in front of paddy who is a very talented man with a guitar indeed! A good load of classics from the early days, and some great high energy renditions of some later stuff. Everyone in the crowd seemed to be having a great time, I certainly did. I've heard that they're on the edge of breaking up - which is a damn shame, because the Smurfs I saw seemed to be a band at peak, not in decline!

I'll definatly be going to every show it's possible for me to make from now on.

Before I saw Rhombus for the first time a few months ago I was, for whatever reason, less than hopeful about them. None the less, eager to go watch Solemn Novena I turned up at the Slimelight on a quiet thursday night willing to stand and watch them while I was waiting for the band I'd come to see. After two or three songs the flawless tightness of the sound and the sheer levels of energy going into struck me. I went away impressed, and felt pretty much the same after the second time I saw them (when Legion played support in Leeds.

So I turned up this weekend expecting a satisfying support band and a fairly decent show - that is a world away from what I actually got...

It's like they shifted into 7th gear of something, it was bloody fantastic! Having learned their lesson from the last time they played this bloody silly venue they brought their own (and very impressive) smoke and lighting rig. The walk on shifted from a bunch of guys (and guyette) with some cheesy classical music to a group mysterious gothic-rock-gods accompanied by a grandoise and strident fanfare. It was already clear this was going to be a special show. And it was, it was the same well-rehearsed energetic sound, but each song felt like a highlight. I think everyone had fun, I know the people I was with went away happy..

One of the major highlights was their absolutely CRACKING version of Celebrate (originally by Ghost Dance). I'm a big fan of GD and would have been pretty affronted by a rubbish cover - which this defintly wasn't. True to the original while sounding 100% like Rhombus, as it should be.

The rest of the set was excellent, New Temperence and If You Haven't Been Shot (and all the silly dance routines that come with it) being two highlights for me . They've been playing an as yet unreleased track, 4472, at the last few shows I've seen - if this is a sign of what is to come than I have every intention that the next album is going to be a stunner.

I bought the album "Rememberence Day" this just before the show and I'm listening to it for the fouth time through just now. It sounds fantastic, but deserves a song by song review of its own, and I've already used up enough space! I urge you all to buy it - you know you want to.

Only critism, the only Rhombus shirt currently available is (IMO) a bit dull. I don't have much cash, but the butterfly design might have convinsed me to skip a couple of meals. I'd like to see some more shirts at the next gig please!

I'll leave you with the open lines from the album...

If I ever met the average man, of average height and average weight - I'd want to kick him in his average nuts.

Posted: 02 Dec 2008, 10:55
by Ed Rhombus
Thanks for that guys, very touched.

Before the gig, neither Rob or myself were in very good moods for one reason or another. Things were completely turned around by the show, probably one of the best this year. Leeds feels like home for us.

Nice to have a thumbs up for 4472. we've been a bit slack this year and that's the only new song we've completed. Time to knuckled down I think

I take your point on the shirts, you're not the first to say it and we have been working on a few new designs. This is the current rough


Posted: 02 Dec 2008, 11:18
by Quiff Boy
real purrrty :)

Posted: 02 Dec 2008, 12:53
by robertzombie
I'd buy that :)

Posted: 02 Dec 2008, 13:02
by Padstar
Sort of thread hijacking Rhombus bastards.... but seriously.

Getting a bit lost in my own melancholy it was perhaps remiss of me to make a greater comment on Rhombus's Saturday night performance. It was the best ive ever heard them, live bands don't get much tighter and solid than this.

As a product they have been steadily masterminded over time, thoughtfully crafted and intelligently enhanced.

Bottom line though is this, they write cracking songs and unlike the 90% of Goff drivel out there have a sense of humor.

From what ive heard they are simply the best UK band on the scene from this genre.

Ide buy that for a $

Posted: 02 Dec 2008, 20:03
by Maisey
Don't be too down Paddy! I'm very excited about the Rhombus show, but the Smurfs were hardly a let down! I understand that if their time is through for you than that is how it must be, but I for one enjoyed the set to the max. It was great to hear the songs done so perfectly :notworthy: :notworthy:

In other news - I'd buy that shirt, without a seconds thought :notworthy:

Posted: 02 Dec 2008, 20:09
by Maisey
My other thought was this... I realise that money is definatly a limiting factor, but I think a limited run of 4472 and another track as the A and B side of 7" would be really great. Depends on whether you have the audience for it I guess...

Posted: 02 Dec 2008, 20:25
by Petseri
Are any Utterly Bastard Cheap shirts still available? If not, will there be another set made before the pending end?

Posted: 02 Dec 2008, 20:52
by Padstar
Maisey wrote:Don't be too down Paddy! I'm very excited about the Rhombus show, but the Smurfs were hardly a let down! I understand that if their time is through for you than that is how it must be, but I for one enjoyed the set to the max. It was great to hear the songs done so perfectly :notworthy: :notworthy:

In other news - I'd buy that shirt, without a seconds thought :notworthy:
LOL, im not sure you really got the context of my post! You think im saying we were blown off stage or something...... jesus you dont know me very well..... he he.

Be assured i have no issues about the Smurphs, i simply thought i should say what a good show Rhombus had and my thoughts about that.... you silly man (perhaps you are an Ed controled popaganda machine, i wouldnt put it past him!)

For me the gig rocked and i couldnt have enjoyed myslef much more then or in hindsight and Rhombus have been the worthiest of supports over the years.


Posted: 02 Dec 2008, 20:56
by Padstar
Petseri wrote:Are any Utterly Bastard Cheap shirts still available? If not, will there be another set made before the pending end?
Yep, we are already talking about a band pub session to discuss the amusing quip we should have on the shirts for the last gig!


Posted: 02 Dec 2008, 20:58
by Padstar
Maisey wrote:My other thought was this... I realise that money is definatly a limiting factor, but I think a limited run of 4472 and another track as the A and B side of 7" would be really great. Depends on whether you have the audience for it I guess...
In fact is someone from Rhombus actually working you???? for real ;)


Posted: 02 Dec 2008, 21:34
by Maisey
'Twas the melencholy comment, thought it might have been about the gig! Glad it's not the case, you guys played a storming set.

I'm actually Rob in a wig, I'm suprised you didn't see it all along! MWAHAHA!

Well, I can't see them actually considering releasing 4472 on 7" - it's a lot of money that you can't nesissarily make back with the goth dollar. On the other hand, I think it would be a great idea and totally in keeping with the feel of the band and it might be a risk worth taking.

Posted: 02 Dec 2008, 23:10
by wintermute
also had a great time
the pole in the middle of the stage didn't seem to faze anyone
looking forward to seeing rhombus at the limelight just before xmas

Posted: 02 Dec 2008, 23:20
by Petseri
Padstar wrote:
Petseri wrote:Are any Utterly Bastard Cheap shirts still available? If not, will there be another set made before the pending end?
Yep, we are already talking about a band pub session to discuss the amusing quip we should have on the shirts for the last gig!

:notworthy: Keep us posted.